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Please answer 17 multiple choice questions managerial accounting 5 The 5335ng most likely to reduce the breakeven point would be to a b. c. d.

Please answer 17 multiple choice questions managerial accounting

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5 The 5335ng most likely to reduce the breakeven point would be to a b. c. d. . Increase both the fixed costs and the contribution margin. Decrease both the fixed costs and the contribution margin. ' M Decrease the fixed costs and increase the contribution margin. Increase the fixed costs and decrease the contribution margin. 6 To determine contribution margin which of the following get deducted from total o revenues at. only variable manufacturing costs. c b. only fixed manufacturing costs. B Z c. both variable and fixed manufacturing costs. d. both variable manufacturing costs and variable non-manufacturing costs. fi TIHE FOLLO WING INFORMATION APPLIES TO UESTIONS 7 THROUGH 10. / Kaiser's Kraft Korner sells a single product. 7,000 units were sold resulting in $70,000 of sales revenue; W, of variable costs; and $l2,000 of fixed costs. 1 zg" co 7. Contribution margin per unit is: a. $4OO b. $4.29 c. $6.00 d. $6.15 8. Breakeven point in units is: a. 2,000 units b. 3,000 units 0. 5,000 units d. 2,250 units 9 The number of units that must be sold to achieve 560,000 of operating income is: a. 10,000 units b. 11,666 units 0. 12,000 units d. l2,500 unitswill itwtcnrac by: lars" M' t it . ' t "1lelllxl'kJBi'i')':i'::'uui) opcrntnu: income. u. lt. C' d. uml l)clivcrinp,. (loutn llows: l'lll'clltlllillff,' ol" l'urcltnsc numhcr of g untl Hi ABU. luc. lms two cntcgorics ol' ovcrli aid. l'urchusing L'Xt'cctcd for tltcsc two nctix'itics i'm the. coming. ycur urc ns l'o 5('U0.(l(ltl; wliilc Delivering: 'w $')(lt),()(ll). 'l'ltc mnxinnn'n nntnlicr Oulcm t'or ull jobs during the ycnr in 75.()()(), nnd thc mnxitnum . Dc'liycrics is 4.500. 'l'hcsc nrc uppropriutc cost drivers for both l'urcltnsun Dclivcring nctivitics. respectively. c in dcvcloping, n bid for Lt Labor 'r= $2,4()O; 'Numbcr ol" nsscmlilcd For us m $6,()()(); Direct lvcr ol' Dclivcrics s, the total cost of The following dutn lmvc been proposed job: Direct Mutcrinls Purchase Ordcrs H 1.500; Num 2.400. Using the miproprintc cost drivct' m 12; Dircct Lubor Hours -" the potential job is: It. 523.S(l(l li. $31,60l). . $39.600. d. XL ,800 mscd costing. The company has two products: A. d sales of Products A and 'B are 10,0()0 units and III. usmiuc Compzmy uscs uctivity-l activity cost pools, with estimated total and B. 'l'hc annual production an 4,000 units, respectively. There are three cost and cxpcctcd activity as follows: ? cctcd Actwrt Product A Product B 'l'otal Activity 1 $25,000 150 100 25() Activity 2 $65,000 ' 800 200 l 000 Activity 3 $90,000 l,000 2,000 3' 000 The total overhead cost , ' ' ) , (ABCHS: PH "ml Of Iroduct A under Acttvny-Bascd Costing Activit ' Estimated Costs a. 36.00 $9.70 $1.50 ct. $3.00 xi 0''n 1 5 r l n u E 1 l '. Il Humoudwmou mom baum u. Hdzofim" bonn? mon woo? bam/md. ZwmmEd Onbmflh Madman am om amman UnRfl 5 wang c mmmfludw mflinm GREENS HER nwhoboo mmanHmm wang manu wan baum Mann .0 pm mono/gm" fl oadfima Huan," mayan: bananas fi, flaw Han/dam 8 wnba: mon; "gauge Vmucamm Gobg mefiwm wonzmbm Dag me? Emma: He? no mw?" mmuu. ado: mrocpa UH, am, (tn ') "J p CJ H 7' ai moi. Ecm: om afi Q nom o 40me l m. Muwobcc. r U. gus? n. takes. a. amiga.16. ;5LCtiViB'-bosmd x "olin L q S (ABC) uses which of the following procedures? 