Please help!! I included the graphs below, but I need all the parts. Thanks
Question 2 Analyzing Real Data (50 polnts) This question is designed to get you looking at real data and to relate it to the concepts and theories discussed in class. Accompanying this assignment is an excel sheet containing trade and value-added data for a number of countries. a) You must rst select the two countries you would like to discuss. Note that because we examined China and the USA in class, you must select at least one country that is not China or the USA. Instead pick select the USA and the Philippines; or China and India or you can choose to discuss the USA, China and a third country or two entirely different countries. What are your countries? Using the data from the excel le answer the following questions: b) In to pic 2 we spoke about the revealed comparative advantage index (or Balassa index) used to look at which products a country export's most intensely. Using the data provided, calculate the Balassa indexes for US and China exports by commodity using the following formula: Xij \"(a W\" Where - X\" are the exports of commodity] by country i (e.g., for USA and China, i includes the USA and China} - X; are total exports of country i 0 M}- are the world imports/exports of commodity] - M are world imports/exports c} Which commodities do each of your countries export most intensely (i.e., more than the average country list top 10)? Based on these lists, do you see any opportunities for these countries to trade? d) fl Do the countries you are looking at have any trade-related agreement: or belong to a common agreement? Do both your countries belong to the WTD? What does this mean for their trading relations (what agreement governs trade between them}? Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage relates trade to relative productivity. The excel file provides information on value added which can be used to look at productivity. i. Calculate the relative productivity per worker by sector (I): VA L Relproduccivttyj = M (VACTRY 2,1/Lcmr 2.1) Where: VA\" is value-added In production of commodity] by country I (where l is country or 2) 0 Li} is the number of workers employed in the production of commodity] by country i {where i is country 1 or 2) ii. Calculate relative exports by commodity for country 1 and 2: Xcmr 1.1 Relexportsj = X err-tr 2,} iii. Calculate the correlation coefcient between the two vectors. Are productivity and trade related? What conclusions can you draw from the data about the countries' absolute and comparative advantages? \f224 10 608 693 123 59 45693 444 536 1948 2219 394 190 48901 206 831 947 168 81 82532 0 358 408 72 35 795 38 18 4 2 7494 phl 149 60 168 191 34 16 69056 phi 25 o 199 227 40 19 13217 phi 30 11 2026 2308 410 198 33294 phi 2 18 20 4 2 375 phi 10 o 0 o o 12443 frs phi 18 13 0 1281 227 1324 284 23046 32 239 892 76 2796 1975 27320 coa phl 1132 180 36 27 118 130 152456 5311 54 4 232 121 349066 gas phi o o 22 11 368853 oxt phi 525 3702 377 289 159 372 310775 cmt phl 428 14 195 182 966 61194 omt phi 676 100 640 598 1982 89372 poo phi 1641 1228 55 675 128993 mil phl 1259 34 94 807 89616 pcr phi 757 69 146 1672 25095 sgr phi 266 99 126 118 241 0 36146 ofd phi 3585 2243 1523 425 8125 0 426890 phi 625 435 214 200 1664 141178 tex phi 3196 290 380 356 1160 305341 NO NO OOO OOO OHOOOOO OOO OOO OOO HOOOOOO OOO ON HOONO OOOHNH wap phi 128 2068 601 562 554 469414 lea phi 1020 331 70 66 128 226074 lum phi 670 947 216 202 542 123174 PPP phi 1568 234 109 102 436 0 273976 P_c phi 6394 491 29 27 486 803916 chm phi 7960 1494 313 293 1784 1341692 bph phi 1159 97 85 80 797 522536 rpp phi 2941 1082 422 395 866 453924 nmm phi 1241 291 200 187 806 186784 phi 4397 380 