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Please help me make an Executive Summary. Explain what you will examine in the case study. Write an overview of the field you are researching.

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Please help me make an Executive Summary. Explain what you will examine in the case study. Write an overview of the field you are researching. Make a thesis statement and sum up the results of your observation in a maximum of 2 sentences

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CHAPTER 31 TEACHING TECHNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES: A CASE STUDY Alan White University of New South Wales Australian Defence Force Academy E-mail: a. white 1 EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT The recent composition of facility management {PM} as a body of knowledge nds different ex pressions across academic environments. With limited and often declining resources, some tertiary educators have resorted to existing courses as the foundation for new programs. FM that is taught within a mechanical engineering environment might display a bias to building systems and environ ment control. Faculties of design may be inclined to focus on space programming and the human work environment. Most programs display common themes. The differences appear in the areas of emphasis. Educational paradigms and teaching methods vary across educational levels and societies. Some college level courses address the needs of real estate property management, while tertiary courses might engage the processes of strategic facility planning within a corporate planning context. In this chapter. we will examine a range of teaching resources. In particular, commercial software will be used to demonstrate some fundamental facility planning and FM processes. These products are generally available to educators at a reduced or notional cost, contain multimedia tutorials and addi tional textbased teaching resources. The Web provides access to software upgrades. multimedia. and supplementary documentation. CDROM and DVD provide lowcost media for data distribu tion. particularly for nonattending students. Current lntemet download speeds might make this form of data access inferior to the distribution of diskbased data: however, the near future may signi cantly change the way students access online courseware. In this chapter, the processes and associated products illustrated are neither exclusive nor con clusive. The primary objective is to give a student experience with a technology through engage ment with a software product. The educational process then draws on this personal experience to develop a theoretical context and an insight into commercial issues. The displayed software is a limited sample of the technologies used within the Master's degree course. Not all products are uni versally available and neither the author nor the University of New South Wales endorses any par ticular product for commercial application. All products were chosen for their value within a teach ing environment. The chapter is loosely structured in a potential chronological sequence of 3 1 .2 TECHNO LOG Y facilityrelated studies and activities. The initial discussions will examine the design of organiza- tions and the nal sections will overview the ongoing costs of retaining a building and appraising its serviceability. Each section offers an overview of a facility planning and management issue. soft ware used as a resource to support the educational process, and the educational outcomes sought. Teaching technology is limited to a canvas of decision support methodologies and associated soft ware systems. 31.2 FACILITY PLANNING WITHIN A CORPORATE PLANNING CONTEXT The evolution of professional facility planning has been a consequence of the corporate planning process. The effective accommodation of the organization's resources is a critical component of strategic business planning. particularly as accommodation related costs are a signicant compo nent of the organization's budget. While the direct facility cost is signicant, its actual cost may be small compared to the cost of ineffective salaries due to inappropriate accommodation. Historically, major accommodation decisions tend to be infrequent; however, the need for organizations to rapidly adapt to changing market conditions demands continuous assessment of the organization's functional design and its accommodation needs. Strategic facility planning views facilities in terms of (accommodation) services required by the organization. The effectiveness of these services di- rectly contributes to the organization's business outcomes. 31.2.1 Organization Functional Co ng ruenoe The history of facility planning has been closely associated with the architectural profession. Within this professional context. there may be a perceived reluctance to engage in the functional design of the client's organization. The facility designer's brief is usually focused on accommodating the orga nization; however. moving an inefcient organization merely relocates the problem. Every business activity requires individuals and groups to participate in a matrix of functions that provide services. These services are both internal and external to the organization. The matrix of functions is a conve- nient mechanism to model the static interplay of services. The intersecting cell within the matrix for any two functions can be used to describe the services required and demanded between those two functions. Indeed. at the extreme, there are four service vectors associated with any two functions: 1. Services required by function A from function B 2. Services provided by function A to function B 3. Services required by function B from function A 4. Services provided by function E to function A An analysis of the congruence of service vectors provides an insight into the mismatch between service provision and service requirement. Modifying the service vectors to achieve service congru ence can often lead to a new organization design as redundant services are recognized and new ser vices are dened. This new organization design may generate revised accommodation needs. While this process is not continuous, it may be conducted several times each year. The organization design consequences may not be implemented at the same frequency. but the analysis does provide for an ongoing perspective on its effectiveness. 