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Please help with the following questions, 18) Whale the awocado narket is in equilbedus it awocedo seliees dectue happen to the patceat ehasge in quatielty

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18) Whale the awocado narket is in equilbedus it awocedo seliees dectue happen to the patceat ehasge in quatielty desatided? a) It will dectwais by 51 . b) it wiat decteane by tot c) It wi3. decreasi 151, a) it wial setewase by 294 e) 1t wil dectease by 251 19) Which of the following would not shift the supply curve for avocido te the rliht? 2. Fosd weather for qriving avocade . A tedactien li magha for avoendo piekern d. An lingrast in the expieted prloe of avacado in the turste m. is technology for grouing avochdo witi lons wat 205 Waleb ef the foldiwing waud not shift the mupply cutve fer avocado to the left? a) had wartot fot gtewing aracade b) hn inereast in wayet fot avecado picker. A thatt in tantme trem avecaid to temstoes d) in ifereaje in the ceat of the ifirpectidin dad eotrifteacton padd by avocasp prodacets of in inctease in the expected prlee ot poffee la the future 2a) Boppone that the nuply of ayoosdo ineceapen ofie to an inproyenest in the tachnokogy for growing ayoeado with twir watinting costa. Wheh of the following describei thin neikatith et pelee and quantity adjustheat asiuntng that there la fo change in the denand eurvin a) There in a downard premare on prioen and an Increale th the egaldibtism quantis. b) There In an tprard frenmute on prioen and an inerasan in the squllibeise puanticy. Thire ia as thange in equilibrlue price and guantitr. d) There is a downatd preasute an prices ahd a decrease in the equi. Whe ium quane 14. e) Wone of the lbove. and qoantity of an decrease in both nopply and Gimarid? a) Thest it an lacteasi in equllibeluh price ahd as lacraase In qulatri= quaktity. b) There in ms shange in equilibrium prion bet o decrease in anel Ibrtwm ruantity. of There in a decrease in equitihriun priot and an increase in oquilibrian trattity. 3 (a) Thece in mo ehange in equilibrius peice or quantity. o) Thete in as anbiguotit offect on equilibeian jeich and a docrease in *quadbel= pastity. 23) buspose we ksew that the peice elasticity of demand tat orystie apples in 1,2. If a grocer inorempes the prioe of orgakic apeien ty 154, what would we expect te happen te the quantity of orpanic apples purchased? a) beceasi try 1,21 b) Becrwase 11 121. c) Decteade by 1.81 d) Decrease by 1 dit w) Decteale by 2.4 . 24) Ttuppose wu know that tha ptice dastieity of detatid fot andala many aadide would it then aell per moneh? a) 115 b) 65 (a) 70 d3 69 i) 55 25) If a Inctease in the price of appleat from tA to $2 pec poir Ieads to an decreate in the quantity of applen demanded from 150 milied to 100 milioen kig, then applying the matedite formila, the pace elattieley of demath equals: as 4d}d b) -4810 c) 2,13 ds 3/2 (s) =433 cenclude? a) The price elastichty of demand for CDs la-aero. D) The desand fot coat It pedtect lnelaatie. c) The prioe elaatielty of demand for con in -1 i d) The price elaaticity of demand for cpa in prestet than =1+ e) The prioe elastleity of denand for cDs la lasw than -7 i 27) Suppote the price elastiesty of wuply tof sharyoo ia 20. If the price of shampop incteases by 0,T b. what woeld we expect to happen to the quantity of ahampoo rejpllect a) Insteate by 271 b) Increase by 141 e) Ineteasi by 131 a) Decrease by 134 -1 Decreste try 271 2.) If pasea is a Giffen good, then a) puata 1= alse a nermal grod. b) paata im alan a furary ghod. ef am decteaas in the price of pasta wid facrease the quentity ifenanded. di an inctenae in the prite of paace wild inctease the quaticity denandedi e) pasta raist make a a amali portion of wonsuneri" total expentitturist. aubaticuctun effeet lin calledi.i. a) a fectal geodi b) a luxuty good. e) a clffen goos. df i rataroptodgesi gsod. ei a favored good 30) The sroba +iastickty of deinand meanuter-the responsivenest of the quastity deminded of a pacticulat good to ehanged in the pejced of At its eosplenents but nat ita mubeltesten. e) ita mubatituten and ita eomplementn. di) hatther ita lubatitutan nar lem noeptemints. ef Wene of thie above.. 