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Pleas help me assist me in completing my paper . I've written majority of it , but need help in finishing this off I've included all citations I've used for research in the snapshots I've included below. I've also included the words that need to be met and where I left off highlighted .

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Effects of The Housing Crisis and Commericial Real Estate Market This paper will focus on the main causes of the housing crisis, economic conditions, regulatory The purpose is to investigate the fundamental reasons of the housing crisis, taking into account clements as mentioned above. While the housing criss and economic issues are important to pay attention to, coming up with a potential solution is essential to taking the first step in improving the community. To begin, let's start with what Commericial Real Estate 1s a property that has the possibility of generating profit through rental incomes or capital gains. An example of a form of Commerical Real Estate 1s a duplex or restaurant, Commercial Real Estate is everywhere and is an ongoing business. However, when a housing crisis is actively present in the commungythare sl be o oenerous amount o sssssassasan . To begin, let's start with what Commericial Real Estate is a property that has the possibility of generating profit through rental incomes or capital gains. An example of a form of Commerical Real Estate 1s a duplex or restaurant, Commercial Real Estate 1s everywhere and 1s an ongoing business. However, when a housing crisis is actively present in the community, there will be a generous amount of delinquencies and defaults i1ssued to the tenants, resulting in eviction and vacancies which then lead to tenants and their families turning to bankruptcies, damage 1n their credit and being unable to start fresh or obtain a home. An example of surcharges is the rise of water and sewer charges is the Seattle House LLC, a developed apartment complex v. City of Delaware. In this case, the Seattle house alleged the fees of water and sewage capacity contributed to the expenses of affordable housing projects; Although the city had good intent, the fees totaling $11,035 for a single-family home without making expenses of affordable housing projects; Although the city had good intent, the fees totaling $11,035 for a single-family home without making individualized corrections became unrealistic and unbearable for many residents in the complex, resulting in difficult living. Seattle House, LLC v. City of Delaware, 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 143517, 2021 WL 3284742 (United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Eastern DivisionAugust 2 , 2021, Filed), ction=cases&id=urn:contentItem:638X-5KF1-F27X -639N-00000-00&context=1516831. The cause of a housing crisis can vary from high levels of investment such as Commericial Real Estate or the Rental Arbitrage which is when an individual signs a long-term lease on a short-term occurrence and lists the rental on Airbmb for a short stay; This is a popular and concerning practice because it takes the opportunity from people who actually need a home to obtain one. Additionally, aactually need a home to obtain one. Additionally, a housing crisis can damage the job market. If real estate developers default on their debts, banks and other financial institutions that gave them sizable sums of money could suffer damages. This might : . i g A spark a wider financial crisis and result in { o, large-scale loss of jobs in the banking industry. Further, housing crisises involve more than just Commericial Real Estate. Financial Downturn and Issues with Affordable Housing in the Residential Real Estate community are detrimental factors in this crisis. Financial downturn occurs when an immense decline in U.S home prices after the ruins of a housing crisis happen which leads to mortgage delinquencies, unfortunate foreclosures, and the lack of value of housing securities.On the other hand, the issues with affordable housing doesn't help the community at all when paired with financial downturns. According to the Office, U.S. Government Accountability. \"The Affordable Housing CrisisSrowre=wwe==mrts to I[ncrease Further, housing crisises involve more than just Commericial Real Estate. Financial Downturn and Issues with Affordable Housing in the Residential Real Estate community are detrimental factors in this crisis. Financial downturn occurs when an immense decline in U.S home prices after the ruins of a housing crisis happen which leads to mortgage delinquencies, unfortunate foreclosures, and the lack of value of housing securities.On the other hand, the issues with affordable housing doesn't help the community at all when paired with financial downturns. According to the Office, U.S. Government Accountability. \"The Affordable Housing Crisis Grows While Efforts to Increase Supply Fall Short.