31.2.2 Technology An obvious choice for modeling the matrix of services from interacting functions is to use a spread sheet; however, there may be practical limitations on the quantity of textual data. A database can be TEACHING TECHNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 31.3 Ecco . Service Ele Edit View Item Format Tools Column Heb ALL Folder Service Statements Service Vector Service Statements Service Statements - Service Vector . IT Services will provide Help Desk - IT Services Acc Services IT Services services between 8 am and 6 pm to -Mkig Services Acc Services all departments. -Fin Services Mktg Services 2. . Accounts need Help Desk services IT Services Fin Services Acc Services HR Services during normal working hours. Proposed New Service 3. . Marketing requires IT Help between 7 "IT Services Mkig Services -Accommodation am and 10 pm. Staff Space . Finance Requires IT services 24 hrs -IT Services .Fin Services Support Space -Physical Affinity Fin Acc O HR Mktg Calendar PhoneBook ) Service Statements IT Services Shows dynamic help about what is under the mouse . turn off with Help menu ED 25/1/00 1651 FIGURE 31.1 Organization Functions Presented as a Matrix of Service Vectors. (Source: ECCO reproduced with the permission of NetManage Inc.)designed to fulll the data capture and reporting function; however. the data management environ ment should provide a hierarchical structure to the data and offer a rollup function to higher hierar chical levels. This enables one organization function to consolidate all services demanded by the rest of the organization. Besides using general information management software. some cost esti mating software, critical path software, and facility planning software offer a hierarchical structure to textual data. Figure 31.1 illustrates an organization structure with a matrix of mutual service pro visions and requirements. Departments. groups. or individuals can assess their service demands and compare these to the current supply of services. The software only provides a capability to record. index. and lter infomlation. Decisions will be required as to which service requirements will be provided from internal and external resources in order to deliver a congruent service delivery regime. 31.2.3 Educational Outcomes Sought 1. A recognition that business outcomes are predicated on a symbiotic organization design. which. in turn. leads to the denition of space need. 2. A recognition that facility planning is a subset of corporate planning. 31.3 DYNAMIC SIMULATTON Dynamic simulation has a strong history in industrial engineering. The availability of PICbased graphical modeling systems has added a powerful tool to the facility planner's portfolio. 31.4 TECHNOLOGY Once the organization has developed a congruent service delivery regime capable of underwriting the business objectives, the focus of attention transfers to space type and quantity. Dynamic simulation can provide two powerful insights into the facility planning process. The rst is a capacity to optimize the organization's required resources and the second is to quantify the space needed as a consequence of complex interactions over time. Resource optimization computes the resources required within each function in order to deliver the required services. It identifies the under and overutilized resources and proposes alternate strategies. Space need computation often models the organization's activities over a typical cycle. An example is an airport with a typical cycle of 7 days and 24 h per day. While there are numerous dynamic simulation software products, it is vital that that the selected product offers an optimization function. Dynamic simulation software comes with a variety of interfaces; these include 2D ow process visualization using a logic diagram (see Figure 31.2) and 3D ow process using specialized arc and event symbols. In addition, some products provide 2Dow process with an underlying graphics image, such as a oor plan (see Figure 31.3). There are numerous variants of 2D and 3D graphics. The hi ghend products use full 3D virtual reality, moving avatars plus user interaction. The mathe matical processes may be similar, but the products are differentiated by their graphical presentation and to a lesser degree, interaction. 31.3.1 Technology The essence of a dynamic simulation is the design of a ow process. This may be in the form of a simple ow chart (Figure 31.2) or a more sophisticated modeling interface; however, in addition to a graphical palette, some products provide a simple scripting language that automatically generates the flowchart. Scripting has the potential to signicantly reduce the time required to dene the graphical model. Modeling an existing facility, such as a hospital, can be enhanced with a background oor plan or 3D visualization. The ability to incorporate background images is not available in all products. 3D visualization is available at varying levels of sophistication. Lowlevel visualization provides a 2D plane with 3D images. Mediumlevel visualization provides a static isometric image with activ ity motion in three planes. Hi ghlevel visualization provides activity motion within a 3D environ ment together with user interaction I,\" see later at Figure 31.12}. Claims Department Process Progress Entered: 24 Entered 8 4 All paper No Start Receive claim form Send to customer work? service Entered Claims Worker Quantity: 2 Yes 5 67% 0% Process claim Workers In Use End Normal Claims Department Total Effort 6h 40m Total Cost $666.67 Number Misdirected Misdirected Claims Total Effort 9h 44m Total Cost $973.33 FIGURE 31.2 A Dynamic Simulation Model Flow Chart. (Source: Scitor Process repro- duced with the Permission of Scitor Corporation.)TEACHING TECHNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 31.5 ProModel - j/k.mod (International Operations . Kennedy Airport, New York City) - [Normal Run] Simulation Options Information Window Intergot H 1996.02 08 Thu 12:51 Flight Flight 0 Gate 3 Gate 4 Flight 175 0 Gate 7 23 10 247 Gate 8 39 Flight 44 Gate 2 FIGURE 31.3 A Dynamic Simulation Model Using Moving Icons on a 2D Graphic Background. (Source: ProModel reproduced with the permission of PROMODEL Corporation.)31.3.2 Educational Outcomes Sought Following is a list of the educational outcomes sought through dynamic simulation: 1. To recognize that the computation of space need is an outcome of two processes. The rst process models the organization's functional congruence. The second process seeks to optimize sequences and resources. This latter process can be undertaken within dynamic simulation. 2. To recognize that the choice of modeling products is a function of time and presentation needs. 3. To recognize that functional congruence models provide a static model of service supply and de mand. The quantication of resources and. hence. space is an outcome of a dynamic simulation modeling the real interactions within the facility. 4. To be aware that all models are constrained by the dened resources. Alternate strategies (not se quences) and resources come from user interaction. 31.4 REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING Requirements engineering is a wellestablished discipline in defense materiel.l lts translation to facility procurement promises to add rigor to the facility brief (program)- development process. Re quirements engineering has a threephase sequence: user requirements, system requirements [which describe the systems needed to support the user requirements), and system architecture [which describes the physical systems required to deliver all the system requirements). The process should provide a bidirectional audit; that is, user requirements can be traced through to the system archi tecture selected to satisfy the user needs and vice versa. In addition, multiple system requirements can be grouped to provide a common system architecture. This may be a common solution or a 31.6 TECHNOLOGY shared solution. All data can originate from disparate sources and every issue will have a unique reference code similar to a work breakdown system code. Change {scope} management can occur at any one of the three phases and the impacts of a proposed change are translated throughout the system. The conversion of user requirements into a building solution has traditionally been the domain of the architect; however, requirements engineering introduces systems engineering into the facility procurement process. It provides a common data infrastructure for the