please answer this question
Name 1: Student ID 1: 5. Impact Evaluation Cansu is the poorest province in China. Its population is primarily rural, and a high percentage of adults migrate to cities, leaving their children at home under the care of grandparents. Government officials are concerned that these left behind children perform poorly in school because they don't have support from their parents who have migrated. In an effort to improve the educational outcomes of high school children, the provincial governor implemented a free, after school tutoring program in all high schools. All children attending high school in Gamsu are eligible to participate in the tutoring program. Jiting is a famom Chinese economist hired by the Ministry of Education of Gansu to evaluate the impact of the tutoring program on educational performance. The outcome indicator Jiting identified is the score of high school senior on the Ciao Kao, which is China's national, standardized college entrance exam. In order to measure the impact, Jiting selected a sample of 3 high school seniors who participated in the program and 3 high school seniors who did not participate in the program. She then acquired these students' scores on the Gao Kao and calculated the Naive Average Treatment Effect. The table below provides Jiting's data set. Column B takes value I if the student participated in the tutoring program and D if not. The students' scores on the Gas Kan test are reported in column C. Table I. Survey Data for Jung's Impact Evaluation Student Participated in Observed Gao Tutoring Pregon Ko Text Score I 1 0 0 A. Calculate and report in the box below the Naive Average Treatment Effect.B. Write down the equation that defines selection bias and provide a clear definition of the concept of selection bias in the contest of this example. Your definition must show that you have a class understanding of the concept of selection bias. Do NOT calculate a namerical value of selection bias or discuss whether or not you think selection bim exists. You will do that is later questions. C. Do you think that the Nalive Average Treatment Effect you calculated in part A suffers from selection bias? If no, justify your answer. If yes, is the selection bias positive or negative? Justify your amwer. D. Assume you can "play god" and actually know the counterfactual test scores for each student. Fill in column D in the table below by picking values of the counterfactual test scores that are consistent with your answer fo question C. Table 2. Sarvey Dais plus Counterfactual Data Participated in Counterfactual Gao Kaa Tutoring Program Test Score Test Score I 1 1 1 4 S E. Using the values in Table 2 above, compute the true Average Treatment Effect. 6