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Please help with questions all the pages for the HBR Bus Case are in order please help with detailed explanations! I much appreciate your time

Please help with questions all the pages for the HBR Bus Case are in order please help with detailed explanations! I much appreciate your time thank you!

image text in transcribedimage text in transcribedimage text in transcribedimage text in transcribedimage text in transcribed Read the Harvard Business Review case Holding Fast by John T. Gourville linked here: HBR Bus Case: Holding Fast Next, imagine you are the CEO of this company. When responding to the following questions, write your responses in first person (as the CEO) and apply relevant management terms and concepts learned so far in this course. Be sure to "BOLD" each reference. 1. What are all the issues/considerations surrounding the decision regarding resordables? Be specific! Create a bulleted list to list them in order of their importance. (Hint: There are many issues to consider!) 2. Given the situation, should Crescordia launch resorbables? . If so, in what manner and with what guidelines? Be specific in detailing all elements. If not, what will your approach be for the market? Be specific in detailing all elements. . Hint: I am expecting you to demonstrate how your approach will address/manage the many issues you have identified. 3. Create a formatted list of pros and cons of your decision. Include how your decision will affect your current business model and future business prospects. 4. What key learnings did you take from analyzing this case?Crescordia's products are respected the world over. Now, rivals have launched a radical- albeit still buggy - new technology. Can the company afford to sit out the revolution? Holding Fast by John T. Gourville "NOW REMEMBER, with every blow ation devices - that surgeons used to I of the hammer, you've got to feel repair broken bones. At least twice a the femoral nail advancing through the month, Crescordia hosted training ses- bone. If you don't, then for heaven's sake, sions like this one for orthopedic sur- stop. It might be impinging on the cor- geons who used the company's prod- tex or it might be too large for the canal. ucts. Walsh joined the group for lunch as Keep whacking, and you'll fracture the often as possible. It was a great oppor- cortex." The trainer's calm, authoritative tunity to connect with the physicians voice boomed out across the room as a and hear firsthand what they liked and dozen orthopedic surgeons toiled away didn't like about Crescordia's products. on the cadaver limbs laid out before Besides, he just plain enjoyed their com- them. Pausing to observe the technique pany. Trauma surgeons tended to be of one of the surgeons, he glanced up brilliant but down to earth. With their to see his boss, CEO Peter Walsh, crack hammers, saws, and drills, they were as open the door and squeeze through, much carpenters as they were doctors. trying his best to be unobtrusive. The Maybe because so many of the cases trainer glanced at the clock. "Okay, let's they saw were the result of bad luck, save some of this fun for the afternoon," they had a certain perspective on the he called out. "We'll meet in the lobby world. They tended to joke a lot when in ten minutes and walk over to lunch." they got together, and if you could tol- In addition to making a range of prod- erate some morbid humor you found ucts from artificial hips to scalpels, Cres- yourself laughing along cordia was one of a handful of major After the air-conditioned chill and companies that developed, manufac formaldehyde odor of the lab, the heat tured, and sold the steel and titanium of the summer day was a welcome plates, nails, and screws- known as fix- change. Strolling along the paved path DANIEL VASCONCELLOS HBR's case's, which are fictional, present common managerial dilemmas and offer concrete solutions from experts.\fmon of all ages, old plates and screws could sometimes shift or come loose, caus- ing painful protrusions. Just enough of the current generation of resorbables worked, it seemed, to keep Innostat in business and everyone else in the in- dustry continuing their research. Even Walsh had to admit that, were he a sur- gcon, he might occasionally take the risk of using a resorbable. But Walsh wasn't a surgeon. He was the CEO of a company whose products were respected throughout the indus- try. Thanks to decades of refusing to compromise on quality, there were or- thopedic surgeons out there who used nothing but Crescordia hardware. The company simply could not afford to do something and not do it right. Under Stress Walsh arrived at his office the next morn- ing to a typical flurry of meetings, con- ference calls, and paperwork. It was ten o'clock before he found a chance to pop down to see Gary Miskimen, his head of R& D. Miskimen was in the testing lab at the moment, his assistant told Walsh. She offered to page him. "No, no, Walsh said. "I'm heading that way anyway." Soon after, he found Miskimen and one of his managers, both in pristine lab coats, looking on as a technician operated one of the com- pany's servohydraulic fatigue testing ma- chines. The technician clamped a long, slender, metal screw into place, picked Miskimen looked to the manager be- don't want to hear this, but we're not up her strain gauge and started the test. side him. "We just finished some trials going to know what we need to know to Miskimen filled Walsh in, murmur- on the latest prototypes, didn't we?" The make the product better until we get it ing, "The new cannulated screw versus manager hurried off to get the data. out in the field. We need to get it into the standard cortex screw." They stood "Don't get your hopes up," Miskimen the surgeons' hands." staring, scarcely breathing, as the ten- said, as he and Walsh followed at a more "And into the patients' bodies," walsh sion built and built more. Finally, the measured pace. "It's not perfection." said with a sigh. Miskimen was right; it screw snapped. Miskimen's eyebrows They walked along in silence for a few wasn't what Walsh wanted to hear. But rose. "Not bad," he said. The technician moments. Then Walsh spoke up. Walsh know enough about the science grinned. "I think it may be time to step up our to know Miskimen wasn't just making Miskimen turned to Walsh and gave efforts. Let's say we delay those new com- excuses. Metal plates were relatively him a proper greeting. "And what brings pression plates and put Wilkins on the straightforward to test. They were inert, you down to the lab on this fine day?" case and maybe Sid Stratton..." Walsh nonreactive with body tissue, so what "Actually, I was just curious to know glanced at Miskimen for a reaction. you saw in the lab was what you'd get in if there was any news on the resorbables Miskimen rubbed his close-cropped the human body. The whole point of re- front," Walsh answered. "I know we're beard, then shook his head. "Peter, the sorbables, on the other hand, was to be not due for a status update, but the sub- truth is we've done as much as we can reactive -to interact with the body and ect came up yesterday." with resorbables in the lab. I know you dissolve over time. But every body was

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