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Question header NPV, PV, FV and sensitivity Assume you are: 25 years old and you are professionaly employed. You are appeoached by two investment providers. Investment provider A guarantees you an. annial payment of 326000 Rand (at current value) post retiement age of 65 , increasing at a rate of 5% for 20 yearh after retirement age. Inveatment provider B quarantees you an annual payment of 375000 Rand (at current value) post retifement age of 65 , increasing at a rate of 5% for 15 years atter rotiremem age Note: First payout is at age 66. Aosume average annual inflation pre-tetirement and post-retirement to be 7% and anerage inestment growath to be 9%. and onter this value in clickup). Also conduct a sensitivity analysis for the input paramters given in the bensiaity analysis table in the oxcel termplate. Rank the input parametere (in the space provided in the excel template) that cause the difference in anncal payments to be most senstive to least sensitve- Question header NPV, PV, FV and sensitivity Assume you are 25 years old and you are professionaly employed. You are approached by two investment providers. Invewtment provider A guavantees you an annual payment of 325000 Rand (at cument value) post retirement age of 65, increasing at a rate of 5% for 20 years ater retirement age. Invesament provder B guarantees you an annual payment of 375000 Rand (at current value) post retirement age of 65 , increasing at a rafe of 55 for 15 years after retirement age. Note: First payout is at age 66. Assume average annual inflation pre-retirement and post-retirement to be 7% and average irvestment growth to be 9%. Calculate the annual payments that need to be paid to the investment providers. What is the difference in arinual payments between the fwo options? (Calculate and enter this value in clickup). Also conduct a sensitivity analysis for the input paramters given in the sensitivity analysis table in the excel template. Rank the input parameters (in the space provided in the excel template) that cause the difference in annual payments to be most senstire to least sensitve