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PAMELA JONESPamela Jones enjoyed banking. She had taken a battery of personal aptitude and interest lests thatsuggested she might like and do well in either

PAMELA JONESPamela Jones enjoyed banking. She had taken a battery of personal aptitude and interest lests thatsuggested she might like and do well in either banking or librarianship. She applied for employmentwith a large chartered bank, the Bank of Winnipeg. and was quickly accepied.Her carly experiences in banking were almost always challenging and rewarding. She was enroledin the bank's management development program because of her education (a B.A. in languages andsOme postgraduate training in busincss administration), her previous job experience, and herobvious intelligence and drive.During her first year in the training program, Pamela attended classes on banking procedures andpolicies and worked her way through a series of low-lcvel positions in her branch. She wasrepeatedly told by her manager (hat her work was above average. Similarly, the training officer whoworked out of the main office and coordinated the development of junior officers in the programfrequently told Pamela that she was "among the best three" of her cohort of 20 trainees. She wasproud to be a banker and proud to be a member of the Bank of Winnipeg.After one year in the management development program, however, Pamela found she was notlearning anything new about banking or the bank itselft. She was shuffled from one job to another ather own branch, cycling back over many positions Several times to help mcet temporary problemscaused by absences, overloads, and turnover. Turnover--a rampant problem in banking-amazedPamela. She could not understand for many months why s0 many people started careers "in theservice" of banking, only to leave after one or two years.After her first year, the repeated proMises of moving her into her own position at another branchstarted to ing hollow. The training officcr claimed that there were no openings at other branchessuitable for her. On two 0ccasions when openings did occur, the manager of each of the branches inquestion rejectcd Pamela, sight unseen, presumably because she had not been in banking long enough.Pamela was not the only unhapry ersoncomplained ihat hecaUse of the bank's economy drive, vacated customer service positions were lelther brach. Jkr inmediate supervisor. George Bums,unfilled. s branch accountant, Burns was resDonsible fr day-to-day customer service. Eventually.Gcorgc Burns leli the bank to work for a trust company, earming S200 a month more tor worksimilur to lhat he had en perforning at the Bunk of Winnipcg. This left Pancla in ie posilion ofhaving to supervisc the santie lellers who had traincd her only a Sew months earlier. Panela wasamazed at all the nistakes the ellers made, but found it ditticult to do much to comect their poorwork habits. All disciplinary proccdurcs had to be administered with the approval of Icad olfice.After several calls to her training oficer, Pumcla was finally transferred to her first "rcal" pusitionin her own branch. Slill keen and dedicated, Pumela wS SOon to lose her enthusiasrm.At her new branch, Pamela was made assistant accountant. Her duties includcd ihe supervision ofthe seven tellers, some custoner scrvicc, and a gieal deal of papcrwoth. The same cconomy drivethat she had winessed at her training branch resulted in the fuilure to replce cuslomer scrviccpersonel. Pamela was expeted to "pick up the slack'' the tront desk, neglecting her own work.Her lellers scldom balanced their own cash. so lPanela stayed lale almost every night to tind theirerors, To save on overtimc, he manager sent the tellers hone while Panxla stayed lac, first tocorrect the tellers' imbulamces, and then to finish her OWn paperkork. He told Parncla that as anolficer of the bank, she was expected to stay until the work of her subordnales, and her own work,was satisfactorily compleicd. Panela ealized that most ol her counterparts in otbker branches werewilling to give this sozt of dedication; therefore, so should she. Ttis situation lasted six muds.with litle sign of change in sigh.One day, Parmela learned from a phune comversation wilh a friemd at unoder branch that sh wouldbe translered to Hope, British Colunmbia, ko fill an opening thut had ariscen. Pamela's husband w:as aprofessional, enployed by u large coiporition headquarlered in Vancouver. His compuny did pothuve an office in Ilop: moreover, his training was very seciaized so that he could probably findemployment only in large cities anyWay.Accepting translers was expected ol junior ollicers who wanted to get ahead in the bank. Puneainguired at head ofticc and learned that he rurnour was true. Her training officer told her, howerer.that she could docline the transfer if she wished, but he coukd not say how soon her next promotionoppurtunity would cone about.Depresscd, annoyed. disappointed. and frustatcd, Pamela quit the bunk.Did management make right hiring decision?

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