entire design team and main tains this role during the construction period and throughlife management. For example, the inter- action between the building structure and the HVAC evolves as a unied specication system within requirements engineering. Equally, the interaction between the hydraulic and electrical plus data cabling systems (of particular importance to communications centers) is analyzed within the composite specication provided by the requirements engineering process. Requirements engineer ing integrates all specications (architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, HVAC, and more) and provides a single interface to all design data. 31.4.1 Technology A signicant number of software systems appear to provide some or most of the functionality for re quirements engineering; that is, the provision of bidirectional hyperlinked text with arithmetic func tions while being underwritten with a unique code for each requirement. In addition, there are links to all other documentation (objects) and URLs. However, purposebuilt requirements engineering software systems are designed for a multiuser environment with associated security, maintain appro priate audit trails, provide a summary of hyperlinked data at the launch point, and provide function ality for the ongoing design management of a facility. In addition, there is a formal relationship be tween the user requirements, systems requirements, and the system architecture. These are presented as matrices for crossreferencing (see Figure 31.4). The mission critical nature of requirements engi neering suggests that only high quality fully supported software should be used for this purpose. DOORS: Link module "Car links' current 0,0 Module Eddie Vow Linktel Link Attribute Look Help System requirements -> Archie ichlectural design 1.12 11 21 Doors Front Doors 1.1.1 1.1210-1 Door handles 11 1.1 210-2 Exterior Door locks 1.12103 Body Safety Impact bars Functional Requirements Power car 1.1.1 Move Car 1.1.11 Move forwards 11.1.10-1 Speeds 1112 Move backwards 1.1.1201 Reverse speed 12 Accelerate car 1.1.20-1 0 to 100ph .120-2 100 to 150 ph User name: Bil Young Source System requirements Target Architectural design Mapping Many to Mary FIGURE 31.4 A Requirements Engineering Matrix Display Relating System Requirements to Ar- chitectural Design. (Source: DOORS reproduced with the permission of OSS, Inc.)TEACHING TECHNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 31.? 31.4.2 Educational Outcomes Sought 31.5 Following is a list of the educational outcomes sought through requirements engineering: 1. To recognize the relevance of requirements engineering in providing an information core for the design, construction. and ongoing management of a facility. 2. To be aware of the political dimensions associated with a concentration of information. 3. To recognize the importance of tracing all architectural components and associated systems back to the original user requirements. 4. To introduce systems engineering into the facility development process. SPACE ECONOMY This discussion on space economy is restricted to the equation between space need and space supply. Typically, this includes space standards and circulation space denitions.2 However, more recent issues of homebased work andjoint venture projects have changed the demand side of the equation and hoteling (amongst others} of office space has changed to supply side. The compo nents of the equation are likely to change in the future; however, the primary data management tool remains the hierarchical database. The notion of a hierarchical database also includes relational and flatfile databases that display data in a hierarchical structure. In fact, two hierar chies work in parallel. One hierarchy models the demand for space and another hierarchy models the supply of space (see Figure 31.5). The demand for space includes primary. secondary. and tertiary [if required} circulation. In addition, space for short, medium, and longterm storage is defined. DruTico . Heath Com Stack and Block - Health Centre Ede Edit View Wwards Reports Heb Fle Edt Yew Waard: Reports Heb Delal Adscendies | Options | AutoFM | Dotel: Adscencies | Options | Vertical | Horizontal | Photo | AutoFM | Health Company Health Company In Health Centre 0Health Company -0@ Health Centre, 18141.26m2 0% Thomas, 16.73m2 FO. Ground Floor, 4089.22m2 0Clayton, 16.73m2 First Floor, 3513.01m2 0% Management [12] -Di Fixed, 950.74m2 0 Surgeons [17] DeCatering, 427.51m2 Staff Nurse [11] DeVictoria Ward, 418.22m2 0Nurses [41] DeRespiratory, 103,16m2 Staff [89] DeRose Ward, 669.14m2 Doctors [11] DoMicrobiology, 119.89m2 -0 Granger, 16.73m2 -DSecond Floor, 3513.01m2 BOW Facilities Din Fixed, 950.74m2 0 Kenwood, 13.94m2 D@ Childrens Ward, 381,04m2 8-0 Planning DoPrivate Patients, 762.08m2 LO Staff [2] DoPaediatric, 61.34m2 8 0Engineering -Third Floor, 3513.01m2 -OHuman Resources Did Fixed, 950.74m2 On X-Ray DeBums Unit, 836,43m2 Microbiology De Nursing/Education, 139.41m2 9 0 Paediatric Haematology, 208.1m2 Om Medical Staff @Clinical Biochemistry, 232.34m2 OW Management -0 Fourth Floor , 3513.01m2 Ow Casualty Di Fixed, 950.74m2 OWClinical Biochemistry Patient Services, 176,58m2 I It. I mima Pird Ready, 59 Objectfall Ready, 45 Objectte) 17:55 FIGURE 31.5 Space Economy-Matching the Demand and Supply of Space. (Source: OrgTree, Stack and Block reproduced with the permission of Decision Graphics UK Lid.)31.8 TECH NOLOG Y Space economy is a gaming process that examines alternate accommodation strategies. Immedi ate and shortterm accommodation needs tend to be modeled with a static accommodation supply portfolio. Longterm modeling usually includes variability in the accommodation supply portfolio; however, both can be modeled with current software. Physical afnity (see Figure 31.6} can be used to guide placements, but reliance on an automated procedure is problematic. However. physical afnity data is valuable for monitoring the progressive inefciency of the current accommodation solution. The objective of space economy is to design a holistic view of both the changing organiza- tion with its changing space needs plus the changing availability of space. Because it is a gaming process, the data should be quarantined from daytoday space management data. The politics of space economy is more evident in organizations yet to embrace accrual account ing where cost or prot centers are responsible for their own accommodation; however, organiza tion data is often located in departmental units (such as human resources) not responsible for space planning. Additionally, some departmental units may prefer the organization use area prediction data based on \"hoped for" or current staff levels rather than the space required to satisfy the func tionally congruent organization. 