Term Project Procedure The Crous Propet wit ark you te outcie and iapity coshaithil ieturs and ootining the lesues rou see form those besic lacts. You ase not being apand to oo the achavl analyis of takin a posion (ref) if done wel fin will gie you a head seat on the final insiveuat Project develoe your outline and wrte an paper based on your indive in secocoses to the pormph growed heren. Fact Pattern Part A (Base Facts) an agert, she used to work in construction as arr acreurting and purchusing dees tar heuseng maheriak and firures. And nocenty punchused 197.2027 a snge tenily home (5FP) on scree agroatural land veing her Subchacher 5 Coporation A to 2 Finverty Cogoration as the formel stividardiced tom: Fer the Agreenwer: Exrrow. - Fer the temra of the agrooment, And has at deve w inaopobose and wose ary physicat consobon on the property - Por the lenre of the agverent, And has 30 days ts beh pul anotwer lasasod maved on or by Day 60 . - Ciowe of Eacrow ahal oocur on or behier 1291202t. - Per the ierma of the agvenent, belore as party tan be in truect the nen. party can cure the poilertial bieach and sill perforn. And is antopating pat the tapedy agreoating mweet, she wil smply fip the pripery al a higre price weth a wery inor hodine berisd or posiby mo tweed it at. in. optonel iat the biscreson of And property On Day 30 Andi has not completad her inepecteres and has net arovided a wwew yet the physical oonasions at the property. The Agere Cora dow not a arve iminutaluy neria a Ew procenty becoute it in rapidy acerecinting in value and oun the addional SBL 000 and prtividet al waivars ty emeil to Core at 35pm. an buy 33. On Dwy 34. Bevior intruets Cara so wwe a Carselaton of Cona as ane Eapers eraver Dn Day 3 . Cora serves the Nreice bo Pretorm the Berection and PAyscar intruelini thenanding that al depobite te intiod to fepier fler treich Part B (Additional Facts) property or "this Property has ta own hier. Core pested on a sonilat cecviosi. indwidual drlerences and A to 2 . Copp enos up takiny the to the procent on on interest in conclative his contract to curchase the agvereent dev lo the dolay in shif. He dritcopahes that enorest rahes are going to sermocect and The ruche is coeld indvidvally whicart. 3. Ascume that Ars orvy ieept abo4i about 850 . 25+500 in A to 2 Corp ar ay givin 1m and orly does one lip in this Cop art a the. Enorealy ther Core is a fraking cofceary. levies regarding ary other perty was teservad. Discussion Prompts (with point distributions) Group Project: (2 parts, 100 points each) - Prepare an outline using the following prompts. You can ase the Promyts in the individual Phoed to assel you in alerulywe 2. Co Rrowgh the Facts and Curiee the Reabenshas Detwien the partes 3. iferify if any of the Pelatconthos have a potental laweth between ltwen Folcowing ias apelexbief a. Yued Contractisi). b. Posertal flewohes a. Pofential Legal Remaides 6. Pehential Mrans to Resolve ireler w Monele ? 8. Aher you bstote your Descuseorn Board version. oe and terew pout peter. your reviews. Cropues do nat need te be auraty ar haris tue should be Individual Project - (200 points) Duing all the Facta grovided, write an narrefivetrasay paper using the Hillywing prempts. thesgh in may be werthetile be first "eutline" the issiats as your ntartas to do in the Group Prolect belere composing your phper. iPo not turn in your outline as pert of er in leu of your mitunisisin here. Curcines wit NOF be graded or given gartial crecit, though logical ahd Iimited use of bultil pointe is effecibnt and can be used as applicablei. 1. Contractual Aelatienships (t5 Peilets) - lamefy at the iantract ar tplationuhips voy can fre in the fart patiern, including any that mogt be the scurce ce potentar liatulty and thoce that may fuve alvady ruen their courab. bervify shal mean and inclide derleyve the partest and the sibinel mune of sach conbact. Tww it asoess it have been made paries who haret onchechual felofiondhise may have other oonourest creased ar carre be the rou hare about the Facts of Fach Fatwen incuading museng tactsi thar pos would like ta have ahiwesed ard then provide a briet staternent of ahere you would lock for the answer. You thould atwe pruetle ary inportine tearking atturntion'thaf yoy will maie for your arabyis and how yow cane in that t will be importart to ay gatt of your mralysio. position ard point of view, by making arguments jostfeed by lacts and tilen of law. Concidor the following disoussion nub oromstr: a) Can And erforee ther epreast and why? Frim a buinws pernpective should they and why" b) Cat Ares arvid either contract and why? Fiom a buarean porthocteve ahould they ared why? apelcable? 