Please help me 5 questions here
Madison Conpary issued an ingerest bearing note peyoble with a face ampunt of $25,800 and a stated interest rate of 8% to the Metropolitan Bank on August 1, Year L. The note carried a oneyear term The amount of cash now from coerating actvities an the Yeor 1 statement of cash flows would be: Mutiple Choice ere: 52,064 pastion 1060) On Janusy 1, Year t the Mahoney Company bortowed $175,000 cash fion Sun Bank by lssuing a five-year 8% term note. The princlpal and interest are repaid by making annial payments beginning on December 31, Yoar 1 . The annual payment on the loan bssed on the prosent valuo of onnuity foctor would be $43,830. The amount of principairepayment included in the December 31, Year 1 poyment is: Mutiple choice $37628. 1290 14000 $43.830 Frankin Company obtained a $90,000 lne of credit trom tho State Basik on January 1 , Year L. The company agreed to accept a variable intevest rate that was set at 3x above the banks prime lending rate. The banks prime rate of interest and the amounts borrowed or repaid during the first three months of Yeor lare shiown in the following table. Assume that Frankin borrows or regays on the first day of each month. Borrowing is shown as a pesitive arnount and repsyments ore shewn as negative amounts indicated by pocentheses. Bssed on this information alone, the amount of interest expense recognizod in March would be closest to: (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest whole number.) Mulpere Choice $154 1273. star Rivy Compary bonowed $16.000 on Apeil 1, Year t trom the Titan Eank. The note issued by Riley carried a one yoar term and a 5% annual interest 1 ate. Ricey earned cash ievenue of 5820 in Yeat I and $430 in Year 2 . Assume no other tracisactions. The amount of net income on the Yoar 2 income statement would be: Mutplo Cholce. $200 $800 $600 5730