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PFP 3 6 0 Estate Planning Final Case In the following assignment, you will be expected to draft a report to your clients, Diana and

PFP 360 Estate Planning
Final Case
In the following assignment, you will be expected to draft a report to your clients, Diana and
Luis Johnson, regarding their current estate plan. This will include answering some of their
questions about the estate planning process. There are two major goals for this assignment. First,
to demonstrate mastery of the material. This may require searching for information online
regarding state laws. Your second goal is to demonstrate that you can communicate with your
clients in a professional manner. This includes addressing the report to your clients. For example,
One item that would benefit your family is purchasing......
Below is information pertaining to the case as well as a list of questions and concerns that the
Johnsons have. Please address these concerns fully. Part of financial planning is client
education, so be sure to elaborate on your thoughts so that your clients understand.
If you have any questions or feel that you need additional information, please be sure to
email me!
Case Information
Diana and Luis Johnson live in New Mexico and have been married for 35 years. Diana is
currently 56 and Luis is currently 60. They have three children, Jeffery (age 24), Miranda (age
26), and Melody (age 28). Melody, the couples eldest daughter, passed away from cancer this
past year. She left behind two daughters, Brooklyn (age 6) and Emily (age 4). Melody was a
single mother, so Diana and Luis became the legal guardians of Brooklyn and Emily. They
currently have no other grandchildren.
Luis was recently diagnosed with a heart condition. This, in addition to Melodys death, has
prompted the couple to seek advice related to their estate as well as discuss some questions that
they have.
The couple owns the following major assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Brokerage Account
Life Insurance (death benefit)
Retirement Account
Miscellaneous Assets (art, furniture, etc.)
Cash and cash equivalents is held in a bank account with Diana named as the beneficiary.
The residence was purchased before Luis and Diana married. It is titled JTWROS.
The brokerage account lists Diana as the primary beneficiary.
The life insurance policy is valued at $600,000. The beneficiary is Luiss mother Mary who passed away 2 years ago. The policy has not been updated since.
The retirement account lists Diana as the primary beneficiary.
The boat is as titled tenancy in common with Luis contributing 60% of the $500,000
value and Jeffery contributing 40%.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Family Farm
Brokerage Account
Business (20% value)
Life Insurance 1(death benefit)
Life Insurance 2(death benefit)
Cash and cash equivalents are held in a bank account with Luis named as the beneficiary.
The jewelry is owned solely by Diana.
The farm was inherited by Diana from her parents after Diana married.
The brokerage account lists Luis as the primary beneficiary.
Diana owns 20% of a business she shares with her good friend, Pam. Her portion of the
business is valued at $800,000.
Life insurance policy 1 is valued at $400,000. The beneficiary is Dianas friend Pam.
Life insurance policy 2 is valued at $650,000. The beneficiary is Luis.
The Johnsons are concerned about the following points and wish for your guidance. Please
write a report which fully addresses these concerns.
Both Diana and Luis would like to know the value of their probate estate.
Are there any assets that should have updated beneficiaries?
Both Luis and Diana assume that Luis will pass away before Diana. They are concerned
about the potential estate tax. They would like to know what their current tax liability is in
the event that they pass in 2024.
The Johnsons would like to know how to reduce their tax liability. They are completely
new to this process and would like to know their options. They are open to establishing
trusts and making transfers to their heirs while they are still living.
The Johnsons are concerned about what will happen to Brooklyn and Emily should
something happen to them. What options do they have to protect Brooklyn and Emily?
Diana and Luis are considering how they should split their inheritance. They want to be
fair, but they are unsure of how to do that now that Melody has passed away. Additionally,
they are interested in donating a portion of their wealth to a ch

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