Perform an Sensitivity Analysis of your choice using the "What If" Analysis Amazon Annual Revenue Amazon Annual Cost of Goods Sold Annual Gross Profit Research and Development Expenses Amazon Annual SG&A Expenses Amazon Annual Other Operating Amazon Annual Income or Expenses Operating Expenses Amazon Annual Total Non-Operating Income/Expense $232,887 $139,156 $93,731 $28,837 $52,177 (5296) $220.466 (51,160) $177,866 $111,934 $65.932 $22,620 $38,992 ($214) $173,760 (5300) $135,987 $88.265 $47,722 $16,085 $27,284 ($167) $131,801 (5294) $107.006 $71,651 $35,355 $12,540 $20.411 (5171) $104,773 (5665) $88,988 $62,752 $26,236 $9,275 $16,650 ($133) $88,810 ($289) $74,452 $54,181 $20,271 $5,566 $12,847 $73,707 (523) $61,093 $45,971 $15,122 $4,564 $9,723 (5159) $60,417 ($132) $48,077 $37.288 $10,789 $2,900 $6,864 (5154) $47,215 $72 $34,204 $26,561 $7,643 $1.734 $4,397 ($106) $32,798 $91 $24,509 $18,976 $5,531 $1,240 $3,060 (5102) $23,380 $32 $19,166 $14,896 $4.270 $1,033 $2.419 $24 $18,324 $59 $14,835 $11.482 $3,353 $818 $1,871 (59) $14,180 $5 $10,711 $8,255 $2,456 $662 $1,395 ($10) $10,322 ($12) 58,490 $6,451 $2,039 $451 $1,109 (547) $8,058 (54) Amazon Annual Pre- Tax Income Amazon Annual Income Taxes Income from Continuous Operations Income from Continuous Operations Amazon Annual Net Income Amazon Annual EBITDA Amazon Annual EBIT $11,261 $1,197 $10,073 $10,073 $10,073 $27.762 $12,421 $3,806 $769 $3,033 $3,033 $3,033 $15,584 $4,105 $3 892 $1.425 $2,371 $2.371 $2,371 $12,302 $4,186 $1,568 $950 $596 $596 $596 $8,514 $2 233 ($111) $167 ($241) ($241) ($241) $4,924 $178 $506 $161 $274 $274 $274 $3.998 $745 $544 $428 (539) (539) (539) $2.835 $676 $934 $291 $631 $631 $631 $1,945 $862 $1,497 $352 $1,152 $1,152 $1,152 $1,974 $1,406 $1,161 $253 $902 $902 $902 $1,507 $1,129 $901 $247 $645 $645 $645 $1,129 $842 $660 $184 $476 $476 $476 $901 $655 $377 $187 $190 $190 $190 $594 $389 $428 $95 $333 $333 $359 $553 Perform an Sensitivity Analysis of your choice using the "What If" Analysis Amazon Annual Revenue Amazon Annual Cost of Goods Sold Annual Gross Profit Research and Development Expenses Amazon Annual SG&A Expenses Amazon Annual Other Operating Amazon Annual Income or Expenses Operating Expenses Amazon Annual Total Non-Operating Income/Expense $232,887 $139,156 $93,731 $28,837 $52,177 (5296) $220.466 (51,160) $177,866 $111,934 $65.932 $22,620 $38,992 ($214) $173,760 (5300) $135,987 $88.265 $47,722 $16,085 $27,284 ($167) $131,801 (5294) $107.006 $71,651 $35,355 $12,540 $20.411 (5171) $104,773 (5665) $88,988 $62,752 $26,236 $9,275 $16,650 ($133) $88,810 ($289) $74,452 $54,181 $20,271 $5,566 $12,847 $73,707 (523) $61,093 $45,971 $15,122 $4,564 $9,723 (5159) $60,417 ($132) $48,077 $37.288 $10,789 $2,900 $6,864 (5154) $47,215 $72 $34,204 $26,561 $7,643 $1.734 $4,397 ($106) $32,798 $91 $24,509 $18,976 $5,531 $1,240 $3,060 (5102) $23,380 $32 $19,166 $14,896 $4.270 $1,033 $2.419 $24 $18,324 $59 $14,835 $11.482 $3,353 $818 $1,871 (59) $14,180 $5 $10,711 $8,255 $2,456 $662 $1,395 ($10) $10,322 ($12) 58,490 $6,451 $2,039 $451 $1,109 (547) $8,058 (54) Amazon Annual Pre- Tax Income Amazon Annual Income Taxes Income from Continuous Operations Income from Continuous Operations Amazon Annual Net Income Amazon Annual EBITDA Amazon Annual EBIT $11,261 $1,197 $10,073 $10,073 $10,073 $27.762 $12,421 $3,806 $769 $3,033 $3,033 $3,033 $15,584 $4,105 $3 892 $1.425 $2,371 $2.371 $2,371 $12,302 $4,186 $1,568 $950 $596 $596 $596 $8,514 $2 233 ($111) $167 ($241) ($241) ($241) $4,924 $178 $506 $161 $274 $274 $274 $3.998 $745 $544 $428 (539) (539) (539) $2.835 $676 $934 $291 $631 $631 $631 $1,945 $862 $1,497 $352 $1,152 $1,152 $1,152 $1,974 $1,406 $1,161 $253 $902 $902 $902 $1,507 $1,129 $901 $247 $645 $645 $645 $1,129 $842 $660 $184 $476 $476 $476 $901 $655 $377 $187 $190 $190 $190 $594 $389 $428 $95 $333 $333 $359 $553