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Ozhouse Clean is based in Melbourne and offers professional, residential cleaning services, including regular home cleans, as well as spring cleans. The company was established

Ozhouse Clean is based in Melbourne and offers professional, residential cleaning services, including regular home cleans, as well as spring cleans. The company was established in 2005 and is a family business established by James and Nancy Anderson. James and Nancy are the Directors of the company and finance any business expansion themselves. Their daughters, Amanda and Sarah, are also Directors and manage the business for their parents who are not involved operationally. Amanda is the Operations Manager and Sarah is the Administration Manager. Sales revenue for the company for the financial year ending 2020 was $300,000. As the operational plan aims to increase the number of clients by 10% in 2021, the targeting financial sales revenue for 2021 is $330,000. The target customers are people in the greater Melbourne region who want a professional, trustworthy and immaculate cleaning service. The company currently has approximately 70 regular and loyal clients, based around Melbourne inner city. These clients require regular home cleaning, either weekly or once every two weeks for 4 to 6 hours. A standard hourly rate of $40 is charged. The company employs 15 cleaners, all of whom are part-time contract staff working between 10 and 15 hours a week. Staff receive an hourly rate of $25 per hour. Currently, marketing is via a website, but a large proportion of the company's work comes through word of mouth from existing customers. All ongoing cleaning supplies are currently purchased from Total Cleaning Supplies in Melbourne. However, this company does not currently offer environmentally friendly products. Additional Information required to complete Section 1 and 2 of the Project Portfolio The company sees its point of difference from competitors as being a small family business, with a focus on quality and happy and contented staff and customers. The management team understands this point of difference may need to change as the business grows and clear plans are necessary. While it has developed an operational priorities plan, the information in the plan is limited and is for the upcoming year only. As Operations Manager, Amanda has been asked by her father to write a business plan for OzHouse Clean. At a recent meeting, the directors decided to focus on Ozhouse Clean's staff retention, its customer base (e.g. number and diversity), the services offered (quality and quantity) and the environmental impact of Ozhouse Clean (both internally and externally). Other factors discussed at the meeting include: the need for more management or administrative staff (although Amanda manages marketing, she is not skilled in this area and a skilled marketing officer may be needed). the possibility of employing a number of full-time, permanent cleaning staff (partly because there is a high turnover of casual staff and little loyalty to the company). Aboard Training Australia RTO Code 31500 I CRICOS Code 03881D BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans Student resource I V1.0 I March 2021 Page 2 different ways of marketing, especially to attract commercial customers. a desire for 100% customer satisfaction. a reminder to Sarah to review, renew and pay the existing public liability insurance policy. At the meeting, James and Nancy committed to financing $4000 towards the cost of an industrial carpet cleaning machine. All other costs must be recovered by the increased sales and new pricing arrangements. It is estimated that the purchase of environmentally friendly cleaning products will be an additional $10,000 per month (eco-friendly products are more expensive). Staff costs for employing a full-time cleaner is $55,000 per year $40,000 per year for a part-time marketing assistant. Additional information to complete Section 3 of the Project PortfolioThe owners of Ozhouse Clean, James and Nancy, requested that Amanda (Operations Manager) presents the new business plan at the next board meeting to all directors (two weeks time). They instructed Sarah (Administrative Manager) to ensure that all staff are committed and available to implement the business plan. After one month: Amanda has spent a lot of time sourcing and negotiating a reliable supplier of eco-friendly cleaning products. She has narrowed down the list of potential suppliers to two suppliers but must still finalise her decision and notify clients. She has requested (via email to James and Nancy, the owners) another two months to do so. Sarah has renewed and paid the public insurance liability policy. After two months: In preparation for appointing a marketing assistant, Sarah developed the following job description: coordinates multiple channels of marketing strategies solves problems for customers by developing innovative and tailored sales solutions directs social media strategies evaluates performances of marketing campaigns analyses customer feedback from social media platforms builds and maintains client relations possesses deep knowledge of business product offering and value proposition. A marketing assistant and one permanent cleaner have been employed. The marketing assistant has described theirMM understanding of the job role as follows: I run marketing strategies using a range of channels (including social media) I develop sales solutions to meet customer needs I run marketing campaigns I check social media to review customer feedback. Aboard Training Australia RTO Code 31500 I CRICOS Code 03881D BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans Student resource I V1.0 I March 2021 Page 3So far, the marketing assistant has found 6 positive reviews and 2 negative reviews online, but is unsure of how to respond to negative comments in a positive and proactive way. After three months: Amanda has purchased an industrial carpet cleaner and trained the permanent cleaner to use the machine. This training included a demonstration of how to safely lift and manoeuvre heavy objects according to Workplace Health and Safety requirements. The new marketing assistant now fully understands their job role, and has advertised the new carpet cleaning service and eco-friendly cleaning product option on social media and the business' website. An email has been sent to customers making them aware of the new service and product options. The marketing assistant has requested that she has clear performance requirements, such as: Run weekly social media posts. Respond to every review comment. Personally call each customer once a quarter, Researches one new service every quarter. Ozhouse Clean has 4 new regular customers who have been looking for an eco-friendly cleaner. The marketing assistant has found 10 additional positive reviews and 1 negative reviews online. The owners have requested that the business targets at least two carpet cleaning customers a month. Aboard Training Australia RTO Code 31500 I CRICOS Code 03881D BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans Student resource I V1.0 I March 2021 Page 4Ozhouse Clean Operational Plan 2019 - 2021 Summary Ozhouse Clean is based in Melbourne and offers professional, residential cleaning services, including regular home cleans, as well as spring cleans. The company was established in 2005 and is a family business established and operated by James and Nancy Anderson. Our key focus is providing quality services to all of our customers. We want our brand to be widely recognized and associated with qualities. In our work, we ensure we adhere to our key values, which are: valuing and respecting all of our customers caring for the environment through our environmentally friendly services caring for our staff through a friendly working environment promoting excellence and innovation in all of our business practices. We operate at all times with integrity. Objectives During the upcoming year we have a range of objectives which focus on building our brand recognition for providing customers with a professional and friendly service and to increasing sales. Thus objectives are increasing the number of clients by 20% in the first year of introducing commercial cleaning services and 10% thereafter. We also want to meet or exceed the expectations of customers and to implement best practice in cleaning operations, including environmentally sustainable practices. Operational Priorities Date Priorities Key performance indicator End 2020 Introduce environmentally friendly cleaning services. New services introduced by new financial year. Commence end 2020 Establish commercial cleaning service. Service established. January 2021 Identify and implement new marketing strategies to grow business. Sales increased. Aboard Training Australia RTO Code 31500 I CRICOS Code 03881D BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans Student resource I V1.0 I March 2021 Page 52021 Consider carpet cleaning services. Viability of carpet cleaning is established and equipment purchased.