\" U.S. GAO, 7 Nov. 2023, while-efforts-increase-supply-fall-short. \"The initiative 1s under strain due to escalating land and building expenses. For instance, from 2012 to 2019, land prices rose by 60%, and between 1998 and -~ - . ~ land prices rose by 60%, and between 1998 and 2021, the price of a home more than doubled. However, HUD does not raise the spending caps for grantees' activities to keep up with these rising expenses. It was discovered that overtime, the quantity of units needed to be constructed with grant financing had drastically decreased.\" This proves residential property affects the housing crisis just as much Commericial Real Estate does. Equally important, many individuals that undergo a housing crisis suffer from social and psychological consequences. A housing crisis doesn't just hurt our community financially, it can impact the community mentally and emotionally as well. According to \"Housing Instability.\" Housing Instability - Healthy People 2030, minants-health/literature-summaries/housing-instabi lity#:~:text=0Overcrowding%20may%?20affect%20m ental%20health.the%20risk%200f%20infectious %2 ~ A ~ s - . N~ . N~ s~ n s Accessed 26 Apr. 2024. , " A total of 37.1 million households, comprising both renters and owners, experienced financial hardship; out of them, 17.6 million experienced severe financial hardship. Cost burden was experienced by 83.5 percent of households with annual incomes under $15,000. People with the lowest incomes could be forced to rent subpar housing that exposes them to health and safety issues, like mildew, vermin, water leaks, and inadequate heating or cooling systems, because there are few affordable openings in the rental market. Moreover, they might be made to live with others, which could lead to congestion." Thus, the people with the lowest income and those that have families suffer overcrowding which can affect stress levels, relationships, sleep, and can cause any form of infectious diseases. Overcrowding would contribute to a financial downturn and financial crisis accompanied with the housing crisis. Unfortunately, the current state law isn't helping. The Live ca Act (BIT was passed as ofUnfortunately, the current state law isn't helping. The Live Local Act (Bill 328) was passed as of February 28, 2024 by the House and Senate, and was designed to boost development amid a housing crisis. However, ever since the act has been put to the test, many loose ends were revealed. According to \"The Florida Senate.\" Senate Bill 102 (2023) - The Florida Senate, Accessed 26 Apr. 2024. The new bill will not allow the local government to calculate how much of the land can be utilized for development. Although the Live Local Act has assisted the crowded housing market 1n a few areas, this act has been less convenient with people who demand immense changes, such as placing moratoriums on ongoing development until the need is attended to. However, now that we've covered the Commericial and Residential effects of a housing crisis, let's talk about the people. The impact on individuals andesensnssmsssesuessiac victims in all However, now that we've covered the Commericial and Residential effects of a housing crisis, let's talk about the people. The impact on individuals and communities are the victims in all housing crisises. A terrible byproduct of the housing crisis, foreclosures upend lives and cause community instability. When a family faces foreclosure, they frequently face emotional upheaval, financial hardship, and dislocation. In locations where foreclosures have had a significant impact, homelessness rates typically increase, aggravating social issues and placing a burden on public resources. Housing inequality is another obstacle for many that has been made worse by the growing disparity between salaries and housing costs. Lack of affordable housing adversely impacts disadvantaged groups and those with limited incomes, which feeds the cycle of poverty and marginalization. Rent control laws, and housing assistance applications among other legislative initiatives aimeg gt encgirasine affgrdable housing, costs. Lack of affordable housing adversely impacts disadvantaged groups and those with limited incomes, which feeds the cycle of poverty and marginalization. Rent control laws, and housing assistance applications among other legislative initiatives aimed at encouraging affordable housing, are essential for reducing these inequities. In fact, rent control is state banned in Florida according to FL Stat. $ 125.0103. Fortunately, viewing legal cases offer valuable insights into the specifics of housing law and crises such as: Sherman v. Johnson. Tenant-landlord disputes and eviction procedures were among the issues that the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit addressed in Sherman v. Johnson. Tenant rights must be protected in the face of financial unpredictability and unstable housing conditions, and this case served as a reminder significance of fairness in the procedure as well