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Please assist with correcting the answer with the Notes given to change them: Background for Question: South Western Peninsula South Western Peninsula Council Council Background

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South Western Peninsula South Western Peninsula Council Council Background The South Western Peninsula Council has created a project framework to implement a new Mental Health Initiative. The Initiative includes mandatory training for all council staff, the implementation of an ongoing support network and the associated policy and procedures. The project is owned by Diane Greer, the Manager, Human Resources for the South Western Peninsula Council. She is also the Project Sponsor. A variety of stakeholders have been identified for the different components of the project: Project Owner/Sponsor Diane Greer, Manager Human Resources Mandatory Training . Shane Bell, Team Leader Learning and Development Ongoing Support Network Dan Munoz, Team Leader Staff Support Policy and Procedures Cheryl Reid, Team Leader Policies and Procedures Other including Administration . Dan Munoz, Team Leader Staff Support . Tomas Fleming, Manager Finance Jerome Vargas, Manager Innovation Tracy Aguilar, Staff Representative . Roman Hale, Staff Representative6.1 Using your own experience and the stakeholder information above, answer the following questions: i. Which stakeholders would you consult with to determine the forms (types) of engagement between the Project Team and Stakeholders? Cheryl Reid - policies and procedures. ii. Which stakeholders would you consult with to determine communication methods between the Project Team and Stakeholders? The Team leads - Dan Munoz, and Jerome Vargas iii. Which stakeholders would you consult with to determine the project content? Diane Greer, Dan Munoz and Cheryl Reid iv. Using your own experience and the stakeholder information above, which stakeholders would you consult with to determine the project budget? Tomas Fleming v. Using your own experience and the stakeholder information above, which stakeholders would you consult with to determine the project timeline? Diane Greer, Dan Munoz and Cheryl Reid 6.2 What consultative methods would you use for the above consultations? Stakeholder meeting to determine whose roles are who'sAll stakeholders would be consulted in regards to engagement All stakeholders would be consulted in regards to communication All stakeholders would be consulted in regards to content Stakeholders - plural, Tomas Fleming is correct, who would the other stakeholder be? All stakeholders would have a stake in the project timeline Methods that you would use to consult the stakeholders for this project consider the methods that could be applied to these consultations within the context of this project and its closed group of stakeholders, what tools would you use to elicit this information, consider also the skills that are needed to conduct these engagements.The Mental Health Initiative project is progressing when there is a natural disaster in the council area. Roads are severely flooded by unexpected storms necessitating council workers to work additional hours to assist with the clean-up leaving no opportunity for the scheduled mandatory training to be completed as per the project timetable. It is anticipated that the schedule and budget will blow out as 40 staff will miss the /2 day training due to these floods and will need to be rescheduled. 6.3 Calculate the variances in the timeline and budget in the sections below, then using the following Communication Plan and the following two email templates, communicate with two appropriate stakeholders regarding these variances. Explain the variances and seek approval from the stakeholders for the revised timetable and budget. If each /2 day training session covers 10 staff and two training sessions are being held each week, how many weeks will the time schedule blow out by to cover training for all staff? That is, how long will it take to train the 40 staff missing the scheduled training? Time Schedule will blow out by 2 (2 training session a week x 10staff=20 staff trained for one week) weeks. And if the cost of each additional training session is $50 per staff member, how much will the budget blow out by? Budget will blow out by $_$150 ( 1 half day is only being provided so 3 half day remains). i. Communicate with two stakeholders regarding variances Project Communication Stakeholder Title Stakeholder message Medium Author Frequency Name Role sending) Manager Project Owner Project Diane Greer Human All variances Email As arises Sponsor Manager Resources Team Leader Mandatory Variances to Project Shane Bell Learning and Training Mandatory Email As arises Manager Development Stakeholder Training Ongoing Variances to Team Leader Project As arises Dan Munoz Support Ongoing Support Email Staff Support Manager Network Network Team Leader Variances to Policy and Project Cheryl Reid Policies and Policy and Email As arises Procedures Manager Procedur ocedures Manager Budget Variances to Project As arises Tomas Fleming Email Finance Stakeholder budget Manager Manager General Project All varian ces Email As arises Jerome Vargas Innovation Stakeholder Manager Staff Variances Tracy Aguilar Council Staff Representative Email Project As arises impacting staff Manager StakeholderStaff Variances Project Roman Hale Council Staff Representative Email impacting staff As arises Manager Stakeholderincorrect Page 29 incorrect. Figure is incorrect and two emails are required. One to Tomas - correct and one to the other stakeholder it is not Shane.FILE MESSAGE INSERT OPTIONS FORMAT TEXT REVIEW 16 Cut Follow Up . Calibri (Bor * 11 Q UP Copy ! High Importance Paste Format Painter BIU Z . Address Check Attach Attach Signature Zoom Book Names File hem + Low Importance Clipboard Basic Text Names Include Tags Zoom To: Shane Bell and Tomas Fleming Send Subject: Training Variances Variance Report -. .