Plan of action:
Current Ratio:
The debt to asset ratio = Liabilities/Assets
Profit Margin:
This section of the proposal will include the recommended solutions. List between three
and five possible solutions, more or less, depending on the parameters of your course assignment.
The conclusion of the proposal will indicate a plan to meet and discuss the proposal
further and a desired timeline for doing so.
w 92% 2:04 2009-2008StatementRevenueAud... Document Home Annotation A View continuous page Text Reflow Full Screen 100 100% Or Patton - Fuller Community Hospital Statement of Revenue and Expense 2009 and 2008 (In thousands) (Audited) 2009 2008 Revenues Net Patient Revenue $459,900 $418,509 Other Revenue $3,082 $2,805 Total Revenues $462,982 $421,314 Expenses Salaries and benefits $220,752 $214, 129 Supplies $74,584 $71,346 Physician and professional fees $110,376 $107,065 Utilities $1,200 $1, 164 Other $1,840 $1,785 Depreciation & Amorization ("non-cash" expenses) $36,036 $24,955 Interest $3,708 $3,597 Provision for doubtful accounts (1) $14,797 $13,383 Total Expenses $463,293 $437,424 Operating Income ($311) ($16,110) Non-operating income (loss) Investment income ($62) $264 Net Income ($373) ($15,846) (1) includes adjustment due to audit C:\\Documents and Settings\\mkriordaWy Documents\\Web Development\\CIST Server\\CISTWOP Development Healthcare\\PFCH'HosDepts\\CFO\\2009 Financial Statements\\2009- 2008StatementRevenueAudited.xIs K O Ow 92% 2:04 2009-2008BalanceSheetAudited (... Document Home Annotation A View continuous page Text Reflow Full Screen 100% Or Patton - Fuller Community Hospital Balance Sheet as of December 31 2009 and 2008 (In thousands) (Audited) 2009 2008 Assets Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivialents $22,995 $41,851 Assets of Limited Use $27,594 $41,851 Patient Accounts Receivable (1) $58,787 $37,666 (net of Allowance for Bad Debts 2009: $11,757 / 2008: $7,533) Other Receivables (3rd party payer settlements $87 Inventories $18,396 $8,370 Prepaid Expenses $95 $201 Total Current Assets $127,867 $130,026 Other Assets Funded Depreciation $137,970 $167,404 Held under Bond Indenture $73,584 $75,332 Property, Plant and Equipment, net $248,346 $175,774 Total Assets $587,767 $548,535 Liabilities and Equity Current Liabilities Current portion of long-term debt $14,599 $4, 185 Accounts payable, accrued expenses $9, 198 $4, 185 Bond interest payable $10 $10 Total Current Liabilities $23,807 $8,380 Other Liabilities Long term debt $452,945 $209,255 less: current portion of long term debt $14,599 $4, 185 Net long term debt $438,346 $205,069 Total Liabilities $462,153 $213,450 C:\\Documents and Settings\\mkriordaWy Documents\\Web Development\\CIST Server\\CISTWOP Development Healthcare\\PFCH\\HosDepts\\CFO\\2009 Financial Statements\\2009-2008BalanceSheetAudited.xIs K O O