Paco's Dog Treats, Inc. liventory Datalmported on 1/31/2023 Imported Imventory Date O08-0165-PKN+8iscultsil16 or5PaCo SuPrEmE DOg Biscuits O06-016M-PKN+Aiscults7i16 or5 Paco SuP EmEDOg biscuit. ODB-016L- KN+ Biscuits?W16 orSPAco SuPrEmE QOg biscuits ODB-016S-PBRt+Biseuits7h16 orSPAco SuPrEmE DOgbiscuits OOB-016M-PBR+4elscuits?t16 orSPAco SUPrEmE DOg biscUits OOB-016L-PBR+ABiscuitshi16 orSPACO SuPrtime DOE biSCUits ODA-016M-GRF+Biscuits7in16 ors PAco SuPremf DOg biscuits ODB-O16L-GRF+ Dircuits a16 orSPACo SuPrEmE DOgbiscuits KOB-004M-BE+4AOnes \& ChewI?A4 countSPAco knoTTLD DOg bONe: KD8-002L-AEr+BBones 8 Chews?ez countSPAco knotTtD 0Og bONes KDE-0065-CHKAABones \& Chews?ins countSPAco knotrEO DOgbONe: KDH-004M-CHK+aBones 8 Chewsill countSPAco knotrio DOg bowes Kob-002L-Gikt+lones ts Chewrar countSpAco knortro oog boNes ICSO16S PBlendiones 8 Chews?R1 6 or5pACo IONg IASTing CHew STicks ICS-0165-CKB+8ones 5 Chew? 116 orSpACo IONg IASTing CHew Sticki LCS-016M-Ckitsones & Chewrall orspACo loNg 1ASTing CHew Sticks. LCS-016L-KKil+Bones 8 Chews?e16 arS pACo IONg IASTing CHeN STICKs CDT-010S-HKCtiDental Treatsano ors paco chiwy DEntA thfaTs CDro10L-GAK+iDental Treatshalio or5pAco chewr DintA theaTI CDT-010SPBR + Dental Treatsin10 or 5 pACo chtwY DEntA tifaT: Drrooso-ckiensoft Chews? The manager of Paco's Dog Treats, Inc. imported inventory data. This data must be cleansed. It appears in column A of the Inventory Data worksheet. In cell BS of the Inventory Data worksheet, use two functions to remove any nonprintable characters and extra spaces from the data in column A. Copy the formula in cell B5 down to cell B53. Resize the column as needed to fit the contents, In cell CS of the Inventory Data worksheet, use the LEFT and FIND functions to extract the Product ID from column B. (The Product ID for the first item is ODB-016SPKN.) Copy the formula down the column. Resize the column as needed to fit the contents. Paco's Dog Treats, Inc. liventory Datalmported on 1/31/2023 Imported Imventory Date O08-0165-PKN+8iscultsil16 or5PaCo SuPrEmE DOg Biscuits O06-016M-PKN+Aiscults7i16 or5 Paco SuP EmEDOg biscuit. ODB-016L- KN+ Biscuits?W16 orSPAco SuPrEmE QOg biscuits ODB-016S-PBRt+Biseuits7h16 orSPAco SuPrEmE DOgbiscuits OOB-016M-PBR+4elscuits?t16 orSPAco SUPrEmE DOg biscUits OOB-016L-PBR+ABiscuitshi16 orSPACO SuPrtime DOE biSCUits ODA-016M-GRF+Biscuits7in16 ors PAco SuPremf DOg biscuits ODB-O16L-GRF+ Dircuits a16 orSPACo SuPrEmE DOgbiscuits KOB-004M-BE+4AOnes \& ChewI?A4 countSPAco knoTTLD DOg bONe: KD8-002L-AEr+BBones 8 Chews?ez countSPAco knotTtD 0Og bONes KDE-0065-CHKAABones \& Chews?ins countSPAco knotrEO DOgbONe: KDH-004M-CHK+aBones 8 Chewsill countSPAco knotrio DOg bowes Kob-002L-Gikt+lones ts Chewrar countSpAco knortro oog boNes ICSO16S PBlendiones 8 Chews?R1 6 or5pACo IONg IASTing CHew STicks ICS-0165-CKB+8ones 5 Chew? 116 orSpACo IONg IASTing CHew Sticki LCS-016M-Ckitsones & Chewrall orspACo loNg 1ASTing CHew Sticks. LCS-016L-KKil+Bones 8 Chews?e16 arS pACo IONg IASTing CHeN STICKs CDT-010S-HKCtiDental Treatsano ors paco chiwy DEntA thfaTs CDro10L-GAK+iDental Treatshalio or5pAco chewr DintA theaTI CDT-010SPBR + Dental Treatsin10 or 5 pACo chtwY DEntA tifaT: Drrooso-ckiensoft Chews? The manager of Paco's Dog Treats, Inc. imported inventory data. This data must be cleansed. It appears in column A of the Inventory Data worksheet. In cell BS of the Inventory Data worksheet, use two functions to remove any nonprintable characters and extra spaces from the data in column A. Copy the formula in cell B5 down to cell B53. Resize the column as needed to fit the contents, In cell CS of the Inventory Data worksheet, use the LEFT and FIND functions to extract the Product ID from column B. (The Product ID for the first item is ODB-016SPKN.) Copy the formula down the column. Resize the column as needed to fit the contents