8- Overhe b Overhezi Zl'r: gaaced to denartrnents; then costs are traced to products. c' Overhe d ced to activmes; then costs are traced to products. CL 3 Costs are traced directly to products. An OVeThead costs are expensed as incurred. 17 gramdin, Inc. uses activity-based costing (ABC). The company produces Product and Product Y. Information relating to the two products is as follows: Information Cate o Product-X Product-Y Units Produced 48,000 60,000 Machine Hours 15,000 17,000 Direct Labor Hours 16,000 24,000 Materials Handling (# moves) 8,000 12,000 No. of Serups 10,000 14,000 The following costs are reported: Materials Handling $160,000 Labor Related Overhead Costs S480,000 Setup Cost $240,000 Materials handling costs assigned to Products X and Y respectively are: a. 35 1 44,000; $l45,000 l). $6(),()()(); $64,000 0. 5561000; $96,000 (I. ii I (MOOG; $96,0005 The Strategy most likely to reduce the breakeven point would be to a Increase both the fixed costs and the contribution margin. b. Decrease both the fixed costs and the contribution margin. ' M C. Decrease the fixed costs and increase the contribution margin. ' d. Increase the fixed costs and decrease the contribution margin. 6 To determine contribution margin which of the following get deducted from total o revenues / a. only variable manufacturing costs. c b. only fixed manufacturing costs. B Z 0. both variable and fixed manufacturing costs. d. both variable manufacturing costs and variable non-manufacturing costs. q l TIHE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES TO QUESTIONS 7 THROUGH 10. / Kaiser's Kraft Komer sells a single product. 7,000 units were sold resulting in $70,000 of of variable costs; and $l2,000 of fixed costs. sales revenue; ' = . J zg so 7. Contribution margin per unit is: a. $400 b. $4.29 c. $6.00 ct. $6.15 8. Breakeven point in units is: a. 2,000 units b. 3,000 units 0. 5,000 units d. 2,250 units 9 The number of units that must be sold to achieve 560,000 of operating income is: a. 10,000 units b. ll,666 units c. 12,000 units d. 12,500 unitsACCM-WMFM 1mm.2-cupwss,6&7 HI. Linden 1 Putl-mszmuz "'H'MWWWW, y receive credit {or war ms, 1, Fixedmmodflzm,wnuiblfimnginpauniteqwsm'mdflm mbuofuxiusoldequallfiw.imomeis a, "LOGO, b, S20,000, 6. "Low, 4, mm, 2, WMMcomm$lwfiooandvmiabkwstsm2M0fscflingpfice,m Wennlum 8 3123500, b. 3125,000. 0, 3225500. 4 5225000. 3. TheBayCompanyhasfixedoostsofMO0,000andvafiableoostsare 75'/ of the selling price, To realize profits of 5100,000 from sales of 500,000 unithflwnllingpricepenmitmustbe a, SLOO bi c. 84,00 4. 314416. ActiviW-based fin u "o- L Q 2 (ABC) uses which of the following procedures? . 8- Overhe b Overhegii Zl'r: faced to deoartrnents; then costs are traced to producls. c' Ova-he d ccd to activmes; then costs are traced to products. ii 3 Costs are traced directly to products. An overhead costs are expensed as incurred. 17 gramdin, Inc. uses activity-based costing (ABC). The company produces Product and Product Y. Information relating to the two products is as follows: bmw Product-X Product-Y Units Produced 48,000 60,000 Machine Hours 15,000 l7,000 Direct Labor Hours l6,()00 24,000 Materials Handling (# moves) 8,000 l2,00() 10,000 l4,000 No. of Semps The following costs are reported: Materials Handling $l60,000 Labor Related Overhead Costs S480,000 3240,000 Setup Cost Materials handling costs assigned to Products X and Y respectively are: ix. $l44,000; $l45,000 17. $6(),()()(); $64,000 0. .'E64,()00; $96,000 (I. fl' 1 (MOOG; $96,0005 The Strategy most likely to reduce the breakeven point would be to a Increase both the fixed costs and the contribution margin. b. Decrease both the fixed costs and the contribution margin. ' M C. Decrease the fixed costs and increase the contribution margin. ' d. Increase the fixed costs and decrease the contribution margin. 