please help
ecnona rch ight mtie yea avie Al ofan ddthe poe ch of i pi fr p e Cah Ou ncia retinement . Be mdng Alse ah you th the copy's cdadjed ke Alie yo edrnh the ODE ipioing the FA www.fahorg. Enpl LOn the eva ie ing ka Aing Sdand Caitin Tmight pain o hic amet of at rioet obligt Wht ititht y wd the i ent lipin 1t0 how to ine a he acoing ete 2. Deine the captaed ct of the onl mine 3. Pepa a sumary jonal y od the acgu 4 Hwh acon expee will te compy din Wht he speie c cos of the mine fcal year wld tion that the 30 ng Sund C come ent the FASA a he cllmof accreon p nd thithe clificationof scotio expme in the income s 5. Eaplain t Al how Hachoe would co for the ieif the eoation cos ed tom the ondd y in the ys by w of eplaationprp the jal etry d the peyment te retie i e ys ing t e al wee $47on 6 Desribe se Ali the o he FASA that coi hee d ecifie cition Wht in the peripheal ipmet s In Manh 20L O d secion of the anfacting pla w d nfactuing o mplace some cholete oip h chasod 0-3 structed compan den nd beid aside devep and prodthe epip completed and sady fr ein Senber Adioal peronel woe ud for the proect The quipt Le peneal what co shold he copitalied a sell-comcted a 2. Discs ee aloatives r the inclesion of overhead costhe e. Which aenative pnly accepted financial eporting puposes A Lnder what cmancetwold t he claded inthe co of of the epuipesent costracted by Cil equipmet? GAAP provides gidelines for the inclasion of iteet in the ital cot ofaelf-conted Required 1. What ets qualify fe ieret copitaliation Whatets de o quality for intet capitaliatioe 2 Over what period should ieest be capitaliedT 3. Explain eape accamulated espenditures 4 Explain the rwoethods that cold be used to determine the appropriate rt ra tbe d in opl ing ierest S. Descrite the thee steps ned to determine the amount of ierest capitaled during ating perial tion 13HHR 118 The lrlnd i e ET00Kapono paid S000 cah to comglete the echn Patent ng and Payments to others for research Total has commencial subtance the new land? 2. Repeat einement I aming that the fair vale of the farnland gives is S.000 3. Repeal requimeL Requlred L What is the amont of gain or los that Kapno vold recegnire e the echangWhe in te f egipme wa purchased solely or ase in ipent wil be ahandoned The remaining SH0000 weful te of epuipenent in five years. Assume that all of rest talization cifc interest hod b10-7 On lamuary 1. 2018, the Manon Manufacturing Company began comction of abldng office headquarters. The building wa completed on September , 20is Expendi follows ured Pepa janal cntries, reclassifying amountin RAD espendines whe January 1, 2018 March 1, 201 Aune 30, 2018 October 1, 2018 January 31, 2019 April 30. 2019 August 31, 2019 Acunition lunp sumacquisition oninterest bearing te interest Early in fiscal year ending Ehecember 31, 0IR. San The fint stage was completed on March 28 with the por land and existing building weee purchaned fo S00.00 es bearing note requiring the company to pay the rem s poperly eflects the time valee of money for this ty clning conts totaling S20.000 were paid at closing During April, the old building was demhed at clear and grade the land. Construction of a ew buildi Construction expenditures were as follow $1.000.000 600.000 s00.000 600,000 270.000 Se5.000 ctalation LO-L LONO-2. LOND- LOND-7 900.000 On January 1, 2018, the company obtained a 53 millon coastraction loan with a 10% met e The was cutstanding all of 2018 and 2019. The company's other interest bearing debe included o log notes of 54,000.000 and 56.00.000 with interest rates of t and %, respectively. Both soes w standing during all of 2018 and 2019. Interest is paid anlly on all dete. The company's fiscal yr December 31. May July 10 September 1 October 1 San Antonio borwed 53000.000 at 8% o Mw paid in 2019. Ths company also had the follow Required 1. Calculate the amoust of isterest that Mason should capiten 2018 and 2019 uing the pecifie in d $2.0000 $4.00000 In N e py pochaed 10 hu The fair val $24 ly. e Decemher, Son method 9% 2. What is the al cost of the building? 