Overview Rick and Morty is an animated, comedic, science-fiction television series that premiered in the United States in December of 2013. Rick and Morty has received near-universal critical acclaim since its inception, and the show recently won both the Critics' Choice Award for Best Animated Series and the Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program. To serve their rapidly growing fanbase, the creators of the series have decided to develop a website that will provide detailed information about the show to Internet users. Your task is to design part of the database that will enable this website to become a reality. Details The creators of Rick and Morty have provided you with the following details about the structure of the show: . The show consists of episodes. Each episode has a title, a plot synopsis, a unique episode number, a production date, a season number, and an original broadcast date. Each episode is written by one or more writers, stars one or more voice actors, and is produced by one or more producers. The show is arranged into seasons, with each season containing several episodes. Each season also has a budget and production notes Writers have a name and an email address, while producers have a name and an office number. Characters have a name and a description, and are portrayed by a voice actor. Voice actors have a name and an agent phone number. Each voice actor may play more than one character in the show. Tasks Your tasks for this assignment are to: 1. Create a complete entity-relationship data model using Draw.io (https://draw.io) that depicts all of the entities, attributes, relationships, and cardinalities that are necessary to support all of the considerations noted above. Your solution should be fully normalized (in third normal form [3NF] or above). Please use crow's foot symbols to depict cardinalities. Please watch the "Creating Entity-Relationship Diagrams using Draw.io" video on the course website to learn how to draw ERDs using Draw.io. 2. Keep a record of any assumptions that you made in arriving at your final data model. You are not required to report any assumptions, but if you do I will consider them when evaluating your entity-relationship diagram. Deliverables To ensure that you receive credit for this assignment, please assemble your Draw.io ER diagram and assumptions (if any) from Tasks 1 and 2 above into a single Word document. NOTE: You can easily add your Draw.io ERD to a Word document by exporting your diagram as an image (e.g., a PNG or JPEG file), and then selecting Insert > > Pictures from within Word. After creating your Word document, submit the file using the appropriate link on the course website