please fully answer question at least 4 page explain step by step identify the Ethical issues Bill Adams should Address:
ofe. These aurrently inclade B.LSF Altirn- poratioe, and Sinp on lecerpoeated an the gescilshaft and Bayrische Moteren Enited States. Copyight 1997. NH riglos. Werice (BS.W) A.G. in Germany as vell rescroet. Tax Return Complications tax inanaget with a major accounting firm. were being past by the geactice. Hay \&x liay, on the fast track for partnerikip, . Wages of 5400 por week paid so The. Fimis he was borried that the events of the week coneld prove to be detrimental to his career. Six months apo, the serior partners had twche-ycar old wor: dient of the firm in terms of both jecrige a than were pernoal. Dr. Buin became and foes. Ball hod worked hard since thes very deficnsive. Hic hoid hen that be had ensuring that his chictat reccived impeccable been dedocting these itent for years and. service, and he had managnd to build a his prevoas accocices bad noe objecter. good worling relaticenhip with Dan, the had wegested he phy his soe a salury as an CEO of Zentor Inc. In fact. Dan was ws incouse-ipliming meawse. The trlorbone. him to his beother. Dr. Rini. a general noed- was poged for an emergeney but not hoioee ical practitioner. As a friot to Dan, Bd he theyeatened so inform las heocher that the agreed that Hay ac Hay would prepare acousting firm he thoyetr as highty of as Dr. Rim's tart retum. This werk a funioc tas person had pre- behind the fimes on the laeet tam planaing parcu Dr. Rum's tax return. When it came. techailgoes. Bill was ansoyed with himself for having: across. Bilis dewk foe review today, he was agreed topropace De Rimistue return in the surprised to find that, although Dr. Bim's fint piace. Hie was alrald of puabing Dr. Rim gross bilings were Ste0,000, his pet income " too fie and losing Zensoe lnce as a client an a for tax purposes from his medical practice resilt. He could nos acticipate what Dus's was only 527,000 . He discussed this with the reaction to ihe shaabion would be. Bell was tax junios, who sald he had noted thas also. Gad to bure the werimal to think ehat ove. but was not concemed. as every 1 as riturn fout as Fil wan lexing the ericer, the tai. prepared by the firsn is stamped with the saidor oa the Zeatoe loc, acoocit linformod disdalmer "We have prepared the return him that the deafine had been mased for: cnt. We have noe atidited or otherwise lic, to fuy an additicnal 5120000 in tames: attempted to verily its accuracy." The deadine was Wetnesday. March 13 . On choset review, Fill discovernd that the The sorior said be was able to contact a following itcms, among others, had beeal friend of his at the Tar Departinent, and dedocted by Dr. Rim in arriving at net the frimd had agrend that if the Notice of detuctev by. De. Gionection was disted Mardh 13 . properly a 515000 for moals and enterainment. BAll wigned, and apgeared on his desk Mondiry. falt that this was cucesive and probably March I8, be would process it. Bith leh his had not been incared to cam incocne. effice with fome majoe decisiocr to malle civen the nature of De, Kimis practice. over the werkend