Provide an overview of your business

What is the name of the business?

What are the main products, services or programs of the business?

Describe the legislative and regulatory requirements relevant to developing your business plan (include at least one).

What is the legislation/regulatory requirements called?

How are the legislation/regulatory requirements relevant to your business?

How are the legislation/regulatory requirements relevant to yourself?

Describe the organisational requirements relevant to developing your business plan.

Are there any pre-existing strategic, business and operational plans?

What is the business' vision?

What is the business' mission?

What are the business' values?

What are the objectives and goals of the business?

What are the financial targets of your business?

What are the management arrangements/organisational structure of your business? (use a diagram and/or words to answer)

What is your business' current marketing strategies?

Attach proof of the existing plans/organisational requirements to this section of your portfolio.

Research the market requirements for your business' products/services/programs (include mathematical information in your research).

What does the market want?

What is an acceptable price point?

What are the quality expectations?

Are there opportunities for different quality/price point options?

What are other market requirements?

Attach proof of your research/information sources to this section of your portfolio (e.g. websites, surveys etc.)

Research information relevant to the competitors of your business and business plan (include at least one competitor and include mathematical information in your research).

Who are your competitors?

What are your competitors' business models/approaches?

What is your competitors' market position and brand awareness?

What are the geographic locations of your competitors?

What is the pricing of your competitor?

What is your competitors' sales channels?

Attach proof of your research/information sources to this section of your portfolio.

Research other industry-related information

What are industry trends?

What are marketing trends?

Attach proof of your research/information sources to this section of your portfolio (e.g. websites, surveys etc.)

Analyse your business (consider the research you've done on the vision, mission, values, objectives, goals, competitors, financial targets, management arrangements and marketing approaches).

What are the strengths of your business?

What are the weaknesses of your business?

Are there any opportunities for improvement?

What are the existing or future threats to your business?

  1. Note: You may use any method of analysis suitable to the information you researched instead of the questions above.

Attach: Existing plans/organisational requirements
Proof of competitor, market and industry research

Section 2: Developing a business plan

Complete the next section before meeting with relevant stakeholders.

Plan to meet with relevant stakeholders (at least two)

Who will you meet with?

What will you discuss?

How will you demonstrate your ability to:

  • lead others
  • facilitate group interaction
  • influence the direction of the outcomes
  • present information/seek advice?