94 88 572 485646 nfm phi 1574 3111 39 37 475 0 748099 fmp phi 2364 483 90 84 371 0 380811 ele phi 20366 26398 1241 161 5455 0 193042 eeq phi 5511 771 366 342 1412 840538 ome phi 7065 7319 644 602 2331 1303752 muh phi 5291 932 54 50 302 1435864 otn phi 3958 1257 113 106 227 505608 omf phi 1428 1064 325 304 913 0 566585 ely phi 260 197 472 60170 gdt phi 17 32 326 .6688 wtr phi 30 26 449 856 1205 cns phi 114 217 6408 1532 8543 122067 trd phi 947 657 3808 8211 30398 357537 afs phi 334 393 435 938 2240 109879 afs phi 334 393 435 938 2240 109879 otp phl 1108 2730 0 998 1650 5031 350978 wtp phi 193 631 0 63 104 883 127363 atp phi 1553 1965 104 172 1032 284724 who phi 359 667 0 141 233 1626 99697 mn phi 653 1712 141 2336 8510 262530 phi .077 540 137 1165 12662 267077 phi 589 179 0 265 225 2235 162149 phi 158 185 0 84 182 1816 52537 obs phi 2730 4162 1174 2546 5410 360395 phi 723 760 166 566 3472 208835 phi 172 117 1731 5696 2589 45839 phi 486 310 180 5935 1009 39370 hht phi 346 385 2823 9288 1710 83183 dwe phi 0 0 15410 pdr ind 87 5128 3018 6189 1202 wht 1124 3970 3416 1624 4810 JOHNWH NA NADVNOTWEWOHNWOHOOHHOODON gro ind 16 1032 116 100 478 45693 5197 2489 6527 4221 6761 148901 osd ind 201 1381 2649 2280 1084 82532 4144 3566 1695 795 pfb 704 3101 2435 2096 996 o 17494 837 2882 3296 1441 5439 69056 10 62 1515 130 620 13217 oap 83 187 2313 199 946 33294 rmk 2 104 1844 8797 936 375 wol 658 291 475 409 194 12443 frs 2210 334 0 15283 56 12908 2870 65 444 6775 25 23046 4273 5183 27320 coa 22575 49 542 11993 9353 152456 123441 2970 270 6931 5604 1349066 9436 711 65 1634 1153 368853 28917 112 2797 310775\fchi 226074 lea 1415 105 85 150 273 lum chl 291 2583 233 413 1432 123174 PPP chl 1084 3243 313 554 1940 0 273976 oooooo P _c chl 7040 464 26 715 03916 chm chl 5690 3054 319 2420 341692 bph chl 1181 211 59 104 731 522536 rpp chl 2289 778 486 861 1327 453924 0 nmm 106 198 86784 i_s chl 1467 505 166 294 884 0 485646 Doc nfm chl 506 22869 907 1606 6248 748099 fmp chl 1807 437 292 518 1253 380811 fmp chl 1807 437 292 518 1253 380811 ele chl 6619 151 126 223 310 o 2193042 eeq chl 3067 166 34 59 95 0 840538 oooooo ome chl 5797 419 105 185 277 1303752 myh chl 730 201 41 73 173 0 1435864 otn chl 1345 57 34 60 77 505608 omf chl 1517 65 53 94 105 0 566585 ely chl 292 228 3382 0 60170 gdt chl 53 12 100 0 26688 wtr chl 17 14 557 1394 7363 cns chl 36 19 o 9594 3522 5956 0 122067 trd chl 1330 616 7487 327 7149 357537 afs chl 211 136 2380 104 1444 0 109879 ol otp chl 860 699 1727 1913 4032 350978 wtp chl 2875 1526 55 61 304 0 127363 atp chl 702 949 83 92 412 0 284724 whs chl 1370 307 500 554 2678 0 99692 cmn chl 468 311 1504 1666 4488 262530 off chl 981 149 1145 3090 5852 0 267077 ins chl 583 369 404 1091 234 162149 rsa chl 86 55 282 1389 6457 0 52532 obs chl 1372 074 1744 8579 8462 ol 960395 ros chl 503 311 1217 3856 2610 0 108835 osg chl 134 67 2243 456 3740 45839 edu chl 351 201 1358 4803 1471 0 139370 hht chl 196 110 3763 7665 2542 83183 dwe chl 0 85 174 12469 0 pdr che 0 0 120 wht che 122 11 55 56 15 77 0 48100 gro che 107 8 23 23 32 45693 v _f che 1405 34 319 325 448 0 148901 che Losd 49 4 11 16 0 32532 che 12 0 28 39 0 795 pfb che 36 2 1 17494 ocr che 1018 49 312 439 0 9056 ctl che 84 14 215 303 o 3217 oap che 178 123 137 193 0 3294 rmk che 5 1 325 457 o 375 wol che 58 28 1 o 12443 frs che 61 97 343 83 23046 fish che 247 35 39 30 27320 coa che 26 o o 152456 oil che 3385 2 3 1349066 gas che 558 o 36885 oxt che 983 225 209 171 288 186 10775 cmt che 429 33 343 338 546 61194 omt che 557 105 210 206 475 89372 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o O o o o o O O O O O O O O vol che 427 148 17 21 o 28993 mil che 578 362 606 1761 89616 pcr che 86 0 o 25095 che 18 8 12 5 25 0 36146 po