- Good morning Shane and Tomas, It has come to my attention that due to the floods we have anticipated the budget to have a total variance of $150.00. This will cover the remaining 3 training sessions that are required for the last 30 staff members. Please See attached report for further explanation and signing off on as approved. Let me know if you have any further questions. Thank you kindly,Jacaranda Jacaranda Government High School Government High School Background For these questions, you will need to draw on the description of the new school building project described in Activity 3 and Activity 5. 7.1 Project stakeholders may have requirements for the products, the project or the process, as described below. Product requirement - for a feature or a function of the project's deliverables . Project requirement - for a feature or a function of the manner in which the project is to be conducted or for the processes that it is to follow . Process requirement - for a feature or a function in the way the new project's products will operate once they have been provided by the project for the benefit of the organisation's stakeholders. Using the requirements register provided below, outline the requirements for two project stakeholders - the School Principal and the person chairing the Residents Opposition committee. For each of these two stakeholders: . Include at least one of each of the above types of requirements (i.e. at least 3 requirements for each stakeholder) Assess the priority of each requirement using the MoSCoW technique.Requirements Register - New School Building Project # Stakeholder Name Requirement Description Requirement Type Priority (Product, Project, Process) (MOSCOW) Ensure that all construction works Must 1 School Principal and new facilities are safe and do Product Requirement Have not pose any risks to the students. Ensure that construction works do not interfere with the daily Should 2 operations of the school and that Project Requirement Have students are not disrupted by the construction noise. Ensure that the new facilities meet 3 the needs of the school community Could Process Requirement and that they are easy to maintain Have and operate. 4 Person chairing the Ensure that the new facilities do not Must Residents 5 have any adverse impacts on the Product Requirement Have Opposition surrounding environment and that committee the bushland is preserved. Ensure that construction works do Should not cause any further disruptions to Have 6 the neighbourhood and that the Project Requirement traffic flow is managed efficiently. Ensure that the concerns and Could feedback of the residents are heard Have 7 Process Requirement and addressed in a timely and effective manner.This requirement must relate to a project deliverable, the construction works is not a deliverable. Specifically, what needs? Try to avoid vague requirements that are open to interpretation. This requirement must relate to project deliverable. This is an activity that will be managed as part of the project delivery, It does not reflect a feature or function in the way that the project deliverables will operate once they have been provided back to the stakeholders.Background Project governance is "The framework, functions, and processes that guide project management activities in order to create a unique product, service, or result to meet organizational, strategic, and operational goals,"according to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) - Seventh Edition (Project Management Institute, 2021). Based on this, having a formal project governance plan/framework in place at the start is needed for good management of a project. Read the following article about project governance and answer the questions: For the following questions, you will need to draw on the description of the new school building project described in Activity 3, Activity 5 and Activity 7. 8.3 Envisage that you are the Manager of the Building Management Division at the Head Office of the Education Department and the Project Owner for high school building project discussed in previous activities of this assessment. You are too busy to give much attention to this project and you believe that your skills are inadequate for assessing progress and making decisions relevant to the success of this project. Therefore, you have selected a manager who works in your division to act as Project Sponsor and who has the time, interest and relevant experience to provide guidance and control for the Project Manager and to keep you informed of progress and issues. Describe the position of Project Sponsor for the manager you have assigned to the role. Use the template below to write your position description.Position Description Template Business or Company Name: Education Department Position Title: Project Sponsor Reporting to: Manager of the Building Management Division Engagement dates: [Start Date] - [End Date] (if applicable) Key responsibility of the position (Name at least three (3) areas of responsibility) Provide guidance and control for the Project Manager and the project team to ensure the successful delivery of the high school building project, including its construction, fit-out, landscaping, and commissioning works. Keep the Project Owner informed of progress and issues related to the project, including any risks or delays, and provide recommendations for corrective actions as needed. Liaise with stakeholders, including the school staff, community members, contractor, and local authorities, to address any concerns and ensure the project meets the needs and expectations of all parties involved. Delegated Authority (Describe the authority that you are assigning to the Sponsor and its limitations) The Project Sponsor is authorised to make decisions related to the high school building project within the scope of the project objectives, budget, and timeline, as approved by the Project Owner. The Sponsor has the authority to approve change requests, manage risks, and provide guidance to the Project Manager and project team members. However, any decisions that may impact the project budget, scope, or timeline beyond the approved limits will require the Project Owner's approval Accountability (Describe the frequency and conditions for the Sponsor to report to the Project Owner and the method of communications) The Project Sponsor will report to the Project Owner on a regular basis, as specified in the project plan, to provide updates on the project's progress, issues, and risks. The Sponsor will use various communication