"Please complete the questions 1-7 for the following case study:
Cutting Bummiasaries: Apprnanhes tn Downsizing a Guvernment Prugram W Hem Hire Heath: Emilia NMPW Eaten} Tatar Elites Hm NM! Purgrm Sulnnf Immm Elnmmismrv shtppingiss sipiimntnun-pey benet lbs The US. military hasalungatlnding traditinn ul'esring nr its u'ivn. Since I339. dle Depumnent ul'Dei'nnse l'DDDl has smplemnnted military pay try qua-sling mmm'usaries that provide Elm-nay, meitI and pmduue items at lu'irm-sttu military personnel, retina, antltlueit Etnlilies. The: Defense Dnlnrnisslr'y Agent-y (DEM, ammunnentnl'the: Dull, runs the eunrnismry system, 'I'lZIl-d'l sen-m all brunettes ul' lil'I-E U3 military. \"Deh's m'usiun is tndeliverapren'uier unnnlrnisunI bmvnt tDIl'IE armed services unmrnunity llnat menu-ages ll] exciting mun-ping mainline; ntiiesuntnmesdernaml iinr quality gunnery llild hntnehnld urn-duels: andtlelivers alumina] mving: while enhancing quality ul'lil'n.' rustling reai:n.1illnentI rmenliun Ind readinen, slump-putting vruEghtm' peaueul'rnind, knu'nringtlaat their Ernilies luvn senun aJvdI'urthhle access mhmntiean pl'ndutnt'i.\"L Ehrnm'umrimmtvpllvlntedmtrmarmiiuryhns Pmthlnu'lediivuhrdegluuerinslmeaLplndlrelnlhiy. huldlandheautyaidalmnehuld prnduuts,mdpntmppliea. PawsamazvndrthesesveandEimdmnnha-sd'uue Uninvederviua, mieesd'nsnserviueaan'luurizead lmiy mantras. Dul] uirilim empluyensuvetsmud IIlZIE't' mmurhadummppmmustpresmtamealuni inundbvdlnuuatmrsdlnyirnnigiblemwmlm temsl'rumautrnmisuy. military persmnelhnnameguudssre ulliuredat a lnriv ntiue. Dnmrnisurim salla'pmir It purchase nust pulmiil'i.I while granaryiurns typically Inert upgunds try Eli-E! tu as muuh u tum Della estimates dutuntnmessenljny ll] avenge saving nFEI-D un numm'usary utlnluseals unmpered vrilh unmrnere'l stern: in the United Statm}| E-utnn'uinary shnppingis an mtg-ll putni'dreuvenll military payer-d benets peelinge.' nutmssmnruuntlls Della upentesagluhl net'nlult ul'Z gnea'y snares. It is headquartered I Ftrt Lee nan: Peterduurg, 1his. The nrganissliun is shunned inuuve: gnugrlphil units. Three units adminiia upentiuau in the umtinentel United States and Puettn Rico. The ndlnrtirn units nut-age intenutittnal np-entiuns in Europa. Min. and Ash. "ll-ere are: 11'6- dun'lnstje mnrnisurim and 6? intlnaliutulmmrninuiest 'I'irentyt'nludtlnesu eunmismries are heated in arms lint the military has nllniedas \"remnte: and isolated.\" hremnteand isttiatnd lumtinn generally has nnmrhy Dunn-lend "malty tiaaln vahHmnnt [I'ur mule. Futt Irvrin in the Mojave Desettl.' Tue eunrnismryistlne nnlv grneayuplriun I'ur military suticnvad It ranntn bases.