Baild a class called BankAccount that manages checking and savisgs accounts. The class has threc altribates: a castomer name, the customer's savings account balance, and the customer's checking account balance. Implenent the following constructor and instance methods as listed below: - Constructoe with parameles (self, bew_name, checking. balance, savingt, balance) - set the castomer name to parameler new name, set the cbecking account balance to paranseter checking balance, and set the savings account balance to parameter savings balance. - deposit checking(telf, anount) - asd parameler ameent to the ebecking accoent balance (only if posieive) - deposit saviegs(self amount) - add parameter amount to the savings accoust balance (only if positive) - withdraw, checking(welf, amount) - subtract parameter amsant from the checking account balance (only if positive) and if the amount is lesser than or equal to the cheeking account balance - withdraw savings(self, amouet) - subcract parameter amcent from the saviogs account balance (only if positive) and if the ansount is leser than or equal to the saviegs account balance - transfer to savingsiself, amound) - suberact the parameter amount from the checking account balance and add to the savings account balanice (oely if positive) and if the amount is lesser than of equal to the checking account balance TODO: Define BankAccount class \# TODO: Define constructor with parameters to initialize instance attributes \# TODO: Define deposit_checking() \# TODO: Define deposit_savings() \# TODO: Define withdraw_checking() \# TODO: Define withdraw_savings() \# TODO: Define transfer_to_savings() if _name__= " nain_" mat account = BankAccount("Mickey", 500.00, 1000.00) account .hecking_balance =500 account.savings_balance =500 account.withdraw_savings(100) account.withdraw_checking(100) account.transfer_to_savings(300) print( print (f${ account.checking_balance: .2f} ') print \( \left.(\mathrm{f} \$\{\text { account.savings_balance: } 2 \mathrm{f}\}\}^{\prime} ight) \)