3A) If goodi are conplamentels for mure thelr a) Ctoas price elaatieitiea are posltive, bl Craas paice elistieitiea are negative. or Crosa pacice olantielties axe aeco. a) findote hankieiry in metgative 4) Incues elascleity is poaftion, 32) Penand in pertecty towaditic when a) the qood in quertionn had perfect nutrituten 10 bi thifre in the suple curvi teinlte is so change in polet. of thifti in the asply curye resaltil in no change in quaktity timmanded. d) maftal 10 the bijply curve reailti an no change in the cotal revenues of An upvasd whate in the mupply curve fesuted in a dectate in the total revenoed 33) The income elasticity of denand in high for =1 ihelter 12 of 17 c) elotining a) food 6) infertor goods 34) To say that turnipa are necesaity goodn neons that the income olastielty a) is definitely greater than 1 . b) 1 and hative. c) to qreater than 0 but less than t. d) it equal to. i. e) in equal to 6 . 33) The fact that the PPF wasally bous wis from the origin inpliea that - a) aa the production of any good lncreases, there fll an inereate in the cppoteunity eote of productnip it. b) as the production of any good incceases. thece in a decreace in the opportunity coas of producthg it. a) getting more of one good misns-getting lesw of another goos. 15 df getting more of dine qood snati getelig mote of anothet qood. e) renources mre perfectly fungible. easily noved between alternative usis to tatiafy eentunes detand. 36) What are che two diatingulabling ehatacterlaclea of a publte gosidit a) It ia provided by the core spheref it la treely avallable to anyone. bl th to provided by the publie parpeas apheced it in frealy avardable to anyprie. e) it ia ffeely available to atyener uat by one peraon Himinishet sthe ablikty of snother perove to use it. d) it ia frealy avadlahle to anyecef use by one petsop doen net. dininish the abidity ot another perton ta ust it. e) It la proysded at low cost. uae by che jetase does not diminlah the ablitey of anothet peraod to ute it. 37) Whieh onie of the folfowing atatenentin ti falee? af A lalsaez-falto ecedeny is an ecotheny wien Iitele governtebe regutation. b) h lalsser-taice vien of the economy favor whegulated narketn. a) h laismet-faire view is that gelf-interented individialm interict. in a socially beceficial way. d) tajsasz-faire la a French terri that meaha wiet it be," e) A lalsaez-taife ecoticey la an econony wleb eenteal planning. 34) The term "effective demand" refern to - a) a change in denasd suffieient top ehange the matiot pricel. G. 13 0f.17 denand that inereatee etrieiency. is agregated anomg individaals. a) demand hacked by the wilingness and ablitty to pay. ol a change In destand that leada to a change in dupply. 12 35) Wich che of the following lt nok a nonptlee deterktnant of dertand? a) The nusbet of ecstusest b) Frodocer expectationi of future jiricen (d) Tasten and preferences d) Pricen of related goodn and nervicen o) Araidable ansets 40) Iuppose we obaerve a large increase in the price of corn but the quantity of eoen aold wtaya the same. What la the nont plauable emplakation for cunbination of enplanations) below? i) A deought oceuritd in corn-grouing teglent. b) h dreught oocurted in corn-qreaing reglens shat a meitical repart was issoed that oorn io good for your health. e) A drought oecurred in eorn-growing reglons and a medieal report was iasised that eorn in bad for yout heatth. of h bev tertilier was davented that doublea eorn ylelds and a gedicel fopost was lasued that eorn la bad for your health. 