5. Bnglor's Psint of Varw (SD points) - For Burposen of thit Promye labe Dernocthe stiould they and why? b) Cas Dapior avoid nether contract and whiy? Fion a bushest Earhective should they and why? Comaoedi are raplan the boass an related remedes for mult the arcionote? 8. Dimitry's Reint of View go gaints) - For purposes of thin Prompt nate Frompte: perspective shoudd they aret why? bl Can Dinity aroud any toviast ane afid? Fram a tuniewa Eershective should they and why? anolrowher? 7. Snoudd Cara be wurned foo poind) - Does Cora nave any koy ewpowne which would kspeon the presence of lablty, the facts fuc ancost that har theory and the greeral ha. Cora couds to new labie. A. Should You Set te a Business Entity and Why? (to points - Whis antty and why' Compare and Contrast teo siferent but potertai hows is a) Can faplor entove ether contract avo why Prim a busreve persuective should they and why? bi) Gan Barpir arvid either nontract ared why? From a hushess persective shoulg they and why? damagedi arid ewian the banin in rulated remedies that inight be appleakile? 6. Dimitry's Beint of View i30 painta) - For porpetin of this Prompt, then Ardis poution and point af view. Cantider Ere flelfeing dibturnon an b. promitit: a) Can Durvy erteroe ary ocrituct and why? From a bueneus permective should they and why? bi Cas Diritry aroid ary contract and ahy? Fram a bestrunt Ferspective should they ard why? applicable? 7. Shosid Cera be worried COb pointa) - Deet Cora have any legui nochurn theory and the goneral nature or basis for dotar mining an amount tor which Boia couls be hovel lable. 8. Should You Set ty A Business Entlf and why? [18 points ) Which portes in this taci pathem mort or could benele by the use at a buiness Wait recsinwendationisi and astyy a lrom toon a legat and poactios persyective. Aso show how your meammerviationa are telorint to the fact patem 9. Conclusion: How wpild you sugaest Rnd atd yeu Mesclve rear respective lissues proceduralfy? (10 pointsi - This is another apinon Closing Assurances, Hints, Thoughts and Due Date. Refer to Cohavas for all relevant aubiniasion and tue dabe. Papots nay be bccomtrodelian or in leniced creamslatcirs agratil ta in achance. Thes is conpletafy oper-hock and yas may denks and work en the popert with pour The good newn is that the grasivg standare for thie project is bsesed sposi that Deliverables: being responded bi. No couen page is necessary. Reo paters can be aciopitot under ary Term Project Procedure The Crous Propet wit ark you te outcie and iapity coshaithil ieturs and ootining the lesues rou see form those besic lacts. You ase not being apand to oo the achavl analyis of takin a posion (ref) if done wel fin will gie you a head seat on the final insiveuat Project develoe your outline and wrte an paper based on your indive in secocoses to the pormph growed heren. Fact Pattern Part A (Base Facts) an agert, she used to work in construction as arr acreurting and purchusing dees tar heuseng maheriak and firures. And nocenty punchused 197.2027 a snge tenily home (5FP) on scree agroatural land veing her Subchacher 5 Coporation A to 2 Finverty Cogoration as the formel stividardiced tom: Fer the Agreenwer: Exrrow. - Fer the temra of the agrooment, And has at deve w inaopobose and wose ary physicat consobon on the property - Por the lenre of the agverent, And has 30 days ts beh pul anotwer lasasod maved on or by Day 60 . - Ciowe of Eacrow ahal oocur on or behier 1291202t. - Per the ierma of the agvenent, belore as party tan be in truect the nen. party can cure the poilertial bieach and sill perforn. And is antopating pat the tapedy agreoating mweet, she wil smply fip the pripery al a higre price weth a wery inor hodine berisd or posiby mo tweed it at. in. optonel iat the biscreson of And property On Day 30 Andi has not completad her inepecteres and has net arovided a wwew yet the physical oonasions at the property. The Agere Cora dow not a arve iminutaluy neria a Ew procenty becoute it in rapidy acerecinting in value and oun the addional SBL 000 and prtividet al waivars ty emeil to Core at 35pm. an buy 33. On Dwy 34. Bevior intruets Cara so wwe a Carselaton of Cona as ane Eapers eraver Dn Day 3 . Cora serves the Nreice bo Pretorm the Berection and PAyscar intruelini thenanding that al depobite te intiod to fepier fler treich Part B (Additional Facts) property or "this Property has ta own hier. Core pested on a sonilat cecviosi. indwidual drlerences and A to 2 . Copp enos up takiny the to the procent on on interest in conclative his contract to curchase the agvereent dev lo the dolay in shif. He dritcopahes that enorest rahes are going to sermocect and The ruche is coeld indvidvally whicart. 3. Ascume that Ars orvy ieept abo4i about 850 . 