31.5.1 Technology The foundation technology for all space economy is a database displaying data in hierarchical structures. Spreadsheets are in common use. but their limitations become selfevident once the at tributes of hierarchical structures are observed. Data rollup and predened space standards are kg functions. While purpose designed software is preferred, limited functionality can be gained from using the hierarchical structures in some criticalpath, cost budgeting, and information management software packages. The specialized gaming nature of space economy has found few complete implementations in current CADbased facility information management systems. Most have some, but not all of the Adjacenty Data GROUP CORPORATE EXAMINATI COMML SE EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE MORTOAGE WIRE TRAN ACCTS REC EXECUTIVE PERSONAL MAIN (LEV CHATTEL P COMML S DISTRICUT MAIN (LEV FACTORS CIMCO LEGAL LEASE NAME Adjacenty Scale WIRE TRAN G CLEAR CIMCO C Absolute CORPORATE C Essential COMML.S Important CHATTEL P LEASE Off Scale LEGAL ACCTJ REC EXAMINATI COMMLSE FACTORS Set Scale Print DISTRICUT Matrix Type MORTOACE Symmetric EXECUTIVE NonSymmetric PERSONAL MAIN(LEV Display Group MAIN LEV C ID EXECUTIVE Name EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE OK Cancel FIGURE 31.6 A Matrix Display of Physical Affinities between Orga- nizational Groups. (Source: WinSABA reproduced with the permis- sion of SABA Solutions.)TEACHING TECHNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 31.9 required functionality. A number of products offer demand analysis. A close to ideal environment comprises two hierarchies l(in outline format and in parallel formation), respectively, either repre senting the demand for or the supply of space (previously displayed in Figure 31.5). The immediate needs of microspace management while concurrently planning for the near and longterm implies that multiple models will draw from the same base data set. A key software function is the ability to describe the organization in an \"outline" hierarchy and to enable structural changes to the organiza tion design by using \"draganddrop" technology; that is. individuals and groups can be moved around the hierarchy and their impact on space demand is automatically computed. As individuals and groups are transferred from the organization hierarchy to the accommodation hierarchy, the arithmetic impact on both demand and supply is computed. The software must be able to offer the options of Groups into Buildings, Groups into Floors, and Individuals into Rooms. Additionally, from timetotime. individuals will be locked into groups or separated from groups and space will be occupied or unoccupied. There is an element of hotel management in this process. as in practice. the organization continues to change during the study period. Sophisticated systems may use allocation optimization algorithms for campus timetable management. 31.5.2 Educational Outcomes Sought Following is a list of educational outcomes sought through space economy: 1. To recognize that space economy is a gaming activity that uses quarantined data to model the changing supply and demand for space. 2. To recognize that space economy analysis occurs at near, medium. and longterm intervals. 3. To be aware that the politics of organization design may make data acquisition problematic- 31.6 SPACE LOCATION, ALLOCATION, AND OPTIMIZATION There is a clear overlap between this topic and space economy; however, this discussion is re stricted to methods for deriving an optimal solution for location and layout studies and the con straints imposed by a xed geometry. such as a building with multiple floors. The mathematical ba sis for this overview is described in the afnity or association matrix that identies the desired physical proximity between any two functions relevant to the organization (previously displayed in Figure 31.6). An organization with 11 functions has a set of 11! relationships. A small organization with 20 interrelated functions would generate 20! relationships. The mathematical search for the optimal solution is described as the quadratic assignment problem (QAP).3 While a method for nding exact solutions to practical QAP formulations is not available. decomposition techniques may be used to solve large scale quasiQAP formulations. Even the small organization with 20! re lationships is beyond the computing power of current desktop systems. The available optimization methods provide very good solutions. particularly. as in practice. the process requires varying de grees of user interaction. The nature of physical structures has an important impact on the mathematical solution. This can be explained as follows. Consider an organization with only three functions and these functions require equal volumes of space. Assume that these functions have the same mutual physical afnity and that a sphere can represent each function. As all functions are of equal area, the representing spheres are of equal diameter. The optimal geometric layout for this case is triangular; that is. the spheres are in a tangential triangular arrangement. The lines joining all centroids are of equal length because the functions have equal mutual physical afnity. The problem can be extended to four functions in the same context. The spheres in a tangential square formation would not represent the optimal solution. as the diagonal centroid links are longer than the rectilinear links. The optimal so lution would be a trapezoidal formation. This is a threedimensional geometry compared to the three spheres which produced a two-dimensional geometry. The threesphere solution (triangle} 31JD 31.6.1 TECHNOLOGY could be housed on one floor of a building, but the foursphere solution (trapezoid) would require a mezzanine oor. Several issues arise from this exposure. The rst is that practical reality would en sure that the four functions (spheres) would be on the same floor even though this solution is not mathematically optimal. The second is that a problem set in which any one function is related to more than two other functions will deliver an unworkable solution in terms of a segmented struc ture, such as an ofce building. Software systems seeking to resolve this problem set will introduce user-dened preferences, soft and hard constraints. and perhaps some heuristic algorithms. The re- sults will be good but not perfect solutions. This background understanding of the underlying math ematical processes is important when collecting and moderating actual organization data. Most computer systems enable user interaction, but this only adds value if the software provides immedi ate feedback on the contributing value of the user inputs. Problems such as school locations, service delivery points, transport networks. and nodes are a few of the problems resolved through the use of optimal location analysis. Optimal space allocation is a subset of the genera] location optimization problem but where the hard constraints of building loca tions and floors must be accounted. While there are many small solving routines, there are only a few software products that provide a CAD interface plus user interaction (see later in Figure 31.11). Tech nology The search for optimal locations can be easily undertaken with a genetic algorithm addin to an Excel spreadsheet. Genetic algorithms may mimic Darwinian or Lamarckian evolution\" Solutions are ran domly proposed. Better solutions are given preference and good solutions are \"married" to produce offspring with superior \"genes." \"Mutation" and \"crossover" can be introduced to simulate Darwin ian evolution. As with most approximation methods, longer processing time produces better solutions; however, as time progresses, it takes longer and longer to nd a better solution (see Figure 313'). Ele Edit View insert Format Tools Data Window Help ABCDEF G H J K L M IN 0 P Radio Tower Location location distance from tower town size X Y A B C covered? location Alma 200 17 43 11.18 25.71 30.08 yes 200 5 Auburn 410 28 38 16.76 20.62 18.03 yes 410 6 tower A 12 Antonito 850 37 27 25.71 16.64 9.43 no 0 7 tower B 23 18 