Complete the next section after you've met with relevant stakeholders.

Develop performance objectives and measures for your business plan.

What are the key result areas (at least three)?

What are the productivity and performance targets (include at least one financial indicator such as revenue)?

How will they be measured/monitored?

Identify any licence or permit requirements to be included in your business plan.
Describe your proposed marketing strategy.

Identify financial, human and physical resource requirements for your business plan (at least one each).

What financial resources are required to achieve the performance objectives?

What human resources are required to ensure the success of your business?

What other physical resources are necessary for your business plan to succeed?

Use the work done in this section to develop a formal written business plan.

Note: Use appropriate business language and terminology. You will be assessed on this.

Make sure your business plan includes:

  • a description of the business
  • products/services/programs
  • performance objectives and measures (including financial indicators)
  • financial, physical and human resource requirements
  • regulatory requirements
  • marketing strategy
  • productivity and performance targets for key result areas
  1. Attach your business plan to this section of your portfolio.

Attach: Business plan

Section 3: Implementing and monitoring a business plan

Communicate your business plan to all relevant stakeholders.

Note: You may communicate in any appropriate manner as long as it meets the requirements in the project portfolio and adheres to any organisational policies and procedures (e.g. internal communications policy). You may need to communicate in different ways to different stakeholders. For example, a face-to-face presentation may be required to present the business plan to the executive team, and a promotional video clip may be used to communicate the plan to other office employees.

Who will you communicate to?

How will you communicate (e.g. face-to-face at a team meeting, email summary, poster)?

If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your communication to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of team meeting or promotional video clip).

Confirm that skilled labour is available to implement the plan.

Note: Confirmation can take place in any appropriate format (e.g. draft email to HR or other managers confirming employee availability, or a screenshot of a project plan showing skilled labour availability) as long as it adheres to relevant organisational policies and procedures. Confirmation may take place as part of the communication in the previous step.

What skilled labour is required?

What skilled labour is already available?

What skilled labour must still be recruited?

Attach proof of your confirmation to this section of your portfolio (e.g. Email to HR or other relevant managers confirming the availability of existing employees to implement the business plan, verbal confirmation while communicating the business plan to stakeholders etc.).

Assume a period of time has passed.

Test the performance measurement systems associated with your business plan.

Note: you have already identified ways to monitor performance objectives in Section 2 of your project portfolio.

What systems are in place to test performance (e.g. job descriptions, performance reviews, income statements, self-evaluations, induction checklists, customer reviews etc.)?

Choose one performance measurement system and test it (e.g. conduct a survey to staff members to see whether their understanding of their job description matches the actual job description).

Attach proof of how you've tested the system to this section of your Project Portfolio (e.g. survey results).

Report failures (system, product and/or services) and variances to your business plan as they occur.

Who will you report to?

How will you report the failures?

Unless viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of how you've reported the failures/variances to this section of your portfolio (e.g. email to CEO). Make sure your proof shows that you've responded promptly (e.g. dated email etc., updated business plan)

Refine performance measurement systems (if required).

If relevant, attach proof of how you've refined the system to this section of your portfolio (e.g. modified job description, induction checklist, feedback register, training/mentoring/coaching).

Evaluate the legislative compliance of your business.

Have the business activities and your own actions complied with legislative requirements?

Evaluate the key aspects of your business against the planned objectives.

Note: If you are using the case study, assume this evaluation takes place three months after the business plan has been communicated to the directors.

How has the performance in key aspects of the business (identified in Section 2 of your Portfolio) compared to the objectives planned in your business plan?

Refine performance indicators, if required.

Are the performance indicators (identified in Section 2 of your Portfolio) realistic and accurate? Refine if necessary.

Evaluate staff performance.

Are there any underperforming staff members (at least one)?

How they are underperforming?

Coach underperforming staff (at least one staff member).

Who will you coach?

Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of a coaching session to this section of your Portfolio (e.g. video recording of coaching).

Establish ongoing review processes for the underperforming staff member.

Attach proof to this section of your portfolio (e.g. flowchart showing review process, review policy and procedure, performance review template etc.).

Report on outcomes of your business plan.

Who will you report to?

Report on key aspects and objectives of the business.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of your business plan?

Note: Use the answers from the questions already completed in this section. Match the style of your writing to the purpose and audience. You will be assessed on this.

Attach proof of your report to this section of your portfolio.


Communication of business plan
Confirmation of skilled labour availability
Proof of refinement to performance measurement systems (if applicable)
Proof of reported failures and variances
Coaching session
Review process
Report on business plan outcomes

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