\f21:26 + 4 Search Collaborative Project weeks 1-3 MA.. Name: weeks 1-3 Probability Island You will collect the data for the population of an island community. Then you will use and evaluate probability models. You will be using this data for the next parts of your project. Your ship is carrying 150 passengers - 75 adult females and 75 adult males - all in good health, An intense storm occurs and your ship hits rocks and wrecks off the coast of a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. This island has the necessary natural resources for human survival. The ages of your passengers are recorded in the table below Age Formain Main 26-39 10 Directions: Probability of births 1. For each woman aged 20-39, roll a die one time. If you get a 6, the woman has a baby. Flip a coin. If it's heads, it's a girl. If it's tails, it's a boy. Complete Chart 1 on the next page to track the births per year and the number of boys and girls. Repeat this simulation for ten years. Note: There are 20 women in these age groups. They are numbered 1 through 20 in the chart. For the purposes of this project, assume all women in these age groups remain capable of having children; keep everyone in their assigned age groups. 2. Assuming the births occur as recorded, and that no one dies, what is the population of your island at the end of the ten-year period? Use Chart 2 to clearly show the population of your island at the end of each year. 3. a. Calculate the theoretical probability and the experimental probability of the births. Show your work. b. Compare the theoretical probability to the experimental probability. C. Discuss any similarities and/or differences. You may consider the annual or gender rates or any other possibility. Chart 1. Woman Year 1 Year ? Year ] Toor & War S Tear Your Year Your War 4 7 8 9 10 30 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications inbox( Collaborative Project weeks 1-3 MA... Name: weeks 1-3 Probability Island You will collect the data for the population oi an island community. Then you will use and evaluate probabiiity models. You will be using this data for the next parts of yOur proied. Your ship is carrying 150 passengers - T5 adult females and 1'5 adult males all in good hearth. An intense storm occurs and your ship hlts rocks and melts on the coast of a deserted island In the Pacic Ocean. This Island has the necessary natural resources for human survival. The ages of your passengers are recorded in the table below. ~29 rundown 2-i2910 19 306910 it) 4.04910 it! 506915 15 60-6915 15 rm 15 ill Iolll T5 ?5 u. . 'E | 'I' i . 1. For each women aged 2039. roll a die one time. it you get a 6, the woman has a baby. Flip a coin. It It's heads. it's a girl. If it's tails, it's a boy. Complete Chart 1 on the next page to track the births per year and the number of boys and girls. Repeat this simulation for ten years. Note: There are 20 women in these age groups. They are numbered 1 through 20 in the chart. For the purposes of this PWiBEL assume all women in these age groups remain capable of having children: keep everyone in their assigned age groups. 2. Assuming the births occur as recorded. and that no one dies, whatls the population of your lsiand at the end oi the ten-year period? Use Chart 2 to clearly show the population of your island at the end of each year. 3. 3. Calculate the theaetical probability and the experimental probability of the births. Show your M. b. Conware the theoretical probability to the experimental probability. c. Discuss any similarities andior differences. You may oonsider the annual or gender rates or any other possibility. Chart 1. Warren Mr 1 Your 2 War 3hr o Year 5Wut'turmr Milan! 6 "i" B D ID I 2. Dashboard Calendar Inbox There are 20 women in these age groups. They are numbered 1 through 20 in the chart. For the purpom at this project assume all women in these age groups rernain capable at having children: keep everyone in their assigned age groups. 2. Assuming the births occur as recorded, and that no one dies, what is the population of your island at the end ot the ten-year period? Use Chart 2 In clearly show the population of your island at the end at each year. 3. a. Calculate the thmtical probability and the experimental probability of the births. Show your work. b. Compare the theoretical probability to the experimental probability. c. Discuss any similarities andi'or differences. You may consider the annual or gender rates or any other possibility. Chart 1. Winner! thzmawwmmwvwmmuw: - ? B B 1D natal Bills Chertz Year a vanssnoio Male r5 FVrI'i'S 'Felal