o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O O O O ofd che 3994 5960 1408 1386 3066 426890 che 2352 2713 348 342 1558 0 141178 tex che 2307 1526 135 133 270 305341 wap che 6561 946 95 93 227 0 469414 lea che 456 1308 69 68 274 0 226074 lum che 2061 509 963 948 1628 0 123174 PPP che 4539 2305 1049 1032 1052 0 273976 P_c che 5422 411 73 72 49 0 803916 chm che 20613 25876 3005 2957 2265 1341692 bph che 23152 56346 8719 8581 12178 0 522536 che 5945 4054 947 932 639 rpp 453924rpp che 5945 4054 947 932 639 453924 nmm che 2852 1410 789 777 1770 186784 che 3550 1935 429 422 973 oooo 485646 nfm che 82412 78343 4022 3958 5496 748099 fmp che 5931 5441 2254 2218 2059 380811 boo ele che 20506 37798 7185 7071 7368 193042 eeq che 8948 10494 1295 1275 1486 0 840538 ome che 13853 22945 847 3781 228 1303752 mvh che 13740 2560 404 397 384 1435864 otn che 4445 5328 1003 987 537 505608 omf che 25973 17674 3505 3450 2596 566585 ely che 1889 3063 317 428 219 60170 gdt che 656 26688 wtr che 104 89 816 1240 7363 cns che 187 221 8115 2520 28669 122067 trd che 2423 900 2789 3911 19386 357537 afs che 1322 2031 3970 4826 2738 109879 otp che 6726 4928 3978 6169 1080 350978 wtp che 738 377 no o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooo ooo OOO 154 238 159 127363 atp che 1054 3480 491 762 514 284724 wh che 823 407 1591 2467 1950 99692 cmn che 2213 2047 5938 9210 11425 262530 ofi che 5392 17167 8903 11457 13170 267077 che 140 8868 3397 4372 12841 16214 trsa che 2255 1029 1056 3830 11263 52532 Jobs che 19368 16073 10203 37012 28777 960395 ros che 3005 2841 13718 2576 3919 208835 osg che 365 699 7015 18102 6831 45839 edu che 1131 2145 4498 11606 13170 3937 hht che 1127 4509 15430 39817 12147 83183 dwe che 8 20 52051 0 pdr gha 26 o o o o o o o o o o o O O O O O O O O O O O O H O O O N H O O O H O O O H O O O O O O O O O H O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O 35 SADO 153 1202 wh gha 124 o 0 4810 gro gha 115 568 21 153 45693 v_f gha 35 372 3175 102 728 48901 osd gha 32 21 199 46 82532 c_ b gha 0 795 pfb gha 13 17494 OCT gha 269 69056 gha 13217 Loap gha 33294 rmk gha SWHAGHOGHVAON 375 wol gha 12443 frs gha 23046 fsh gha 27320 coa gha 152456 oil gha 1349066 gas gha . . . . . o o o o ooo OOO NOUE OOOOOOOOO 368853 oxt gha 310775 cmt gha 51 $119 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O O O O ow w S omt gha 175 89372 vol gha 270 128993 mil gha 98 89616 per gha 331 25095 sgr gha 198 36146 ofd gha 674 426890 b_t gha 165 126 141178 tex gha 560 305341 wap gha 278 469414 gha 316 226074 lum gha 35 12317 ppp gha 370 273976803916 pc gha 2538 5 w 1345 75 26 36 1341692 hm gha bph gha 393 14 15 33 522536 rpp gha 627 73 30 15 453924 9 17 186784 nmm gha 460 25 28 ooo 485646 is gha 574 54 53 1164 748099 nfm gha 606 3801 572 541 35 151 138 380811 fmp gha gha 24 2193042 ele 616 36 23 eeq gha 796 22 16 13 840538 37 o ome 1109 69 49 1303752 gha mvh gha 705 24 0 0 1435864 oo 48 . ON A CO W V NOOANO otn gha 345 19 0 0 505608 omf gha 429 17 26 14 0 566585 ely gha 6 77 183 367 60170 gha 212 0 0 0 26688 gdt 158 wtr 8 126 7363 o o o O O O O O O O O O N OH NO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO O gha o o o o o o o o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 10 1784 1549 122067 cns gha oo trd 149 964 442 357537 gha 90 1 84 24 109879 afs gha otp 298 257 1882 732 o 350978 gha 115 127363 wtp gha 22 152 o 284724 atp gha 64 216 159 whs gha 58 361 322 99692 oo cmn gha 46 34 68 280 305 262530 40 12 10 97 94 267077 ofi gha ins gha 30 7 4 41 32 162149 gha 41 3 5 21 69 52532 rsa 960395 obs gha 37 21 25 102 72 oo ros gha 180 136 320 79 260 208835 544 45839 osg gha 126 19 14 949 175 775 166 139370 edu gha 336 208 83183 hht gha 98 32 245 1085 252 dwe gha 0 0 74 326 406 0