Appleton 1423 36 12 31.89 14.32 21.93 no 0 8 tower C 45 32 Barrow 85 27 7 30.02 11.70 30.81 no 0 9 A B C Byers 624 22 14 21.47 4.12 29.21 yes 624 10 range 18 10 5 Carthage 690 B 27 7.21 17 49 37.34 yes 690 11 Cedar 530 19 30 7.62 12.65 26.08 yes 530 12 Dobbs 1625 6 4 29.61 22.02 48.01 no 0 13 Dover 26 50 45 39.85 38.18 13.93 no 14 40 Fitchburg 591 27 8 29.15 10.77 30.00 no 0 15 30 Greenwich 1307 18 45 13.42 27 46 29.97 yes 1307 16 potential 8361 20 17 Find the best xy locations for three total listeners: 3761 10 18 radio towers to cover the most towns 19 (and therefore reach the most 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 listeners). Each of the radio towers 21 has a different range 22 MY LOCATION Close Full Screen FIGURE 31.7 An Excel Spreadsheet Genetic Algorithm Add-In Used for Optimal Location Studies. (Source: Evolver reproduced with the permission of Palisade Corporation.)TEACHING TECHNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 31.11 CSIRO BCE TOPMET LEVEL 1, TOTCOST= .26509E+07 ESTAB COST= .000 SOLN 14256 I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I I- 1. * 2. - 3. - 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. IPAR. PAR. SAM. ACC. LEG. CON. EDP.ELC. ELC. CVM. INS. FIN. ASS. .AMY. CPC . CPP I---I---I---I- ---I- --I---I---I I-18. -19. -20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. IPAR . PAR . PAR. LEG. LEG. CON. ELC. ELC. ELC. ELC. .FIN.CVC. .AMY . CPC . I--I---I---I---I---I--I-I---I---I---I--I---I---I--- --I- I-35. -36. -37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. IPAR. PAR. PAR. LEG. LEG. ELM. ELC. ELC. ELC. ELC. COR. FIN. CVC. . AMY. CPC. GEP. I--I---I---I--I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I---I- --I---I---I---I I-52. -53.-54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. IPAR . PAR . PAR . LEG . LEG . I. AUD. ELC. ELC. PER. COM. CVP. CVP. CVP . AMY. CPM. GEC. I---I---I---I---I---I- -I---I--- ---I---I--I---I---I---I---I---I HIGHRISE BUILDING (ON SIDE) TENANCY LAYOUT DEMONSTRATION - BEST SOLUTION .- INTERACTION COST = $ 2650943.0 ESTABLISHMENT COST = TOTAL COST = $ 2650943.0 FIGURE 31.8 A DOS-Based Implementation of Simulated Annealing. (Source: TOPMET re- produced with the permission of CSIRO, Australia.) Simulated annealing is an alternate to genetic algorithms.' Simulated annealing is characterized by proposing a random solution (such as the location of personnel in offices) and then undertaking a series of pair swaps. The objective function seeks to satisfy all the demands of the functional affinity matrix (previously displayed in Figure 31.6). If a pair swap results in a solution closer to the objective function, then it is retained. The slower (hence "annealing") and longer the process, the better the chance of achieving a superior solution (see Figure 31.8). There are other methods for solving the QAP; however, most products remain silent on their underlying methodology. With so much user interaction required in practice, the focus on mathematical methods may be unproductive. Understanding the underlying mathematical methodology significantly impacts on the practical process of data collection and results analysis. Figures 31.9, 31.10, and 31.11 illustrate technology that focuses the layout optimization problem on buildings with floors and corridors.SABA - Stacking and Blocking Algorithm Ele Ede Yew SABA Spat Hep Stack Plan (Stacked that] FLOOR #54 EXECUTIVE, EXECUTIVE FLOOR 54 DINING FLOOR #53 EXECUTIVE, FLOOR 53 COMMERICIAL FLOOR #52 CREDIT SPECIAL MORTGAGE LOANS FLOOR 851 CORPORATE BANKING C.I.M.C.O. FLOOR #19 DISTRICTE METROPOL CHATTEL BANKING PAPER-LEASE FLOOR #17 ESCROWLOAN ADMINIST INDIRECT LOAN ADMIN ADMINISTRA COMM'L. SERVICES COMM1. SERVICES ADMI FLOOR #16 FACTORS FLOOR #15 INTERNATIONAL. CORPORATE MARKE FINANCE FACTORS DISTRICUTION FLOOR 814 INTERNATIONAL OPERA LEASEACCTS RECEIVABLE REAL REAL FLOOR #12 ESTATE ESTATE GOVERNMENT AUDITING FEXAMINATIONS AFFAIR LEGAL APPR. RAPPR., I- LESOUTH MORTGAGE FLOOR #11 NURS SECURITY CONTRIB EXE BROWN CENTRAL DING BAG LUNCH REPRODUCTION Adscancy Scall GROUP Toll ROOM Total Free Area 350229 358229 Area 367700 358229 9471 FIGURE 31.9 A Building Stack Model Displaying Group Locations and Their Physical Affinity Network. (Source: WinSABA reproduced with the permission of SABA Solutions.)31.12 TECHNOLOGY ASABA - Stacking and Blocking Algorithm File Edit View SABA Spit Help Stack Plan (Stack20.dat] AREA FREE USED TOTAL FLOOR IS4 EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE 19420 19421 FLOOR #53 EXECUTIVE 22956 22956 FLOOR #52 COMMERIC CREDIT SPECIAL 1856 18298 20154 FLOOR #51 CORPORATE CIM.C.O 96h 19137 20101 FLOOR #19 DISTRICT METROP CHATTEL P -1501 20162 18661 FLOOR #17 SCRILOAN ADMI INDIRECT ADMINISTCOMM'L. SCOMML.SE -143 19104 18661 FLOOR #16 FACTORS -1001 19662 18661 FLOOR #15 INTERNAL CORPORATACTORS DISTROCUT 836 17376 18212 FLOOR #14 INTERNATI LEASACCTS REC -279 17873 17594 FLOOR $12 REAL ESTA REAL ESTA AUDITING GOVER EGALEXAM MORTGAGE 258 17890 18148 FLOOR #11 NUR SECURITYCONTREXIT BROWN CENTRAL 7124 10668 17792 BAG FLOOR $10 BRANCH BRANCH AD LIABILITY TRAVEL -1243 19473 18230 FLOOR #9 REAL ESTA CONSTRUCT BOND MO -555 18785 18230 FLOOR #8 PROPERTIE -364 18594 18230 FLOOR #7 TRUST, AD 18230 18230 Adscency Scores 2958 GROUP- Total Feind Free - Total Food Free 359229 350229 367700 351229 947 FIGURE 31.10 A Building Stack Model Displaying Group Locations and Space Accounting. (Source: WinSABA reproduced with the permission of SABA Solutions.)SABA - Stacking and Blocking Algorithm Elle Ede Yew SABA Spit Heb Ital Plan ([incone dall EMPLOYEE 1 HEMPLOYEE 2 EMPLOYEES CONFERENCE EMPLOYEE 6 EMPLOYEE 4 BOSS 1 EMPLOYEE 7 EMPLOYEE 8089 3 EMPLOYEES MACHINE 2 11 MACHINE 1 EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE 12 BOSS 2 EMPLOYEE 16 14 13 MACHINE 3 EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE RECEPTION CONFERENCE 10 16 Ad scency Score: 5697 GROUP Tols Food Free ZONE Total Fixed Free Area 6550 6950 Area 6300 -250 FIGURE 31.11 A Building Floor Block Model Displaying Individual Locations and Their Physi- cal Affinity Network. (Source: WinSABA reproduced with the permission of SABA Solutions.)TEACHING TECHNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 31.1 3 31.6.2 Educational Outcomes Sought Following is a list of educational outcomes sought through space location, allocation, and optimiza tion: 1. To be aware of the practical limits to the search for mathematically optimal physical layout solu tions. 2. To understand the mathematical processes available to resolve the QAP. 3. To be aware of commercial software employing optimizing techniques and those dedicated to the facility planning process. 4. To be aware of the limitations of the mathematical methods and their impact on data collection specications. 5. To recognize that these modeling methods merely underwrite an iterative process in which building users appraise the potential impact of optional locations. 31. 7 WSUALIZATION IN 30 AND 40 History is dotted with examples of models and perspective drawings that illustrate a proposed facil ityf' The use of plans, elevations. and sections is a recent development to assist with the scaling and dimensioning of a building; however, few prospective building users can amass all this twodimen sional information and visualize the volume and ambiance of a building interior. The evolution of architectural CAD commenced by replicating the 2D drafting methods employed to document a building; however, it quickly evolved to provide 3D visualization. 