25+500 in A to 2 Corp ar ay givin 1m and orly does one lip in this Cop art a the. Enorealy ther Core is a fraking cofceary. levies regarding ary other perty was teservad. Discussion Prompts (with point distributions) Group Project: (2 parts, 100 points each) - Prepare an outline using the following prompts. You can ase the Promyts in the individual Phoed to assel you in alerulywe 2. Co Rrowgh the Facts and Curiee the Reabenshas Detwien the partes 3. iferify if any of the Pelatconthos have a potental laweth between ltwen Folcowing ias apelexbief a. Yued Contractisi). b. Posertal flewohes a. Pofential Legal Remaides 6. Pehential Mrans to Resolve ireler w Monele ? 8. Aher you bstote your Descuseorn Board version. oe and terew pout peter. your reviews. Cropues do nat need te be auraty ar haris tue should be Individual Project - (200 points) Duing all the Facta grovided, write an narrefivetrasay paper using the Hillywing prempts. thesgh in may be werthetile be first "eutline" the issiats as your ntartas to do in the Group Prolect belere composing your phper. iPo not turn in your outline as pert of er in leu of your mitunisisin here. Curcines wit NOF be graded or given gartial crecit, though logical ahd Iimited use of bultil pointe is effecibnt and can be used as applicablei. 1. Contractual Aelatienships (t5 Peilets) - lamefy at the iantract ar tplationuhips voy can fre in the fart patiern, including any that mogt be the scurce ce potentar liatulty and thoce that may fuve alvady ruen their courab. bervify shal mean and inclide derleyve the partest and the sibinel mune of sach conbact. Tww it asoess it have been made paries who haret onchechual felofiondhise may have other oonourest creased ar carre be the rou hare about the Facts of Fach Fatwen incuading museng tactsi thar pos would like ta have ahiwesed ard then provide a briet staternent of ahere you would lock for the answer. You thould atwe pruetle ary inportine tearking atturntion'thaf yoy will maie for your arabyis and how yow cane in that t will be importart to ay gatt of your mralysio. position ard point of view, by making arguments jostfeed by lacts and tilen of law. Concidor the following disoussion nub oromstr: a) Can And erforee ther epreast and why? Frim a buinws pernpective should they and why" b) Cat Ares arvid either contract and why? Fiom a buarean porthocteve ahould they ared why? apelcable? 5. Bnglor's Psint of Varw (SD points) - For Burposen of thit Promye labe Dernocthe stiould they and why? b) Cas Dapior avoid nether contract and whiy? Fion a bushest Earhective should they and why? Comaoedi are raplan the boass an related remedes for mult the arcionote? 8. Dimitry's Reint of View go gaints) - For purposes of thin Prompt nate Frompte: perspective shoudd they aret why? bl Can Dinity aroud any toviast ane afid? Fram a tuniewa Eershective should they and why? anolrowher? 7. Snoudd Cara be wurned foo poind) - Does Cora nave any koy ewpowne which would kspeon the presence of lablty, the facts fuc ancost that har theory and the greeral ha. Cora couds to new labie. A. Should You Set te a Business Entity and Why? (to points - Whis antty and why' Compare and Contrast teo siferent but potertai hows is a) Can faplor entove ether contract avo why Prim a busreve persuective should they and why? bi) Gan Barpir arvid either nontract ared why? From a hushess persective shoulg they and why? damagedi arid ewian the banin in rulated remedies that inight be appleakile? 6. Dimitry's Beint of View i30 painta) - For porpetin of this Prompt, then Ardis poution and point af view. Cantider Ere flelfeing dibturnon an b. promitit: a) Can Durvy erteroe ary ocrituct and why? From a bueneus permective should they and why? bi Cas Diritry aroid ary contract and ahy? Fram a bestrunt Ferspective should they ard why? applicable? 7. Shosid Cera be worried COb pointa) - Deet Cora have any legui nochurn theory and the goneral nature or basis for dotar mining an amount tor which Boia couls be hovel lable. 8. Should You Set ty A Business Entlf and why? [18 points ) Which portes in this taci pathem mort or could benele by the use at a buiness Wait recsinwendationisi and astyy a lrom toon a legat and poactios persyective. Aso show how your meammerviationa are telorint to the fact patem 9. Conclusion: How wpild you sugaest Rnd atd yeu Mesclve rear respective lissues proceduralfy? (10 pointsi - This is another apinon Closing Assurances, Hints, Thoughts and Due Date. Refer to Cohavas for all relevant aubiniasion and tue dabe. Papots nay be bccomtrodelian or in leniced creamslatcirs agratil ta in achance. Thes is conpletafy oper-hock and yas may denks and work en the popert with pour The good newn is that the grasivg standare for thie project is bsesed sposi that Deliverables: being responded bi. No couen page is necessary. Reo paters can be aciopitot under ary