\" The: nature ni'lhe: saviuespruvidedhy Illa intermaunal and the: 'runttnandisuhtnd\" nurunismry Incitims is malady di'nrnnt tlun the nth! anItesu Intatims. lntmiatinrul heatiuns pruvide amen tu dnmesliu truth-us IIi HllllTlII. HIE JIIIII]. m.11..LAIT.1.JIJHE Ill\": HEIIIIEIHIL that truly natbe typiollly available in intesnatiarul retail otetaor svauld only heavaihhle at excessive aoat. Providing Iaaess to these goods lhraugh themmminary system is an importaot pltof\"eoluoaing the quality of life" ol'rnilitary personnel." Additimally. lhe hoalioos in the resnoteanld inated sites provideaoaoeas to retail services tlut would otherwise he umnraihhle in those markets. Table 1 io lhe'GChe Tuna\" Etoellenroornpmyiog drisaaseoontnirn It! EDI-ioetaostol'opeiuiorefareh trokendoemhy U.S.oh:rnesti:, LT.S. runote and hohteol, anotintmutional. Thebattom l'meoo lhetioh, lhenetoost ol'apeaationrst1 is the sonnet of the govaolnent apprapriIioa neoenuy lnl'llid themmoinay systlrL'Th'nise-rpslltotolal pogiamaostalms thereveone li'lIl'llEoT'l'E aommuy ayatemgeneaueolal'm'le moreduo $55biiom 'm almrevesme in 21:14, will mmmuappmnuty? hilioa anotinomuoional ulesim million. T'heaasls ol'administeriog the oonunismry system can be dividedintn brooategorie: var'hle andsed aoalao The prionry variable cost 'n the on: ol'gootb sold [[IlSl. The reguhtioms governing the pricing afoamm'naarygaods require prims hobe set: a' mart upahove EDGE. This iropoaes a vly light rehtiomship between the var'uhle ooataaod revenues. The 5% null". up is dediolteol ta plying oraseooeroltypeofvariohleoailatorermiotesuooeand infmrmlioo technology expenses {lull-rm. Fiseol eastsare atoreopemling eapensesand oentlal operating expenses. These xed oasts are Funded rvith tat-payer dolhrao The moaeafor DeEA'a aalivitiea are organized into tsvo led: oornrnismry rmle stocks and mmminary operations. The irdlorlrs anotorstosvs From lheae funds reprment lhe nanl implrtofDelt's opualiaos. Figusel illustrates the rehliarehip between theruoaial gures listedin Table I H]: Chse Tihles\" Eteelle} sod theruoaial organizaliao ofDeillt's dual fund system. "Gomrrlisury Resale Studs\" inTahle 1 reects purchases ol'gl'o-IriaryI mat1 pro-done, anoiotheritems fol reasle,as vreilas revenue From the nleol'lhasegoorho The irdlorlrs lnthis I'tmolare the total reveoueafrom sales. Duton's from this sodareGCIGand MlT. The 5% nuts up. or sumlurge, flows iotothe audurgeoolleoons trustfund. Far enmple, il'an item is puralused for $1 and aaloliior lilt'i. 51 orl'the reveooegaea tn oomrrlisury resale atoalts aaDGS, and $1115 ows hothe surehargeoalleoliam trust fund. Silolurgeoollootims trust fund resmroes lt'B used For store information technology, nuinteruoae sod erpsipmeat. and maminty maintemnee anoiooashueliaa. Therefore, ymtly val-iiole costs are approsimately eqrul In yealy sales1 1Il'lliah nurnthatlheeolireaysterl ope-ates I a loss eaul hothe systHn-I'ide xed hosts.\" The govemment appmpriation osvs into the eomminary operations Fund. This lod lemma theopeoalingmsts ol'eamminl'y shores andadministrijveoveihuolatboth the regional and hdqulrtera leveb of lhe organisation. Stare-level operating can. uptureol in \"Sitorepemling Emensea\"inTable1io the \"CE EhseTablea\" Easel le Iasnnpsoyiog this mae, inelude hhor, ulilities,and rent for eanh slnre. Rhl div'eioos oversee dieaotjvitiesol' dreoormnisuriesindlei'regimsanolhandleregion-levei pusolraaes, aervioe IaoattratatsI and olhu' support antivitimt Eapendittlm liar the regional divisionsand hudquartm io FartLeeare ohniedas I"Illentnal D'pelating Expernes.