3D visualization can profoundly assist the building users to understand the proposed environ ment (see Figure 31.12}. Virtual reality is a term that should be restricted to specialized immersive FIGURE 31.12 3D Visualization with User-Controlled Walk-Through Created with 3D CAD. (Source: Concept CAD reproduced with the permission of the Virtus Corporation.)TEACHING TECHNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 31.15 31.1.1 Technology Consummate implementations of 3D and 4D CADbased technologies are available in the aero space industries; however, there appears little evidence that these technologies are being devolved to the built environment. The process plant industries have developed purpose built applications that have yet to be devolved to the general building design process (see previously displayed Figure 31.13}. 3D visualization with attendant walkthrough and orbit video production is now available in a range of architectural and industrial CAD products. Indeed. some products have reasonable video production facilities; however, the discussion needs to be extended to the kernel of facility informa tion management. We have witnessed the efficiency of \"explorer\" type interfaces for indexing infor mation. This is a hierarchical index in outline format. but visibility of the entire index is a unique characteristic. However. this outline index is one level of abstraction from the actual information. Just as 3D visualization of a facility removed the abstraction of plans, elevations. and sections, so too does 3D visualization remove the abstraction of the facility index. The real power of 3D visualization is as an index to all related facility information. The founda tion technology is now available as some 3D visualization products enable URLs to be attached to 3D elements or objects. This does not imply that all facility design documentation must be in a 3D format. Access to data is the key issue. Nor does it imply that all design activities must use the same technology: however, it does imply that all design information can be published on the Web. The Internet does not have to be the communication vehicle, and for security reasons. some projects may prefer to distribute Web publishable data on CDROM and DVD or similar. 31.1.2 Educational Outcomes Sought Following is a list of educational outcomes sought through visualization in 3D and 4D: 1. To understand the emerging role of 3D visualization in the design and maintenance of facilities. 2. To recognize that generating the original design documentation in 3D provides the primary tool for ongoing building management. 3. To recognize the increasing role of Internet technology to enable collaboration with the evolu tion of 3D and 4D solutions. 3 1.8 FACILITY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Facility information management systems (FlMS) is a very broad topic and has a number of spe cialized subsets. Facility information management is essentially a data management task. The avail ability of lowcost CAD has generated an FIMS design philosophy (there are many FlMS design philosophies} which acknowledged the inherent value of data associated with the CAD objects. A simple example could be the placing of a wall partition in a CAD drawing. The wall panition library object would already have associated data concerning size, supplier, price. and any other rel evant data. As each section of wall partition is drawn, additional data is automatically added to the project database. This data could be used for purchasing, depreciation schedules, and maintenance plans. There has also been a longheld unrequited desire to have an automatically produced bill of materials (bill of quantities) and perhaps a building specication as the automated outputs from this technology. STEP and associated activities are designed to further this mission.7 From a building owner or manager's perspective, there may be a preference for a unied data environment rather than disparate computer systems. Downside issues focus on system upgrade costs, higher risk, and specialized components that are inferior to their equivalent standalone pro ducts. There is no denying the feeling of excitement after selecting a CAD object on the screen and viewing associated data either from an associated database or a URL. 3115 31.8.1 TECHNOLOGY The hidden costs in this data design and management philosophy have been the cost of data maintenance, the cost of system upgrade or conversion, and the relevance of this activity with respect to core business activities. The nexus between the CAD le and the data le is a key techni cal issue that must be understood before committing to a particular product. This technical insight is somewhat unique. A purchaser of a cost accounting system should not need to investigate the in ternal design of the software. The same generally applies to critical path software: however, the de sign options available to FIMS signicantly impact on the cost of data maintenance. In particular, the link between the CAD le and the database is of critical importance. Before embarking on an FIMS mission, it is important to research the experience of similar organizations and their system maintenance costs. Further investigation should consider system longevity. Some FIMS enable data entry through the browser interface: however. the Internet has resulted in a new generation of FIMS, which maintain the separated CAD and database, and provide a graphical interface for con trolled access to all facility data and graphics. Tech nology Simple databases and spreadsheets can be quite effective for basic building information. The simplic ity of these systems ensures continuity through staff changes and condent system upgrades. The sys tem design is user dened and can change over time. In a Windows environment, links to CAD les can be achieved through object links. These CAD object links may be lost when the system is up graded or transferred to another computer; however, the essential data generally remains robust. The following taxonomy of FIMS designs may not apply to any one product. The classication differenti ates system design options. A commercial software package may embrace a hybrid system design. CAD with Integral Data File. The CAD le provides the foundation for this type of system. No data exists without a CAD object. If the CAD object is deleted, then the data is deleted. Additional data entered by the facility manager can only occur if a CAD object is present or inserted. There fore, most data maintenance activities require a working knowledge of the CAD product. Changing the CAD le (perhaps as a result of layout changes) may be problematic. If the CAD le is deleted, then all associated data is lost. If a new CAD le is inserted prior to deleting the old CAD le, then data must be unlinked from the rst CAD le and relinked to the new CAD le or variations of this theme. Data maintenance costs tend to be high. Consequently, there is the danger that the informa tion system becomes progressively outofdate and ultimately irretrievable. CAD with Interrelated Data File. With this design philosophy, the data file can be maintained as a separate entity and may never be linked to a CAD file (see Figure 31.14). However, once linked to the CAD file, a number of issues must be considered. The link between the data element and the associated CAD object may display as a small graphic marker on the screen. If