as due proce ure during home- lated judicialsuch as: Sherman v. Johnson. Tenant-landlord disputes and eviction procedures were among the issues that the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit addressed in Sherman v. Johnson. Tenant rights must be protected in the face of financial unpredictability and unstable housing conditions, and this case served as a reminder of the significance of fairness in the procedure as well as due procedure during home-related judicial processes. The case of Seattle House, LLC v. City of Delaware concerned land use policy and zoning laws that control the growth of industrial property. The case served as an example of the careful balancing act among rights of ownership and local laws intended to further the goals of urban planning and community welfare. The way that zoning laws and regulatory frameworks are interpreted by judges affects developers, local governments, communities, and real estate investors in significant ways . In Zos v. N.A. of Power Eng'rs Educ. Found., Inc., questions of easement rights and property Invs.-Redwood LLC v. City of Alameda. In the areas of land utilization and planning as well as compliance with regulations, the case demonstrated the fragile equilibrium that must be struck among private property rights and public objectives. In regulatory decision-making procedures, property owners must be treated fairly, openly, and with responsibility. CONTINUE ( Left at 1,891 words, 1,609 more words needed. Please use citations below and context from the book, Evicted by Matthew Desmond, James Mathew and Poverty Law and Advocacy in America by Sherri Lawson Clark and Steven M. Virgil. . ) - The works cited is the last page.Works Cited Primary Resources: The Florida Senate. Chapter 83 - 2012 Florida Statutes - The Florida Senate. (n.d.). Chapter83/All Sherman v. Johnson, 2023 U.S. App. (Sherman v. Johnson, 2023 U.S. App. LEXIS 18821, 2023 WL 4704141 (United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth CircuitJuly 24, 2023, Filed), available at cases&id=urn:contentItem:68SN-YJ81-JPP5-252V- 00000-00&context=1516831. ) Seattle House, LLC v. City of Delaware, 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 143517, 2021 WL 3284742 (United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Eastern DivisionAugust 2, 2021, Filed), available at cases&id=urn:contentItem:638X-5KF1-F27X-639N -00000-00&context=1516831. Zos v. N.A. of Power Eng'rs Educ. Found., Inc., 2023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 108704, 2023 WL 4134699 (United States District Court for the District of MarylandJune 22, 2023, Filed), available at cases&id=urn:contentItem:68J2-KBT1-FBFS-S3NN -00000-00&context=1516831. Valley Invs.-Redwood LLC v. City of Alameda, 20232023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 108704, 2023 WL 4134699 (United States District Court for the District of MarylandJune 22, 2023, Filed), available at cases&id=urn:contentItem:68J2-KBT1-FBFS-S3NN -00000-00&context=1516831. Valley Invs.-Redwood LLC v. City of Alameda, 2023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 207828, 2023 WL 8039803 (United States District Court for the Northern District of CaliforniaNovember 20, 2023, Filed), available at cases&id=urn:contentItem:69P1-RSHI-JBT7-X328- 00000-00&context=1516831. The Florida Senate." Senate Bill 102 (2023) - The Florida Senate, Secondary Sources: Evicted by Matthew Desmond, James Mathew and . Cmty. Hous. Improvement Program v. City of New York, 59 F.4th 540, 2023 U.S. App. LEXIS 2879 (United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit February 6, 2023, Decided), available cases&id=urn:contentItem:67GR-1711-JS5Y- 00000-00&context=1516831.Poverty Law and Advocacy in America by Sherri Lawson Clark and Steven M. Virgil. How A Real Estate Crisis Could Hurt The Job Market ow-a-real-estate-crisis-could-hurt-the-job-market/?s h=laf9319c50c0 What Are the Effect of Commericial Property on Residential Property Value? ts-commercial-property-residential-property-value. Office, U.S. Government Accountability. "The Affordable Housing Crisis Grows While Efforts to Increase Supply Fall Short. " U.S. GAO, 7 Nov. 2023, rows-while-efforts-increase-supply-fall-shor I. Housing Instability." Housing Instability - Healthy People 2030, minants-health/literature-summaries/housing-instabi lity#:~:text=Overcrowding%20may%20affect%20m ental%20health,the%20risk%20of%20infectious%2 Odisease.&text=Housing%20costs%20that%20are%Housing Instability." Housing Instability - Healthy People 2030, minants-health/literature-summaries/housing-instabi lity#:~:text=Overcrowding%20may%20affect%20m ental%20health, the%20risk%20of%20infectious%2 Odisease.&text=Housing%20costs%20that%20are% 20more,eviction%20(a%20forced%20move). Accessed 26 Apr. 2024. The Affordable Housing Crisis Grows While Efforts to Increase Supply Fall Short." U.S. GAO, 7 Nov. 2023, while-efforts-increase-supply-fall-short

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