\" Della does not allamte theaeotral operating eIpernes aa indieoteoataataoss the iodiviolml shore lamtiln'e: lhereliore, it bonly included in the rst eahmo of'Iihle I and esaluded ham lhe atheaeolumru [see Figure ll. IIEEAIIII SEEIEETIIII'IJII As partoflhe Hudgetontrol Aetot'zll, angress eotted aeqomtralioa: autno'nalie. aeranthe-liolod hudgm outs triggered ifEangress Fails to reanh a hodgetagreenient [f the sequestes 'n triggeve-d1 anamorrutio'il'-m is @1le toall military programsI inohding the oamm'nsmies. \"' This means tlut Deh's Gaogressiarulappropriatim aould be immeol'utely redoaed by H, or$1I-i..'ur million. In lhia apes-aria, Dehadmioistruoialusld need to reduce lhe agency's nettsostol'apetatim'e hy thuamatmt. Given the very real possibility of: budgetam, cool-elltants hired hythe DoD have developed amolingenoy pha that prments tsvov'uhle options. T'helirstoptiom is to eliminate reguhr [nonrematel-dolnealiatsommEIioa and instead give military personnel food mocha-s dutoan be medatoammeraial grooery shores. Theaeaonoloption is to keep the U5. oamm'nsary system hogely intestand alntgioallydoae oamm'usies lint provide the lust benet to the military oommtmity. Dne oomlnim ionsoaed on any ooatre-rtnsliom struegy is tlu all 'mtu'nalioolaland remote LTE. lamlioms musthe retained Aad'nernsed previouslyI themm'uury physa much we oaieinl role in ieweil-beirgofrrliliry peormel ioauoh hmlioms than i doesliorpessaonelin domestic LTE. hmlioms. Io irtenutiorulaod runote U3. looatiom, patrons vraidolnm have aooas todolriestio gmau'y ptadtrobwihmt aeamm'umry. In nan-remote LT.5. locations1 altenutivesate mdiyavaihblein the private sector. Themmm'nury system ainplypmtirias liaise sea-vines at a lower aosr. aemnt trl'eiigihle shqepersulle eath purnhe huge quantities I'rne'u the ennunisury is qualitatively distinct from a large smnuntel'eligihle shnppers vlhn mall reaha rahtivaly smaller inl'rerpant plldusasJT'ha Fest use intlimteaasrnall number el'patplaare highly dependent en the store. while the setsend sustsa hrge nunherni'peeple nhtain a miner benet [ruin the state. Dhsenring vlhitb mmm'usarias ara med EI'IIIE intensively may slsn inditzta lha reality ul'aka'native shnpningeptiens in thearea. Il'plivate gently sneres areahle tntr'ergen-rhat etmpatitive Filitms1 then miliIIy sbepparr svbultl likely use the ennursury less trllen. This halpedi'aranliate the level el'benat peevidad earns: eerereinary hmtiem 1Illi'hile'lra lute manliened Deand lha Del], Gtargren is a majuriiattnr in ilnplereentinganyelunge. Gmgremm evenulebnthdrelJuIJshtlDaElhii'itdnesnetliralha euntingeney nhn. Freer Deng-ens\" perspective. lha renst irep-ertant partnfshy deluge is the impactnn vuters. All else emu], the ll'lEI'H vntars nagtjvely aiiiettadby avelungeI the less likely Deny-ass vlillallevr theelnga Inge lier'alard. The in\" tlut