please complete write this program following the steps instructions and write it in java
public class Client 1 private String lastName; private string firstName; /** This constructor sets the starting balance at ,. %publicclient(StringilastName=n;firstName=f; publicclient(Stringn,Stringf) 3 //step 1: A copy constructor that copies one client object to another. //getlastName() Bublic string getLastNare() 1 return lastNane; public void setlastName(String 1 ) 1 LastName =1; Woublic string getfirstNane() return firstNare; publie wold setirstNate(String 1) firstiame=1; II step 2: equais (): boolean (fstep3: tostring():string publie class Bankccount private int accountNumbery private char type; private double balance; // Account balance I/step4: declare a private client object named cllent. step 5:write a constructor which accepts four paraneters to initialize client, accountNumber, type, and balance */ public void deposit(double b) f balance +=b; 3 public void withdraw(double amount) balance == amount; \} public double getBalance() l return balance; \} public void setBalance(double b). i. balance =b; public void setaccountNurber(int a) account Number=a; public int getaccountNumber() return account Number; //step 6: write getclient():iclient, usina deen copy(parely copy constructor W/stepy: setclient(niclient) tvotd. using deep cogy 1/stepe: eetryne(3):char //step8: getType():char I/step 9: settype(char c):void //step 19: tostring():String y public class BankingDemo \{ Run |Debug public static void main(String[] args) \{ Scanner kb= new Scanner(; System, out. println(x: "Enter the first name and last name of the client 1."); String f=kb.nextline(); String g=kb.nextLine(); //step 11: create a client object named client1 for the above input. System.out.println(x: "Enter the first name and last name of the client 2."); f=kb, nextline(); n=kb. nextline(); //step 12: create a client object named client2 for the above input. //step 13: compare the above two client objects. If they have the same name, //print "duplicate clients". //step 14: create a BankAccount object fon client1 with balance $1000.0, 1/ type ' c ', and accountNumber "1008001". //step15: print the above Bankaccount object using tostring() method