this is deleted, then the link to the data is lost, but most products have routines for detecting and replacing lost markers. Data can usually be entered within the stand-alone database and within the CAD interface. From time to time, a reconciliation of both CAD and database files is required. The key advantage of this system is that the database can be updated without any CAD skills, but the database will become incongruent with the CAD file. However, the database will be current. Inserting a new CAD file can also be problematic. There is a direct link between the old CAD file and the database. These links have to be broken or transferred to the new CAD file. This requires CAD skills at infrequent intervals. The associated risks must be understood before commit- ting to such a system. Graphical Data Icons Floating above the CAD File. To overcome the problem of linking the CAD file to the database, this design philosophy ensures that the delivered architectural CAD file is agnostic to the data (see Figure 31.15). The CAD file in its full context appears as a background im- age. Any associated data is defined by selecting a graphic icon (e.g., a workstation) and placing it in the required position on a layer above the background CAD file image. The graphic icon is the linkTEACHING TECHNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 31.17 Los Angeles Office - Netscape Flo Edit View Go Communicator Help N Back Forwed Reload Home Search Netscape Prind Security " Bookmarks / Location: Him What's Related A Instant Message !) Members : WebMail _ Connections _ BiaJournal . SmartUpdate !) Muplace Los Angeles DEPARTMENTS Set Change layers by selecting the layer set from the pull down Photos box and click the "Set" button. Floor Plans Reports Forms Const. Drawings World Map Click on floor below to view drawing. Right click on drawing to switch between pan and zoom. Building 400 Try clicking on one of the room numbers to simulate real-time database calls to display the 6th Floor room's contents. 7th Floor 8th Floor Building 500 5th Floor Building 500 Gross Area 22177.78 Weston III Tower 20010.42 6th Floor Rentable FIGURE 31.14 A Facility Information Management System Using CAD and an Interrelated Data- base within a Browser Environment. (Source: FMSpace reproduced with the permission of FM:Systems.)Ete Edit Drawings Data View Window Help Edi Reporch 507 AEdit Records Dialog Boyd Attach... Find Fields Enter Lookup Find All Zoom Otjects Found 1 Now At 1 Office Region 509 Office No. 509 Usage Office Kelly Status Occupied Area 0.85 $ per Sq. M. 312.00 Chargeback $118.24 Employee Table Office Number 509 Employee No. KEY 102 Last Name Kelly First Name Jeff Title Sales Associate Tel Ed 770 Department Sales Job Description Responsibilities User ID JEFFK 510 18 4 Badge No. SS Ellis 1153mm All Style-Unnamed -25 100% 0 Offices /Banned FIGURE 31.15 A Facility Information Management System Using Graphical Data Elements "Floating" above a Background CAD File. (Source: Aperture reproduced with the permission of Aperture Technologies, Inc.)3118 TECHNOLOGY to the internal or external database. Data maintenance is through this graphic interface, which may be more intuitive than an underlying database. The underlying CAD le can be replaced without impacting data integrity. although the data icons may need relocating or amendment. A graphical interface database supporting an underlying CAD le is a superior denition for this system design philosophy. logically Locatedl Graphical Data Icons Floating above a Raster Image. This design philoso phy further reinforces the supremacy of the database. Indeed. the CAD le is reduced to merely a raster image (see Figure 31.16}. Graphical data icons can be manually located above the back ground image or automatically positioned by the database referencing the X, Y. and Z coordinates of the required location. if the database knows the X. Y, and Z coordinates of the center of a room, then the icon of a workstation can be automatically positioned in that room. Data can be maintained through an \"explorer" type hierarchical index or via the graphical data icon oating above the back ground image. No CAD skills are required for system maintenance. In essence, the database can upgrade the graphic environment. The earlier implementations of these technologies were in data network infrastructure management. Web Browser Technologr. An evolving group of products are focused on the coordination of projects using a predened interface for promulgating and accessing information. The user can sig nicantly rene the interface design, but in general, no programming is required. Consequently, the information system evolves with the needs of a project. CAD plugins are supplied with these systems along with plugins for wordprocessing, spread sheets. and numerous other application products. Hyperlinks can be established throughout the sys tem that enables CAD and data to be related. The use of graphical markers \"oating\" above the CAD is usually employed to avoid a direct connection between the CAD and data. In their full im plementation. these systems would coordinate all building design activities plus provide the data in frastructure for the ongoing management of the facility (see Figure 31.17\"). netViz Project : D: \ etViz30\\Examples\\Global - [Melbourne Data...] Ed Edit View Diagram Object Composite Tools Window Help b Global Network.nel | Temporary Workspace 1] Getting Started . for new users Drill into Melbourne Compu 2) What's new in 3.07 navigator 3) Sample Project Guide - example Bj Composite Views CSU Connectivity ED Top Level Auntbiala Gateway Hitachi Zenith BO) Mebound Meboume Dala Center East Count DEC Japan Link to Test Myers Ware Bates South America West Coast Western Europe Markham CompanZenith_NEC IBM Dunlap Dean Lewis. Partial View FIGURE 31.16 A Facility Information Management System Using Logically Located Data Icons "Floating" above a Raster Image. (Source: NetViz reproduced with the permission of NetViz Corporation.)31J4 TECHNOLOGY technology where the user is perceptibly immersed in the digital image. 4D adds a dimension of time to the image. This can be an assembly sequence controlled by a critical path or other assem blylproduction sequence technology and may involve user interaction and animation (see Figure 31.1.3]. Along with these developments in visualization, some CAD systems have evolved into 3D products where every element is presented as a 3D object from the outset. No longer is a pair of lines drawn to represent a wall. The activity of drawing the wall automatically produces a 3D object with height, material properties, and other structural and cost data. Internetbased technologies are enabling remote user interaction to change, for example, surface nishes and ttings in a 3D envi ronment. This higher degree of collaboration and user involvement should produce superior facility outcomes. The collage of digital effects including 3D visualization. walkthrough, orbit, and integrated animation may progressively nd its way into facility information management solutions. Com puter network management systems appear to be an early implementation of this technology. Users can \"fly" through networks and into \"boxes" to view a faulty component within the virtual 3D geometry of the computer or similar box. The 3D spatial relationships between service elements in a building are of particular importance for building maintenance. Consider the complexity of ser