govern the enmeiinary's arhninistrltien require Della. teenlyeensitler tJ:Ie well-'srael'aeliva thrty military parstslnel and their iiareilies. This espliu'tly eIeludm retirees tlutara alau eligible In deep-in minteisnry lbmtinre. Realitirally hevrever, tl:Ie I'I'll'l efengrms vlhn 'Ivnuld ultimately lute neapplnve a given sat nfun's may take inteaesnunt the inpaet en the raj-ad pqeulatien nuremb sttra. "5|\" THE Em II: 11'! IHJII. PlEISE ME I. IIEFIH'I' ME \"I FLll''IHE ELESTIJII. m1. Ealmlla lha neteestnt'nperatinm ii'lha Del] ebuusea Dptim 1. Whirl. nests sra rereavad,wbinlr IE: nedueem-I1 and which are um'eeted by theelungai' HEH' muehl'ill tha DeDslvenverand abeva lhe targeted?!- reduttien in nun. lien is, hue-nr mueh reuneyvrill beavaillble iier greeery vouchers? m1 Inyilmrrnqrinien1 vlhn shnuld be aligiele nereneive tha glueery vntrarsdemibed underptinn IE' mldtleey geenlytn attivetlrl'y membelsei'lhe militaryi'Shnuld Ihay getnan'jve duty members and dependents-.3 Sbnuld theygn teall eligible members? Given yuurdniee,1n'bat is Iha Ivalue el'aath 'l'tJlJ-d'l'? mus-a. Strep-tee tl:|e Dedes-asptital E. Createa manic utmptures the idea tlutstnreapreviding greater benet per appeepriatien dnlhr are renre ireptrtant Using this metric, rank the stereat WhidI stares Ira nut.\" Hear many aetivaduty service members and dependents lure the shnpping benet? l-lnvr many nelsl eligiele mlnbers laeliva dutyserviee members antldependents phrs relirees and dqeandents} lure the dine-ping benaiili' Ilium-I. Stunned! EhDdJensmEhrtien leateareetrit dutmleslaiimnlmesptmitingyeuerhenetpar pntentislumeerulavedmyahddepandanularame imptrtlnl'. Ding Ih'nmetrierart d:astnres.Wbidlstnresara mli' Hewrteany :ivethrtyserv'lre elmih-assarlidqsmdaru teetbe Mi'gbanel' I-Imrrrmytnlaleigiblerneeiberr [Isivaduly serv'nereee'buassld theendenl: phnretieesand daperlielislhsaeaimprgheneli' m5. In ynurnpinien. ulnarare the truest inpurtaht iietnrstn maiderwben designing a rankingslrategy lll'ldl Dptinn EE'Wbyi' Hewdeynu balshee the erynintinnal gnals uilh Feurrt'uleemitlelaensi' 1Which ul'tlee turn e'uatri yeu detrelnped in uestiens .5 andal areuldynu use tn glide the budget reductinns? Why? ml. Eerepara Elntiun 1 1Iritlzl yeurpral'arred mathed under Chetitm 2th the Fellevring uiter'm: - Themplesity ul'adrninistaringlha nevr prey-arm - lrnpaet en atlive duty and relirees. - Impact en the quality ni-"Iie I'uraeliva drty pa'smlnel and Ihair Families. m 1 Given ytur answer tnuann I5.| bull.- reany eligible shnppers {in ether watch, vntars}ara Italy nebe all-"acted by yell change? Is Berg-ms likely tramp-nit Ih'n ebsngenrwnuld Ihey preararrndrareptien? H|Iln1:nwcfldalinm END HDTES LlIlef'enae -]I:I1:I:In1issargrlitgencltI Annual Financial epcn: Fiscal YearZDH, EDIE, p. Illinrte 1. Ialeaprires cfghla are requiredhflawtche setatthe actual mat tsfthe Emilia plus the cnst cftranspnrtaticntc the rst deatinatirln plus the estimated crlst cfahrinltage. spcilage and pilferage. Eertirln 34154 alsc states that a 5%- surcharge shall he ccnllected anthe sale ci'all gccda. This snrchalge is used cnhr th Fund r:1nsl:rLLr:l:icnI repairI imprrriremetlt_andn:taintena1:ce.5ee: mmilrftn Merchandise That May Ile Bald: Unillarrn E'urchargeaand Pricing," In DEG. HI 24541 emu. 