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(1 point) 'rburtask Isto estimate howtar an objecttraveled durtng the time Interval 0 15 8, but you onlyhavethefoilowtng data about thevelocityofthe object. time{sec) n12345 s 7 s valodrytfeavsac114212-4-1-2-a To get an Idea of what the velocity function might look like. you pick upa black pen. plot the data points, and comect them by curves. 'rbur sketch looks something like the black curve In the gaph below. ____.,____+____ Left endpoht approxi'nation You decide to use a left endpoltt Riemann sun to estimate the total displacement. So, you plclc up a blue pen and draw rectangles whose heig'lt is deten'nhed by the velocity measurement at the left endpoint at each one-second l'rterval. By using the left endpoint Riemann sum as an approxl'nation, you are asaumhg that the actual velocity Is approximately constant on each one-second interval {or. equivalently. that the actual acceleration Is approximately m on each one-second Interval}. and that the velocity and acceleration have disconthuous jumps every second. This assunptton ls probably Incorrect because it Is likely that the velocity and acceleratton change continuously over time. However. you decldeto use this approximation anyway shoe It seems like a reasonable approximation to the actual velocity given the Il'niled amount of data. yUU BIB BSHJIHHQ 1118]: 1116 actual \\fBIIZIIJIIZyr IB apprunmatery GUI'IBIEI'II UPI BBSI'I one-seconu II'IIH'VEI {on Bqul'b'l'llljf'. Inst \"'3 actual WWII)\" IS approximately zero on each one-second Interval}. and that the velocity and acceleration have disconthuous lumps every second. This assumption ls probably Incorrect because It Is likely that the velocity and acceleration change continuously over time. However. you decide to use this approximation myway shoe It seems Iilee a reasonable approximation to the actual velocity given the muted amount of data. (Al Ushg the left endpoint Riernar'n sum, nd approximately hovl.I far the object traveled. Your answers must Include the con'ect units. Total displacement = I I Total distance traveled = I I Using the same data, you also decide to estimate how far the object traveled using a right endpoint Ftiemarn sum. So. you sketch the cave again with a black pen, 31d dravl.l rectangles whose help\" is deten'nlned by the velocity measurement at the ng'lt endpoht of each one-second Interval. Right endpoint approximation (B) Using the ght endpoint Riemann sum, nd approximately how far the object traveled. YoLr answa's must Include the correct mIIs. Total displacement = Total distance traveled =