vice ducts, pipes, and equipment which can be found in cramped ceiling spaces. Walkthrough 3D visualization can provide preview access to the desired location, together with animated mainte nance sequences and other data. The cost of production is relatively low if the facility documenta tion was originally generated in 3D. The 2D facility design process has required a separate coordination process to ensure the align ment of structural elements with architectural outlines, conicts with service ducts and pipes, and the intersection of utility services with the structure. In addition, all parties to the design process are viewing the evolving facility through 2D images. The introduction of 3D visualization ensures that from the outset, all interested parties have 3D mental images and continue to think within a 3D context. J PlantSpace Entertain Navigator Version 3.0 - Planlead jim Fle Selling Display View Query Annotation Simulator ESIM Window Help Plantcad jim - ID:0 Simulation Dialog - EARLY VS LATE START Start Date Jul-01-2002 The Nov-11-2002 End Date Oct-02-2003 Step 7 Days Close When running the situation, we will bet the time frame to stop through the sequence, Display of components is based on the configuration settings and associated dit's found in the scheduling database. Components will change to their original color when construction is complete For Heli. press F1 Intide FIGURE 31.13 4D Visualization Displayed as 3D CAD Evolving Over Time. (Source: Plant- Space reproduced with the permission of Bentley Systems Incorporated.)TEACHING TECHNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 31.19 " ActiveProject Builder . HoGraw Hil Ele Edit View Insert Tools Help Times New Roman 10 Overview | See | Architectural Structural | HVAC | Piping | Electrical | Construction | Schedule| Proj Admin| Buttons Bullets | Custom Structural Cross Reference: First Floor Second Floor Third Floor 10 0 Draw . 4 6 \\\\DO 6 LAG & . 2 . EFF 100% . For Help, press F1 FIGURE 31.17 A User-Defined Facility Information Management System Using Internet Technology. (Source: ActiveProject reproduced with the permission of Framework Technologies Corporation.)31.8.2 Educational Outcomes Sought Following is a list of educational outcomes sought through facility information management sys tems: 1. To be aware of the optional technologies that can effect delivery of facility information. 2. To be aware of the data maintenance costs associated with such systems. 3. To recognize the political dimensions of data concentration particularly where ERP systems are being implemented.8 3 1.9 TERO TECHNOLOGY The maintenance expenditures needed by a facility derive from an equation between the economic utility required from a facility and the cost of achieving that utility. As the required utility will change over time. so too will the maintenance costs and expenditures. The difference between the required costs and actual expenditures can be used as a measure of deferred maintenance for the purpose of a dened facility's economic utility. Measures of current facility condition provide a foundation for estimating the cost to achieve the required facility utility. Simple discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis of investment strategies may be satisfactory for shortterm equipment items. such as a chiller with known capital cost, maintenance cycles and costs. and disposal value. Long term real property assets are not necessarily amenable to DCF procedures. as they are subject to varying future use and hence utility and varying value within a portfolio of facilities. Therefore, the planning of maintenance expenditures is an ongoing activity being controlled by short. medium. and longterm utility values. current physical condition. and available funds. Because maintenance activities are cyclic with different periods. there are times when the majority of cycles peak concur rently. This is better known as the midlife refurbishment period. Such a high demand on cash can 31.20 TECHNOLOGY cause a building owner to consider the value of retaining ownership. Knowing the date of the mid life refurbishment can also impact on perceived utility, building life, and hence the maintenance ex penditure policy from now until that period. All these variables contribute to the current expenditure policy. A naive application of cyclic maintenance without reference to the other information inputs can lead to an ineffective maintenance policy. Also, reliance on a xed percentage of capital costs (maybe 35%) for an annual allocation to a maintenance sinking fund may not provide sufcient mediumterm cash. Current software technology appears to segment into technology for managing the planning (see Figure 31.13) and implementation of maintenance activities with associated contact management and cost accounting procedures, and technology for strategic planning and maintenance policy de velopment. Once again, this latter procedure is a gaming process that must use quarantined data. It is unusual to nd both capabilities in the one software product. 31.9.1 Technology Numerous maintenance management software products are available. The reason that so many exist is similar to the large number of critical path packages; that is, each product developer perceives a niche market with unique requirements. Contrast this to the small number of wordprocessing and spreadsheet packages. The large number of maintenance management systems indicates potential risks when selecting a product. There are different regional accounting and taxation differences, different purchasing conventions, and different service level denitions. In addition, the products offer varying degrees of adaptability to current corporate forms and procedures. Integration with ERP systems adds further complexity.'J Therefore, maintenance management systems should be appraised and selected from the perspective of a nancial accounting system. Ideally, maintenance management systems should be a component of the corporate nancial management, contract management, and accounting system. Facility condition appraisal systems (see Figure 31.19 and Chapter 9} tend to be strategic plan ning or gaming tools, which evaluate alternate strategies to move from a current facility condition MARS - [50 Year MAR Cost Profile by Building] Be Edie Tools Wridow Help DARd 2 71 5 0 200% 50-Year M&R Cost Profile Building: Office Building, 2 Story Facility: Whitestone Models City: Washington DC $0 $5 $10 2000 2002 2004 Page: 1 1 01 0 Ready CAPS FIGURE 31.18 The Through-Life Cost Prediction Chart for an Example Building. (Source: MARS reproduced with the permission of Whitestone Research Corporation.)TEACHING TECHNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 31.21 Deficiencies List of Al Deficiencies In Ban Artinlo State School OAK Analyst Mama Deficiency Template Cout ACT - stored then froot moyer 6 Cring Frithen 1458 00 Reports ACT, lies and gus 6 Cring Frithes Floor Frithes Condmonie Pump, shard Functionality B Crouton Pumps Personal Betting's Damaged Fool peers Building Fagty S Roofing H407 09 Dit corned twice Functionally Service & Dub Bution Door hardwork: needs repair 57-672-10 Code Complancer Lite Safely 6 Fierior Doors 1616.00 Planning Code Complance General Building 9 Lifting & Power $200 00 # Lighting & Power CAD Ederio Lighting Stink Fundionalty B Lighting & Power Drawings Hchen Equipment, Ice maker, service Functionality 8 Spec

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