'Dei'erlae CD'millarfglu Annual Financial Hepcn: Fiat'al TearZDiS, EDIE, p. 31. Savings are tracked using a camp tel: ensive datahase cfacmal pricea hf items scldand scannedlnr Deand campetiticn grcr: r and supercenter chaina using standard industry p mcedures. A market hacket sample apprcach is usedtc crrhspare ncn-tacannahle cr nnn-standardiald items 1 i he p mitt! and meat (Delin! Elcmmissaryhgency, Annual Financial Hephrl: Fix'al 'J'ear 2.014, 3D15,p. 32!. 'ln 2D14,the avelag'e LTJl. residenthadspent 341\"}: cu grace rim. [Etheyr had shcpped mlusire'rf atthe Emissary; they wauldhave saved mughljr ELE- 141E|ll|3 $11313. 'Departrnent chei'erIae, [nstntcti anNthber 1915.1D, Enclnsure 5', \"Military liilcraleI Hilfare. and Eecresticn {M'Wl Pragma," In]? Ii. 2W9. This instructicn dccnrrleht prc'ridea alist ci'situarichs that ranleadtcasite being crrhsidered rethcte and isrllated. Mil itarjr haau must submit drcnntenIaticnth the Principal Deputy Unde r-Secretargr ni' Defence fcrlleracnnnel in cudertc he eligible ihrthe remcte and iaclsred classiraticn 'Active durarmilitarjraaaignedtc the haae always have the cptiancct'eatihg inthenaea hall cnhase. Threnmpl e, there were apprcxhnateljr SEW: trumps1 al ans,r with app ml'lIlalllf 4U dependent:1 stati nned in Japan in $314. The typicalJapanese grcrzrjratcre dces nut BERT Ameriran staples alch a: ctili'ee1 pmnnt hrLtIIer. hr hreairast cereal. 'An apprcp riaticn rel! Ia ta th e l egal mthl'ltf tc aperld tat dullaha I:Ina specic budgetary purpcae. [nthiaat'tingI it rei'erstc the ederal hudgetline item in snppcrt cf Elem. that is talgeted fc r reductitsn. Thread: from nleejn Due period II'E med mpnreheae 'll'll'ECtE'll' and Fund MMTeIp-enditueein lire next period- The time between me nleend ntrrequent expenditure efrepmeaedsl'mre thEBEJEJJIBlBtiI'fEbElt'IhEiIJE-B inlln'enllnr'g.I urn-never 13 time: perm: \"Duly military mind the Deputrrent uf'riterem hhir: ereexenrptum lire EIIL'l. "The nurnherel'eligjhle :hupper: ni- each :mrenuly menu lime putanlial shopper: pamnentlf Etelnned at the hue For renal: eururu'amriea. this it an excellent entirute nl'the number nl'shqnpers. Hul: me Murine. like lime 'llli'l e Il'nejljrrrldlieryI lipcrrturut provide shut tenrr training. may hireeaigniunt nurdnereftrlneie'rrt mapper: Asigniimtlmnunt nflnueient sbupperr will raise the avenge ale: par eligible shopper. "Ebngreuiuml Budget DEF-me, I"'Ii'atrirlletlad IrrrpIL-t uE Mme Budget Enimaement Frunethrre: Specied in the Budgetmtrnl Aer,\" Septerebu l21 Ell, hlJl'ph'l'I'. WMHHHWFH_ mummmm MEhmhinIm-lmlnduldd Wilmimihhdm wmmh.llg.lmm lirelplule'nllh'nlghmmi,rum'w actuating-Id Idmeynfuhnlzhinlhlilm MMI-lgimiimm [mm rulhniinlmhhmdmprddmlld I'tlndln'l: dee-ehmtuudinm ILLUSAJHA WWMEmudmwd FumiuthlhlMFhE-Itmm