6 To determine contribution margin which of the following get deducted from total o revenues / a. only variable manufacturing costs. c b. only fixed manufacturing costs. B Z 0. both variable and fixed manufacturing costs. d. both variable manufacturing costs and variable non-manufacturing costs. q l TIHE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES TO QUESTIONS 7 THROUGH 10. / Kaiser's Kraft Komer sells a single product. 7,000 units were sold resulting in $70,000 of of variable costs; and $l2,000 of fixed costs. sales revenue; ' = . J zg so 7. Contribution margin per unit is: a. $400 b. $4.29 c. $6.00 ct. $6.15 8. Breakeven point in units is: a. 2,000 units b. 3,000 units 0. 5,000 units d. 2,250 units 9 The number of units that must be sold to achieve 560,000 of operating income is: a. 10,000 units b. ll,666 units c. 12,000 units d. 12,500 unitsIt) it. v lt mlm msnbc by talmtltltl. opcmtmi; income. wall incwntac "Y- a. S t noun 5 t 5.000 xx S.'.2.uoa St 7500 Purchasing and Delivering. ("loma e as follows: l'urehaautgy,' 1 amber ol" Purchase um number of ureliaaing and il. ABC. luc. has two categories ol' overhead. L'Xt'ected for these two activities for the. coming; year at Sblllldltltl; while Delivering il $')(lt),()()(). 'l'lte maxinnn'n n Ouicm for all jobs during the year in 75.()0(), and the maxnn Dc'livcries is l5lltl 'l'hese are appropriate coat drivers for both l' Delivering activities. respectively. mhled For use in developing, a bid for it in $6,()()(); Direct Labor 'r= $2,4()O; Number ol" l' Deliveries = 12; Direct Labor Hours -"' the total cost of the potential job is: The following data have been asse Direct Materials it 1.500; Numlver 0 ate cost drivers, proposed job: Purchase Orders 1 2.400. Using the appropri a. SELSOO. lu. $31,60(). C. $29.60(). d. ,23,SOO ased costing. The company has two products: A. of Products A and 'B are 10,0()0 units and e activity cost pools, with estimated total 12. Jasmine Company uses activity-li and B. The annual production and sales 4,000 units, respectively. There are thre cost and expected activity as follows: Exp. ectcd Activity Aetivit ' Estimated Costs Product A Product B 'l'otal Activity 1 $25,000 150 100 250 Activity 2 $65,000 ' 800 200 i 000 Aetivity3 $90,000 1,000 2,000 3'000 The total overhead cost per unit of Product A under Activity-Based Costing (ABC) is: a. $6.00 b. $9.7O C. $1.50 at. $3.00He .. . wv ' " ' "'s" . st-s "? ,.-..v-2'> wrsk-v is. - C'IX ztx-z'ussi "we"; LADLW, ..-.1 "nm"..- ' . r-'1.fl"*;"""1 Xxi-fl 9" - av. gv>" L-.L-'-> ' x a .0 ve. ev- :,: ag thy "rv: * .::'-.'::;'.L-n "' J. ;. g'sig;> 5L>4 wx' ;V-- wne L.-- s v- " ' -: ' ' . . ' ., ' nam "'135 genome; ".N "et. ' ' ' ' 3 r .r f- b. betsbrxm Ss LILA}; ,e co). "xi nous. ' unmany." "is" " Vw: w: w- .. "run"...wb: . an" "huge Q. an' - '1 fivxs ' . ' .L I - b gina BJ} -:,.(.qf'; v ' u" -' x . . -. , - e i. - . Ih"- 1> ni Lxxsnpnon "is: snl upper? 3.21va an": pu"... . .. . . . . . . fi 4- ' q-n "as m'x ' Ma an: na, L. b. It mosuinhx >rxcrnc asnu S: that are reqm me: to pu; "- rue" . ' "Y' n f ' *? fl ' - e. Co>..x me nor comme}: x recorded- ' . - 4 1' Q; N M a vw" e r f u e. It Iiu > to guess" th. correct ..moum oi torfl cosu. . . ' et..." . fin.) Q"'1 Lk-v u-v follows: Activit's' Measme Estimated Overhead Cost '36 of Time evoted to Branch S7QO,QUO SHROUD Computer Time ACtiViTV Cost Pools General Service Research Service ear '

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