41) If the sellexa of a qood are unable to aet thedr own maced (1.e.. there is a "roing price"). the demand for the good faced by a purticulat aeliet in w.. a) perfectiy. elastio. B) Hederacely ielaatic. e) perfectly tnelaatio. d) moderately inelastio. i) terot 42) If a tlie in the pries of etangea troit 47 ta 17 a buabel, catated by a shift of the demand eurve, lneteases she quantity of buabeld supplded frcen 4,500 to 5,500 bushelis, thin 13 i) Aemand for atangei in, h) auply of ofapget is elasele. e) densha tor oranges la lnelastid. d) ruply of oranges di Inelaatie. 6) densind for oraciges in unit elautir. 43) Suppose we observe a large increase in the price of corn but the quantity of corn sold stays the same. What is the most plausible i combination of explanations) below? teurred in corn-growing regions. b) A drought oceurred in corn-growing regions and a medical report was Issued that corn 1 s good for your health. c) A drought occurred in corn-growing regions and a medical report was issued that corn 1 s bad for your health. d) A new fertilizer was invented that doubles corn yields. e) A new fertilizer was invented that doubles corn yields and a medical report was issued that corn is bad for your health. 44) Supposi we observe that the prlce of paper has increased and the quantity of paper sold has decreased. What is the most plausible explanation? a) Consumers demand less paper because of increased use of the Internet. b) The price of pens and pencils increased dramatically. c) The number of children in schools decreased dramatically. d) Nore logging for pulpwood was permitted in National Forests. e) A new law was enacted that forces a11 paper produeers to use expensive non-ch1orine bleaching thethods. 14 45) "During 2013, the price of personal computera (PCs) fe11 drastically, but the quantity supplied increased." This statement - a) refutes the so-called "law of supply." b) illustrates the fact that the supply curve of PCs is downward310ping. c) suggests that the supply of PCs increased during 2013. d) Implies that PCs are complementary goods. e) suggests that the supply of PCs decreased during 2013. 18) Whale the awocado narket is in equilbedus it awocedo seliees dectue happen to the patceat ehasge in quatielty desatided? a) It will dectwais by 51 . b) it wiat decteane by tot c) It wi3. decreasi 151, a) it wial setewase by 294 e) 1t wil dectease by 251 19) Which of the following would not shift the supply curve for avocido te the rliht? 2. Fosd weather for qriving avocade . A tedactien li magha for avoendo piekern d. An lingrast in the expieted prloe of avacado in the turste m. is technology for grouing avochdo witi lons wat 205 Waleb ef the foldiwing waud not shift the mupply cutve fer avocado to the left? a) had wartot fot gtewing aracade b) hn inereast in wayet fot avecado picker. A thatt in tantme trem avecaid to temstoes d) in ifereaje in the ceat of the ifirpectidin dad eotrifteacton padd by avocasp prodacets of in inctease in the expected prlee ot poffee la the future 2a) Boppone that the nuply of ayoosdo ineceapen ofie to an inproyenest in the tachnokogy for growing ayoeado with twir watinting costa. Wheh of the following describei thin neikatith et pelee and quantity adjustheat asiuntng that there la fo change in the denand eurvin a) There in a downard premare on prioen and an Increale th the egaldibtism quantis. b) There In an tprard frenmute on prioen and an inerasan in the squllibeise puanticy. Thire ia as thange in equilibrlue price and guantitr. d) There is a downatd preasute an prices ahd a decrease in the equi. Whe ium quane 14. e) Wone of the lbove. and qoantity of an decrease in both nopply and Gimarid? a) Thest it an lacteasi in equllibeluh price ahd as lacraase In qulatri= quaktity. b) There in ms shange in equilibrium prion bet o decrease in anel Ibrtwm ruantity. of There in a decrease in equitihriun priot and an increase in oquilibrian trattity. 