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Part A You must respond to two (2) complaints made to an early childhood education centre addressing all criteria listed in each scenario (scenario 1

Part A

You must respond to two (2) complaints made to an early childhood education centre addressing all criteria listed in each scenario (scenario 1 and 2) below.

SCENARIO 1Background information

Jedda Nightly belongs to a local Aboriginal community. She identifies as a Bunarong woman. She works four days per week to provide for her three children who attend your service. She lives with Aunty Aurora who is an Elder. They had planned to visit their family last weekend.

You check the centre emails shortly after arriving to work on a Monday morning and find the below sitting in the inbox:

Dear management, I am not happy that our family did not have enough money to go away last weekend, thanks to you taking out a much larger amount from our bank account. I want to know why extra fee money has been debited from our account! I know that we did not attend more hours this past fortnight as I am guessing that's why extra money came out. I want our money returned now as it is our money- not yours!


Jedda Nightly.

Your colleague replied to the email to let Jedda know that management would investigate this further

  1. Facilitate mediation to resolve this conflict by writing a response via email to Jedda Nightly.
  • Read the 'Dealing with Complaints' and 'Collaborative partnerships with families and community' and 'Privacy & Confidentiality' policies and procedures.
  • Decide on at least two (2) options to provide the parent to work towards resolving this complaint. Remember to:
    • be future focused
    • refer to the complaints' procedure
    • seek advice in relation to the two options before including in the email
    • Provide one option as per the Complaints procedure if the parent does not wish to take up your first option.
  • Write a response to send via email to the parent that:
  • Illustrates Communication skills
  • Listening skills - identify the issue and include empathy in your email
  • Assertiveness - the email is clear in where the service stands within this situation including references to the 'Grievances & Complaints' and 'Collaborative partnerships with families and community' and 'Privacy & Confidentiality' policies and procedures
  • Explains to Jedda:
  • what they can and cannot do during each complaints' process their rights
  • Use clear and respectful communication - empathy and understanding of the social/cultural background of the family
  • Language use - the written email is presented as follows:
  • Must be typed - not handwritten.
  • Must be free from spelling or grammatical errors to ensure the correct message is being conveyed.
  • Correct letter writing format- using a size (12-14) and font that is easy to read, for example Calibri Light, Calibri, Times Roman Numeral, or Arial.
  • Includes a request that Jedda responds to the email within an adequate time frame, as per the 'Grievances & Complaints' Policy.
  • Refers to the 'Grievances & Complaints' and 'Collaborative partnerships with families and community' and Privacy and Confidentiality' policies and procedures.
  • Includes two possible resolutions to the complaint.

You must submit a copy of your email to the goLearn for assessment

  1. Follow Up

Jedda has agreed to follow the first option you provided in the email to resolve their complaint.

You now must complete Appendix 1 - 'Grievance/Compliant Record'. Include where you will store each record to ensure you are following the 'Privacy & Confidentiality' Policy

You must submit your completed Appendix 1 - Grievance/Complaint template via the goLearn for assessment

  1. Reflection

Reflect on each issue and identify one way you could improve practices at the service to reduce the probability of this occurring again. Provide your answer in a 100-200 word reflective summary using Appendix 2 - Reflective Summary.

You must submit your reflective summary for assessment via the goLearn.


Background information

You know this parent, George, and his son, Kostas. They have a Greek background where George was an immigrant to Australia 10 years ago. George is always dressed in a business suit and appears to take pride in his appearance. Kostas is 2 years old and loves playing in the mud pit every day. Even if the educators put him in clean clothes in the later part of the day, he still manages to have some dirt on his shoes or pants. He doesn't like his face washed, so it is a struggle for educators to get it all off.

A staff member has alerted you to a 'Google Review' from a parent whose child attends the service. The review states:

I can't believe it! Management never listens to what I want! I asked them to make sure my child is clean and well dressed for pick up, but he always has dirt on his clothes and lunch all over his face. Surely it can't be that hard to make sure he's clean when I get him from childcare? George A

