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Procedure Use Figure 1 to make your measurements 1. Using a ruler, measure and record, (in millimetres) the wavelength of the wave by measuring from the centre of one crest to the centre of another crest in Figure 1. 2. Measure the path length from 31 to the point on the rst nodal line. Record this value in the table provided in the document called \"Investigation into wave interference". For consistent measurements begin and end your measurements from the cross~hairs on the point sources and points. 3. Measure the path length from 32 to the point on the rst nodal line. Record this value in the same document provided. 4. Complete the rst row of the table provided by subtracting the path lengths to determine the path drfference, and then expressing the path difference in terms of wavelength by dividing the path difference by the wavelength. 5. Repeat steps 24 forthe points on the second and third nodal lines. Flgug 1: Two-point source Wave Interference Pattern Observations and Calculations Measured Wavelength: Table 1: Data Measurements for Two-Point Source Water Interference Pattern (Nodal Lines) n I ---I I I '-\"l Nodal Llne PJ. P41 IllnSi-FJd lnl t_.'l (_l (_I . . . . l l 2 ' Table 2: Data Measurements for Two-Point Source Water Interference Pattern [Anti- nodal Lines) IPnSI-PnSzI/A ' 3 Pms. ' Pms: ' Irmsi-Pmsql l.__l _ L__l _ t.__l Anti-Nodal Line lml 0 l l i I j l ll'erPmSzlll ' 2 Nodal Lines [ IaT] For a point on the first nodal line (P1 ). the path difference between path length P1 to 51 and path length P1 to 32 will always be For a point on the second nodal line (P2), the path difference between path length P2 to St and path length P2 to 82 will always be For a point on the third nodal line (P3) the path difference between path length P3 to S1 and from P3 to 82 will always be Anti-Nodal Lines | [ET] For a point on the central antinodaf line (PD, m = D), the path difference between path length P0 to St and path length P0 to 82 will always be For a point on the first antinodal line (P1 m - 1) the path difference between path length P1 to St and path length P1 to 82 will always be For a point on the second antinodal line (P2 m 2), the path difference from P2 to S1 and from P2 to 82 will always be The general path difference formula for destructive interference. anSI _Pn52| = 71; A State the general path difference formula for constructive interference. [ 12A] Discussion Deseribe a similar experiment that could be pertormed to determine the interference pattern of sound using two speakers. Include a materials list and a brief method. [ 14A]