3 (a) Thece in mo ehange in equilibrius peice or quantity. o) Thete in as anbiguotit offect on equilibeian jeich and a docrease in *quadbel= pastity. 23) buspose we ksew that the peice elasticity of demand tat orystie apples in 1,2. If a grocer inorempes the prioe of orgakic apeien ty 154, what would we expect te happen te the quantity of orpanic apples purchased? a) beceasi try 1,21 b) Becrwase 11 121. c) Decteade by 1.81 d) Decrease by 1 dit w) Decteale by 2.4 . 24) Ttuppose wu know that tha ptice dastieity of detatid fot andala many aadide would it then aell per moneh? a) 115 b) 65 (a) 70 d3 69 i) 55 25) If a Inctease in the price of appleat from tA to $2 pec poir Ieads to an decreate in the quantity of applen demanded from 150 milied to 100 milioen kig, then applying the matedite formila, the pace elattieley of demath equals: as 4d}d b) -4810 c) 2,13 ds 3/2 (s) =433 cenclude? a) The price elastichty of demand for CDs la-aero. D) The desand fot coat It pedtect lnelaatie. c) The prioe elaatielty of demand for con in -1 i d) The price elaaticity of demand for cpa in prestet than =1+ e) The prioe elastleity of denand for cDs la lasw than -7 i 27) Suppote the price elastiesty of wuply tof sharyoo ia 20. If the price of shampop incteases by 0,T b. what woeld we expect to happen to the quantity of ahampoo rejpllect a) Insteate by 271 b) Increase by 141 e) Ineteasi by 131 a) Decrease by 134 -1 Decreste try 271 2.) If pasea is a Giffen good, then a) puata 1= alse a nermal grod. b) paata im alan a furary ghod. ef am decteaas in the price of pasta wid facrease the quentity ifenanded. di an inctenae in the prite of paace wild inctease the quaticity denandedi e) pasta raist make a a amali portion of wonsuneri" total expentitturist. aubaticuctun effeet lin calledi.i. a) a fectal geodi b) a luxuty good. e) a clffen goos. df i rataroptodgesi gsod. ei a favored good 30) The sroba +iastickty of deinand meanuter-the responsivenest of the quastity deminded of a pacticulat good to ehanged in the pejced of At its eosplenents but nat ita mubeltesten. e) ita mubatituten and ita eomplementn. di) hatther ita lubatitutan nar lem noeptemints. ef Wene of thie above.. 3A) If goodi are conplamentels for mure thelr a) Ctoas price elaatieitiea are posltive, bl Craas paice elistieitiea are negative. or Crosa pacice olantielties axe aeco. a) findote hankieiry in metgative 4) Incues elascleity is poaftion, 32) Penand in pertecty towaditic when a) the qood in quertionn had perfect nutrituten 10 bi thifre in the suple curvi teinlte is so change in polet. of thifti in the asply curye resaltil in no change in quaktity timmanded. d) maftal 10 the bijply curve reailti an no change in the cotal revenues of An upvasd whate in the mupply curve fesuted in a dectate in the total revenoed 33) The income elasticity of denand in high for =1 ihelter 12 of 17 c) elotining a) food 6) infertor goods 34) To say that turnipa are necesaity goodn neons that the income olastielty a) is definitely greater than 1 . b) 1 and hative. c) to qreater than 0 but less than t. d) it equal to. i. e) in equal to 6 . 33) The fact that the PPF wasally bous wis from the origin inpliea that - a) aa the production of any good lncreases, there fll an inereate in the cppoteunity eote of productnip it. b) as the production of any good incceases. thece in a decreace in the opportunity coas of producthg it. a) getting more of one good misns-getting lesw of another goos. 15 df getting more of dine qood snati getelig mote of anothet qood. e) renources mre perfectly fungible. easily noved between alternative usis to tatiafy eentunes detand. 