  1. Facilitate mediation to resolve this conflict by writing a response via email to George. (This is a mock email)
  • Read the 'Dealing with Complaints' and 'Collaborative partnerships with families and community' and 'Privacy & Confidentiality' policies and procedures.
  • Decide on at least two (2) options to provide the parent to work towards resolving this complaint. Remember to:
    • be future focused
    • refer to the complaints' procedure
    • seek advice in relation to the two options before including in the email
    • Provide one option as per the Complaints procedure if the parent does not wish to take up your first option.
  • Write a response to send via email to the parent that:
  • Illustrates Communication skills
  • Listening skills - identify the issue and include empathy in your email
  • Assertiveness - the email is clear in where the service stands within this situation including references to the 'Grievances & Complaints' and 'Collaborative partnerships with families and community' and 'Privacy & Confidentiality' policies and procedures
  • Explains to George:
  • what they can and cannot do during each complaints' process their rights
  • Use clear and respectful communication - empathy and understanding of the social/cultural background of the family
  • Language use - the written email is presented as follows:
  • Must be typed - not handwritten.
  • Must be free from spelling or grammatical errors to ensure the correct message is being conveyed.
  • Correct letter writing format- using a size (12-14) and font that is easy to read, for example Calibri Light, Calibri, Times Roman Numeral, or Arial.
  • Includes a request that George responds to the email within an adequate time frame, as per the 'Grievances & Complaints' Policy.
  • Refers to the 'Grievances & Complaints' and 'Collaborative partnerships with families and community' and Privacy and Confidentiality' policies and procedures.
  • Includes two possible resolutions to the complaint.

You must submit a copy of your email to the goLearn for assessment

  1. Follow Up

George has agreed to follow the first option you provided in the email to resolve their complaint.

You now must complete Appendix 1 - 'Grievance/Compliant Record'. Include where you will store each record to ensure you are following the 'Privacy & Confidentiality' Policy

You must submit your completed Appendix 1 - Grievance/Complaint template via the goLearn for assessment

  1. Reflection You must submit your reflective summary for assessment via the goLearn.

PLEASE NOTE: Part B has two Options - the student is only required to complete EITHER 1 or 2 This will be determined by the delivering trainer.

Part B (Option 1: Workplace Observation)

You are required to complete:

Appendix 3: Mediation Plan

You are required to plan, prepare for and conduct a mediation meeting with a parent who has made a complaint, while accompanied by your room supervisor. To assist you with this you must complete a planning document (template provided) to capture details of all criteria listed below unless otherwise stated.

Step 1: Plan to respond verbally in a mediation meeting

Reflect on each issue and identify one way you could improve practices at the service to reduce the probability of this occurring again. Provide your answer in a 100-200 word reflective summary using Appendix 2 - Reflective Summary.The room supervisor must have a minimum qualification of 'Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care' or equivalent or higher:

  • You will need to discuss your plan with your room supervisor, gain permission, and ask them to attend the mediation meeting
  • This can be a mediation to work to resolve any complaint, but must have been made by a parent.
  • You must include information about the parent who is making the complaint, their background and child (if applicable) and what the complaint is about. Be mindful of confidentiality and only use references to their names (e.g. Parent A, child A)
  • Once you know what the complaint is, please explain how you will respond, in reference to:
    • Conflict resolution techniques
    • Communication strategies
    • Policies and procedures of the service that relate to 'Grievances & Complaints' and 'Collaborative partnerships with families and community'. (Note: these may be called something different)
  • Decide on at least two (2) options to provide the parent to work towards resolving this complaint. Remember to:
    • be future focused
    • refer to the complaints' procedure
    • seek advice in relation to the two options before the meeting.
  • Explain how you will respond to the parent in the meeting and ensure you make note of:
  • Listening skills - how will you show empathy or that you are listening?
  • Assertiveness - how will you ensure your intensions are clear? What strategy can you use to ensure you will refer to the policies and procedures of the service that relate to 'Grievances & Complaints' and 'Collaborative partnerships with families and community' during the meeting?
  • Communication skills -how you will communicate and plan to come to a solution in a respectful way.
  • What information or advice may you need to obtain and where can you get this?
    • Remember to consider tools, professionals, colleagues, websites, organisations for each scenario
  • Questioning techniques - include the open questions you would ask the parent to find out more about their misunderstandings, views or opinions on the issue.
  • Identify how you plan to provide a resolution to the complaint
  • Where will you conduct the meeting to ensure you are following the guidelines of the 'Privacy & Confidentiality' Policy?
  • Complete Grievance/conflict record template

Step 2: Conduct a simulated/workplace mediation meeting

  • You will be required to participate in a mediation meeting with a parent who has made a complaint, and your room supervisor (minimum qualification Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care)
    • You must ensure you are prepared for this meeting using the planning document template (provided)
    • You must have your Grievance/Complaints Record template ready.
  • At the end of mediation:
    • record the outcome and agreement made between both you and the parent in the Grievance/conflict record
    • ask the parent to sign or initial the Grievances & Complaints record.
    • Ask the room supervisor to also initial or sign the Grievance/conflict record.
    • Get your room supervisor to complete the third party report (template provided) to verify mediation took place

You must submit your completed planning document, Grievances and Complaints Record and verified Third Party Report for assessment via the goLearn.

