Papa's Fried Chicken bought equipment on January 2, 2016, for $27,000. The equipenent was expecied to remah in service for four years and to perfoum 4,200 fry jobs A the end of the equipment's useful lite, Papa's estimates that its residual value will be $6,000. The equipment performed 420 jobs the first year. 1,260 the second yoar, 1,690 the thirs year, and 840 the fourth year Requirements 1. Prepare a schedule of depresiabion expense, accumuladed dopreciation, and hook value per year for the equipment under tha three depreciation methods Shrow youm computations. Note. Three depreciaticn schedules must be prepared 2. Which method tracks the wear and tear on the equipment most closely? Requirement 1. Prepare a schedule of dopreciation expense, accumbleted degreciabon, and book value per year for the equlament undar the thicee depreciation methods Shaw Your computations Nole. Theee depreciation schedules must be prepared Begin by preparing a depreciation schedule using the straight lino mettsod 1. Propare a schadale of depreciabon expense, accumulated depreciation, and book valuo pir year for the oquipmoent undor the three depereciation miet computations. Nore. Three depreciation schedules must be prepared 2. Which method tracks the weat and tear on the equipment mest closely? rreput w vepreciavion screoure using the unins-or-production method 1. Prepare a schedule of depreciabon expense accumulated depreciation, and book valie per year for the equipment under the three dopreciation n computations, Note: Three depreciation schedules mast be prepared 2. Which method tracks the wear and tear on the equipenent most closely? Itnite.nt.Prnduetinn Dnnroelation Erhaduala compulations. Note. Three depreciation schedulos must be prepared 2. Which method tracks the wear and tear on the equipment most closchy? Requirement 2. Which mothod tracks the wear and tear on the equipment most closely