36) What are che two diatingulabling ehatacterlaclea of a publte gosidit a) It ia provided by the core spheref it la treely avallable to anyone. bl th to provided by the publie parpeas apheced it in frealy avardable to anyprie. e) it ia ffeely available to atyener uat by one peraon Himinishet sthe ablikty of snother perove to use it. d) it ia frealy avadlahle to anyecef use by one petsop doen net. dininish the abidity ot another perton ta ust it. e) It la proysded at low cost. uae by che jetase does not diminlah the ablitey of anothet peraod to ute it. 37) Whieh onie of the folfowing atatenentin ti falee? af A lalsaez-falto ecedeny is an ecotheny wien Iitele governtebe regutation. b) h lalsser-taice vien of the economy favor whegulated narketn. a) h laismet-faire view is that gelf-interented individialm interict. in a socially beceficial way. d) tajsasz-faire la a French terri that meaha wiet it be," e) A lalsaez-taife ecoticey la an econony wleb eenteal planning. 34) The term "effective demand" refern to - a) a change in denasd suffieient top ehange the matiot pricel. G. 13 0f.17 denand that inereatee etrieiency. is agregated anomg individaals. a) demand hacked by the wilingness and ablitty to pay. ol a change In destand that leada to a change in dupply. 12 35) Wich che of the following lt nok a nonptlee deterktnant of dertand? a) The nusbet of ecstusest b) Frodocer expectationi of future jiricen (d) Tasten and preferences d) Pricen of related goodn and nervicen o) Araidable ansets 40) Iuppose we obaerve a large increase in the price of corn but the quantity of eoen aold wtaya the same. What la the nont plauable emplakation for cunbination of enplanations) below? i) A deought oceuritd in corn-grouing teglent. b) h dreught oocurted in corn-qreaing reglens shat a meitical repart was issoed that oorn io good for your health. e) A drought oecurred in eorn-growing reglons and a medieal report was iasised that eorn in bad for yout heatth. of h bev tertilier was davented that doublea eorn ylelds and a gedicel fopost was lasued that eorn la bad for your health. 41) If the sellexa of a qood are unable to aet thedr own maced (1.e.. there is a "roing price"). the demand for the good faced by a purticulat aeliet in w.. a) perfectiy. elastio. B) Hederacely ielaatic. e) perfectly tnelaatio. d) moderately inelastio. i) terot 42) If a tlie in the pries of etangea troit 47 ta 17 a buabel, catated by a shift of the demand eurve, lneteases she quantity of buabeld supplded frcen 4,500 to 5,500 bushelis, thin 13 i) Aemand for atangei in, h) auply of ofapget is elasele. e) densha tor oranges la lnelastid. d) ruply of oranges di Inelaatie. 6) densind for oraciges in unit elautir. 43) Suppose we observe a large increase in the price of corn but the quantity of corn sold stays the same. What is the most plausible i combination of explanations) below? teurred in corn-growing regions. b) A drought oceurred in corn-growing regions and a medical report was Issued that corn 1 s good for your health. c) A drought occurred in corn-growing regions and a medical report was issued that corn 1 s bad for your health. d) A new fertilizer was invented that doubles corn yields. e) A new fertilizer was invented that doubles corn yields and a medical report was issued that corn is bad for your health. 44) Supposi we observe that the prlce of paper has increased and the quantity of paper sold has decreased. What is the most plausible explanation? a) Consumers demand less paper because of increased use of the Internet. b) The price of pens and pencils increased dramatically. c) The number of children in schools decreased dramatically. d) Nore logging for pulpwood was permitted in National Forests. e) A new law was enacted that forces a11 paper produeers to use expensive non-ch1orine bleaching thethods. 14 45) "During 2013, the price of personal computera (PCs) fe11 drastically, but the quantity supplied increased." This statement - a) refutes the so-called "law of supply." b) illustrates the fact that the supply curve of PCs is downward310ping. c) suggests that the supply of PCs increased during 2013. d) Implies that PCs are complementary goods. e) suggests that the supply of PCs decreased during 2013

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