PART E (10 points) 2. Three check, 87431 , 1r7455, and 17477 , totaling $14,312, wro outstanditus at Apeit 294 . 3. On Apri 18, 2023, Tef Coenpany delivered to the bank for colleitine a 528.750 , 3-wanth note teceivable frot Romar Compary A A credit memorasdum damed Aprit 29 , 2023 included with the bank statemem iedichect the bonk had collected the nole plus 5525 of enterest less april coilectann foe of 535 4. The bank ntatement concains a credit memuotandum for 536.18 isterent camed by Test Company on its akerege checkiag accouth balanoe. 5. Norman Teil made a personal deposat to her perwonal chocking acenum at the bank in the amourk of 51,296 for dividends he had received on bis Amazon stock. The hank, inistakenly croditod the Teft Company 's checkieg account rather. Htan Norman Tents personal checking account an the same bark. 6. The bank statement incladed a debit memorandum for 517 for a book of blank ehecks foe Teft Comasy. 7. Ari April Mo" deposit of 519,521 wan thade by Teft Comparyy too late to be insluded by the bank on the April bank itatencint Npril bank staterincmi fistrifricies: PART E (10 points) 2. Three check, 87431 , 1r7455, and 17477 , totaling $14,312, wro outstanditus at Apeit 294 . 3. On Apri 18, 2023, Tef Coenpany delivered to the bank for colleitine a 528.750 , 3-wanth note teceivable frot Romar Compary A A credit memorasdum damed Aprit 29 , 2023 included with the bank statemem iedichect the bonk had collected the nole plus 5525 of enterest less april coilectann foe of 535 4. The bank ntatement concains a credit memuotandum for 536.18 isterent camed by Test Company on its akerege checkiag accouth balanoe. 5. Norman Teil made a personal deposat to her perwonal chocking acenum at the bank in the amourk of 51,296 for dividends he had received on bis Amazon stock. The hank, inistakenly croditod the Teft Company 's checkieg account rather. Htan Norman Tents personal checking account an the same bark. 6. The bank statement incladed a debit memorandum for 517 for a book of blank ehecks foe Teft Comasy. 7. Ari April Mo" deposit of 519,521 wan thade by Teft Comparyy too late to be insluded by the bank on the April bank itatencint Npril bank staterincmi fistrifricies