methods, including written reports, meetings, and presentations, to ensure effective communication and collaboration with the Project Owner and other stakeholders. The frequency and conditions for reporting will be agreed upon by the Sponsor and the Project Owner and documented in the project plan.Make sure to refer to the Project Governance role Specify the frequencyBackground You are working as the project manager for a new computerised procurement system for a large, aged care establishment. You are managing a project team, consisting of twelve team members, including business analysts, programmers, trainers, data entry and administration staff. The team structure for the project is shown here: Project Manager Development Procurement Implementation Team Leader Team Leader Team Leader Business Analyst Purchasing officers Trainers Programmers Procurement Manager Data Entry staff Administrative staff The Team Leaders assist with the management of the project. They are responsible for the work of the people on their team. The Procurement Manager is the Project Sponsor and has been included on the project team as there are testing standards and acceptance activities which they are required to perform.9.2 As a project manager, you need to distribute work effectively to ensure your team are following defined project roles. Using X or v, assign responsibilities for each activity to ONE of the team members who are to perform the project definition and development stage activities in the following table. Procurement Systems Project Leadership Project activity Role #1 Role #2 Role #3 Role #4 Project Manager. Development Procurement Implementation Team Leader: Team Leader: Team Leader: Have Project Definition Plan approved Engage and brief the project team Establish test criteria Develop the testing procedures Develop the test data Design the software Develop the software Test the software Develop the training plan Approve the training plan Develop the training courses Train system usersAs the recipient of the software they would be involved in the testing9.3 John is the Implementation Team Leader. You have noticed some tension between John and a major stakeholder. There also seems to be some tension between John and his team. The implementation component of the project is well organised although there have been murmurings about people not knowing its progress and status. The implementation training plan was developed and it covered every aspect and has been approved by the stakeholders, even if John was rather dictatorial throughout the process. With John's help, the trainers have started preparing the learning resources and the data entry staff and administrative staff all agree that John knows his stuff when it comes to setting up the required processes and procedures. None of his team are quite as enthusiastic about his leadership skills. Consider the skills required for a Project Implementation Team Leader (both project skills and interpersonal skills) and assess John's skills against this benchmark. Use the above information and your own experience to determine the project skills and interpersonal skills needed for a Project Implementation Team Leader. Also use the above information and your own experience to identify skills which John may have or may be lacking which may have caused the tension with stakeholders and team. Also note what action you will take to address the identified gaps/development needs. Document the results of your review in the table below: Required Team Leader John's Skills in this Gaps/Development Action to Address Gap Project Skills Area Needs 1. Ability to organise and | John excels in this area. N/A N/A plan 2. Technical knowledge John has excellent N/A N/A of the project technical knowledge and expertise. 3. Ability to monitor and John needs to improve John needs to Provide John with report progress in this area, as there communicate more coaching or training on have been murmurings effectively with effective communication about people not stakeholders and team and reporting progress knowing the progress members. He should to stakeholders and and status of the project. provide regular updates team members. on the project's progress and ensure that everyone is informed. 4. Ability to manage There is no information N/A N/A resources and budgets provided about John's skills in this area.Required Team Leader John's Skills in this Gaps/Development Action to Address Gap Interpersonal Skills Area Needs 1. Leadership and There are some John needs to work on Provide John with management tensions between John building better leadership andand a major stakeholder relationships with management training or and between John and stakeholders and team coaching to help him his team, indicating that members and learn how develop his skills. he may need to improve to better motivate and his leadership and inspire his team. management skills. 2. Communication There have been John needs to Provide John with murmurings about communicate more communication training people not knowing the effectively with or coaching to help him progress and status of stakeholders and team develop his skills. the project, which members and ensure suggests that John may that everyone is need to improve his informed about the communication skills. project's progress. 3. Teamwork and There are tensions John needs to work on Provide John with collaboration between John and his building better teamwork and team, indicating that he relationships with his collaboration training or may need to improve his team members and coaching to help him teamwork and fostering a more develop his skills. collaboration skills. collaborative team environment. 4. Conflict resolution There is tension John needs to learn how Provide John with between John and a to manage conflicts conflict resolution major stakeholder, effectively and resolve training or coaching to indicating that he may them in a professional help him develop his need to improve his and constructive skills. conflict resolution skills. manner.Interpersonal skills are required to be an effective leader and manger. Leadership and management are not interpersonal skills. As per my first comment As per my first comment

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