P : population size (1970 census); in thousands. ND : average annual Wind speed in miles per hour. .ECIP.IN: average annual precipitation in inches. .ECIP.DAY: average number of days with precipitation per year. What is the mean 802 pollution when temperature (TEMP) is greater than the median temperature 7 points) What is the median manufacturing level (MANUF) when wind speed (WIND) is greater than 3rd quartile WIND 7 (5 points) What is the maximum Sulfur dioxide level (502) level when the population is less than or equal the 3rd rtile of population and the amount of rain in inches (PRECIPJN) is greater than the 1st quartile of rain inches? (5 points) What is the standard deviation of temperature (TEMP) when wind speed is greater than the average i speed (WIND) and the population is greater or equal to median population (POP)? (5 points) J.What is the minimum daily precipitation level (PRECIP.DAY) when the level of sulfur dioxide ($02) greater than the median sulfur dioxide level and less than the 3rd quartile of the manufacturing level lNUF) and lms than the maximum temperature (TEMP). (3 points) r questions 11 through 14, use the data file CowData.txtThe variable definitions can be found RiLectureiNotesiPartilpdf page 15, on Carmen. .Obtain the standard deviation of exports for Asian countries conditional upon their democracy score ng less than -3? (6 points) .Obtain the mean gdpusd for Aican countries contingent upon their democracy score being 1 or greater the year 1975? So, I want the 1975 gdp of African countries whose democracy score is equal to 1 or .ter. (6 points) Obtain the mean exports for African countrim, conditional upon their democracy score being 3 or less, whose gdp is less than the maximum gdp, and for the years 1973 to 1976 only? (10 points) Obtain the mean for exports for Asian countries conditional upon their democracy score being greater 1 1, and whose total population is greater than 1st quarterlie of total population, and for the years 1976 1979 only? (10 points) r questions 15 and 16, use the data file titanic.txtThe variable definitions are: is : categorizes what class the passenger was traveling as : the age of the passenger der : the gender of the passenger 'ive: whether the passenger survived the sinking of the titanic or not. S.Generate a cross tabulation for gender and survival (survive). Provide me with total, row and column :ent in three different tables. (15 points, 5 points for each table) .Generate a frequency table for the variable class. Make sure to include all the things that need to be in 'equency table, absolute, relative and cumulative. (15 points, 5 points for each)