Part C-Personal Worksheets By now you should be keeping up to date with your personal worksheets. Remember that they are important to get you started with your own personal financial management. Even if your financial information is basic, lacking, or simply unknown right now, go ahead and fill out the worksheets with as much information as you know. You can always go back and update them. Answer the following questions as they pertain to your personal worksheets (question number refers to that worksheet) 1. What is your most important short-term goal, and when do you think you will be able to achieve it? What are(is) you most crucial financial objective(s) and what are(is) the one(s) that you have scaled as not important? 2. When did you last update your resume? Did you seek help from a resume workshop or the career center here at MSU? 3. writing 4. Were you surprised at the value of your total assets? Why or why not? Is your net worth positive or negative? If negative, explain why that is not necessarily a bad thing at this stage of your life? 5. 6. Do you have a filing system for your financial records? Would you be able to locate them on a moment's notice? 7. Download Mint or another budget tracker app or, if you prefer to do things by hand, fill out worksheet 7 for last month. Do you have a budgeted amount for your spending? If so, were you able to stay within that amount? Part C-Personal Worksheets By now you should be keeping up to date with your personal worksheets. Remember that they are important to get you started with your own personal financial management. Even if your financial information is basic, lacking, or simply unknown right now, go ahead and fill out the worksheets with as much information as you know. You can always go back and update them. Answer the following questions as they pertain to your personal worksheets (question number refers to that worksheet) 1. What is your most important short-term goal, and when do you think you will be able to achieve it? What are(is) you most crucial financial objective(s) and what are(is) the one(s) that you have scaled as not important? 2. When did you last update your resume? Did you seek help from a resume workshop or the career center here at MSU? 3. writing 4. Were you surprised at the value of your total assets? Why or why not? Is your net worth positive or negative? If negative, explain why that is not necessarily a bad thing at this stage of your life? 5. 6. Do you have a filing system for your financial records? Would you be able to locate them on a moment's notice? 7. Download Mint or another budget tracker app or, if you prefer to do things by hand, fill out worksheet 7 for last month. Do you have a budgeted amount for your spending? If so, were you able to stay within that amount