3. Caleulate the amount of interest expense that will appear in the 2018 and 2019 income stalement snd for ndcaping ation d-average Required Refer to the facts in Problem 10-9 and answer the following questions 1. Calculate the amount of interest that Mason should capitaline in 2018 and 2019 using the weghel method. L Determine the initial vales of the van company mes the specific interest me constraction 2 What is the total cot of the building? ecnona rch ight mtie yea avie Al ofan ddthe poe ch of i pi fr p e Cah Ou ncia retinement . Be mdng Alse ah you th the copy's cdadjed ke Alie yo edrnh the ODE ipioing the FA www.fahorg. Enpl LOn the eva ie ing ka Aing Sdand Caitin Tmight pain o hic amet of at rioet obligt Wht ititht y wd the i ent lipin 1t0 how to ine a he acoing ete 2. Deine the captaed ct of the onl mine 3. Pepa a sumary jonal y od the acgu 4 Hwh acon expee will te compy din Wht he speie c cos of the mine fcal year wld tion that the 30 ng Sund C come ent the FASA a he cllmof accreon p nd thithe clificationof scotio expme in the income s 5. Eaplain t Al how Hachoe would co for the ieif the eoation cos ed tom the ondd y in the ys by w of eplaationprp the jal etry d the peyment te retie i e ys ing t e al wee $47on 6 Desribe se Ali the o he FASA that coi hee d ecifie cition Wht in the peripheal ipmet s In Manh 20L O d secion of the anfacting pla w d nfactuing o mplace some cholete oip h chasod 0-3 structed compan den nd beid aside devep and prodthe epip completed and sady fr ein Senber Adioal peronel woe ud for the proect The quipt Le peneal what co shold he copitalied a sell-comcted a 2. Discs ee aloatives r the inclesion of overhead costhe e. Which aenative pnly accepted financial eporting puposes A Lnder what cmancetwold t he claded inthe co of of the epuipesent costracted by Cil equipmet? GAAP provides gidelines for the inclasion of iteet in the ital cot ofaelf-conted Required 1. What ets qualify fe ieret copitaliation Whatets de o quality for intet capitaliatioe 2 Over what period should ieest be capitaliedT 3. Explain eape accamulated espenditures 4 Explain the rwoethods that cold be used to determine the appropriate rt ra tbe d in opl ing ierest S. Descrite the thee steps ned to determine the amount of ierest capitaled during ating perial tion 13HHR 118 The lrlnd i e ET00Kapono paid S000 cah to comglete the echn Patent ng and Payments to others for research Total has commencial subtance the new land? 2. Repeat einement I aming that the fair vale of the farnland gives is S.000 3. Repeal requimeL Requlred L What is the amont of gain or los that Kapno vold recegnire e the echangWhe in te f egipme wa purchased solely or ase in ipent wil be ahandoned The remaining SH0000 weful te of epuipenent in five years. Assume that all of rest talization cifc interest hod b10-7 On lamuary 1. 2018, the Manon Manufacturing Company began comction of abldng office headquarters. The building wa completed on September , 20is Expendi follows ured Pepa janal cntries, reclassifying amountin RAD espendines whe January 1, 2018 March 1, 201 Aune 30, 2018 October 1, 2018 January 31, 2019 April 30. 2019 August 31, 2019 Acunition lunp sumacquisition oninterest bearing te interest Early in fiscal year ending Ehecember 31, 0IR. San The fint stage was completed on March 28 with the por land and existing building weee purchaned fo S00.00 es bearing note requiring the company to pay the rem s poperly eflects the time valee of money for this ty clning conts totaling S20.000 were paid at closing During April, the old building was demhed at clear and grade the land. Construction of a ew buildi Construction expenditures were as follow $1.000.000 600.000 s00.000 600,000 270.000 Se5.000 ctalation LO-L LONO-2. LOND- LOND-7 900.000 On January 1, 2018, the company obtained a 53 millon coastraction loan with a 10% met e The was cutstanding all of 2018 and 2019. The company's other interest bearing debe included o log notes of 54,000.000 and 56.00.000 with interest rates of t and %, respectively. Both soes w standing during all of 2018 and 2019. Interest is paid anlly on all dete. The company's fiscal yr December 31. May July 10 September 1 October 1 San Antonio borwed 53000.000 at 8% o Mw paid in 2019. Ths company also had the follow Required 1. Calculate the amoust of isterest that Mason should capiten 2018 and 2019 uing the pecifie in d $2.0000 $4.00000 In N e py pochaed 10 hu The fair val $24 ly. e Decemher, Son method 9% 2. What is the al cost of the building? 3. Caleulate the amount of interest expense that will appear in the 2018 and 2019 income stalement snd for ndcaping ation d-average Required Refer to the facts in Problem 10-9 and answer the following questions 1. Calculate the amount of interest that Mason should capitaline in 2018 and 2019 using the weghel method. L Determine the initial vales of the van company mes the specific interest me constraction 2 What is the total cot of the building