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7'. getEvalSteps(expr) [30 pts] Write the function getEvalSteps(expr'), that takes a string containing a simple arithmetic expression, and returns a multi-line string containing the step bystep [one operator at a time) evaluation of that expression. For example, this call: getEvalSteps("2+3*48**3%3") produces this result (which is a single multiline string): 2+3*4-s**3x3 = 2+3\"4512%3 = 2+12512x3 = 2+122 = 142 = 12 Here are some considerations and hints: 0 000 000000 You are only responsible for legal input as described below. Numbers are limited to nonnegative integers. Operators are limited to +, e, *, If, 96, and \". All operators are binary, so they take two operands. So there are no unary operators, meaning "-"5 is not a legal input. For that, you'd need "05". In fact, the previous restriction is even stronger: no intermediate value of expr can be negative! So "1 -2+3" is not legal, since it would be converted first into "'I +3" which is not legal. So you can safely ignore all such cases. There are no parentheses. Operators must be evaluated by precedence [** first, then *,//,%, then +,). Equalprecedence operators are evaluated lefttorig ht. Evaluation proceeds until a single integer with no operators remains after the equals sign. The equal signs must all be stacked directly over each other. You may write this however you wish, though you may want to write a helper function that finds the next operator to be applied, and another helper function thatjust applies a single operator. Something like that. In any case, topdown design is crucial here. And don't forget to thoroughly test your helper functions before using them! In our sample solution, we used very few string methods,just "find" and "isdigit". You may use others, but you should not spin your wheels trying to find that awesome string method that will make this problem remarkably easier, as that method does not exist. For this function, as any other function, you may not use the eval function, so you will have to write your own equivalentjust for the kinds of simple expressions you will deal with here. Eval is dangerous and should be avoided, as it can lead to serious bugs or security holes