Pen Ioah ves y undan Help lag(a)inx Labo5p3py Latosp2;findingy 33= Latosp] * ipy Bitudent haves Butes Number Anatysis Prograa mport random ast cat(3)= \# List to stere nunbers, number-list = \# Todo: Fill thds in p ereate an espty list: 1. The user must entar on odd nusben here. nunberucount = Int(tinput ("How nany nembers? i)) while nubber_count x21=1 : a check the nuaber is Not odd prant('Please enter on odd nupeer,') nuber_count = int ( linput ( Hoo many numbers? 7 , )) for in raage (muber_count) * Generate a randon nueber between 1100 Inclusive number = *F 42l this in print (f'Entry {f+1} : \{numberf'\} - Tocot Fill this in * Hake-a fuectien catl thot mit append number to nuaber_List lea = F Tood filt this in - Function to get the Lowest yalue in nubber_list hagh. = Foog: Fili this in - Function to get the highest value in Bunber-tist: total = F ToDo: Fill this in - Funetion to get the sum of nuaber-his. average = = roog: Fitl this in = Calculation to conpete the avarage of number_- 1. The nedan is the nueber that is distetly in the nidde of the B sorted List. Iepleaent these three steps to get the median: number.Liat. "Fill-This - In" \# ToDo use a list methiod to sont the tist. bedian_index =(1en(nuabertist)1)/12 w This witl get the middte findex nedian = "FilL-This-In* . T00e: Astign the element in muaber-2ist with- the * medjan_index to the verlable aedian. print("Please enter an add number,') nuaber count = int (1nput ('Hon many nubees? ' )) for i in range(nuaber_count): 1 Generate a random nuaber between 1-199 inclusive number = "Eill-this-in print (fEntry{1+1} : { nueber }} * Toe0: Fith this in * Moke a function call that otll append number to nuaber.tist Low = I TODO: Fill this in - Function to get the lonest value in nunber-lit high = \# ToDo: Fill this in = Function to get the highest vatue in nueber. total = Fooo: Fill this in - Function to get the sun of nueber 125t average = W Tood Fit this in - Calculation to eospute the average of nent * The nedian is the nunser that is directly in the nidule of the w sonted. Hist. Implesent these three steps to get the ebdian: nuaber_List. "Fill-ihis-In \# Tobo: use a List eethod to sort the Liat. median = "Filt-This-in" \# ToDd: Assign the elegent in nerber.list with the * eedian index to the variable nedian. print (1,........7) print(f'lost {Lom}) print (f'High: {(hgh) print(f'Totel: \{totali, 2f}) print (fAverage:(average:+2f}) print (f mediaa: \{wedian } ') I catt the main function. mant