Part B (Option 2: Simulated Observation):

To be conducted where the institute has gathered documented evidence from the Early Childhood Education and Care Service that they do not permit a student who is not a staff member, to perform one or more of the skills in the workplace.

You are required to plan, prepare for and conduct a mediation meeting with a parent who has made a complaint, while accompanied by your room supervisor. To assist you with this you must complete a planning document (template provided) to capture details of all criteria listed below unless otherwise stated.

Step 1: Plan to respond verbally in a mediation meeting

You are required to respond the following scenario:

A parent, Mrinali, has approached you at the office window and is quite upset. Her facial expressions, tone of voice and body gesture suggests she is angry about something. She begins with: "Eshika (her child) is always coming home thirsty. I have told the educators in the room and it is still happening. They say that they offer her the water during the day, but she only drinks a little bit. I want something to be done about it, but no one is helping Eshika!" You respond with: "Mrinali, would you like to come in and have a chat about it in the office? Do you have time? " She agrees and follows you into the office where you are joined by your colleague.

You are aware that Mrinali is from a small village called Bawan Village which is northwest of New Delhi. As a girl, every day she would have to stay up until 3am to ensure the water supply she collected from a well 500 metres away from her home was replenished. Water was extremely hard to access. Mrinali migrated to Australia 3 years ago with her Australian husband and speaks fluent English. The preschool room always empty the children's drink bottles at the end of the day to water the garden. Each child brings their own drink bottle which is usually a 300ml bottle. Eshika is offered water throughout the day, however she often refuses, only having small 'sips' at a time. The program offers opportunities to learn about the importance of healthy food but does not focus on the importance of water for the body.

  • You are required to plan and prepare for the simulated mediation meeting.
    • explain how you will respond to this scenario including:
      • Conflict resolution techniques
      • Communication strategies
      • 'Grievances & Complaints' and 'Collaborative partnerships with families and
      • community' and 'Privacy & Confidentiality' policies and procedures.
    • Decide on at least two (2) options to provide the parent to work towards resolving this complaint. Remember to:
      • be future focused
      • refer to the complaints' procedure
      • seek advice in relation to the two options before the meeting
    • Explain how you will respond to the parent in the meeting and ensure you make note of:
      • Listening skills
        • how will you show empathy or that you are listening?
      • Assertiveness
        • how will you ensure your intensions are clear?
        • What strategy can you use to ensure you will refer to the 'Grievances & Complaints' and 'Collaborative partnerships with families and community' and 'Privacy & Confidentiality' policies and procedures during the meeting?
      • Communication skills - how you will communicate and plan to come to a solution in a respectful way.
      • What information or advice may you need to obtain and where can you get this?
        • Remember to consider tools, professionals, colleagues, websites, organisations for each scenario
      • Questioning techniques - include the open questions you would ask the parent to find out more about their misunderstandings, views or opinions on the issue.
      • Identify how you plan to provide a resolution to the complaint.
      • Where will you conduct the meeting to ensure you are following the guidelines of the 'Privacy & Confidentiality' Policy?
    • Complete Grievance/conflict record template

Step 2: Conduct a simulated/workplace mediation meeting

  • You will participate a simulated mediation meeting (role play) with two other students from your class:
    • You will play the mediator
    • The assessor will play the parent
    • Another student will play the colleague
  • You must have your planning document and Grievance/conflict record templates ready to refer to during the role play.
  • At the end of mediation:
    • record the outcome and agreement made between both you and the parent in the Grievance/conflict record
    • ask the 'parent' to sign or initial the Grievances & Complaints record.
    • Ask your 'colleague' to also initial or sign the Grievance/conflict record.

You must submit your completed planning document and Grievances and Complaints Record for assessment via the goLearn.

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