Outdoor and Nature Play is an opportunity for the student to observe in the community and compare the relationship of the environment to the development of children's behavior. The student will document and assess the outdoor environment according to the playground improvement rating scale. The student will develop a basic understanding of outdoor play that involves challenge, adventure and risk, sustainability and first nations teaching, programming from a 4-season perspective and supporting families in connecting child's play to development. Instructions Read Chapter 11 of Outdoor and Nature Play in Early Childhood Education by Beverlie Dietze and Diane Kashin - Documentation and Assessment of Children's Outdoor Play Environments. Obtain permission to observe a center during outdoor play and assess the environment with the outdoor play assessment tool. The student will document the play space and equipment available through photos taken before or after children are involved and identify the activities that children were engaged in at the time of observation. The student will reflect on the types of play and compare the challenges, adventure and risk, first nations teaching available and seasonal perspective activities observed with fellow classmates. The student will summarize the centre observed in comparison to other centres observations and list five ways that the outdoor environment can be improved upon. Assignment details Your documentation and assessment of the environment assignment is due on the 6\" day of EC145 class. 5% Completion of the playground improvement rating scale 15% Documentation of the play space with photos and descriptions (include all elements of the space available) 5% List of five ways to improve upon the outdoor environment Due on Day 6 This assignment is worth 25% of your overall mark for the course