Please help with these python code lines, thanks!
Question 1.1. Construct a table Prinary_Charges with the columns Primary_Charge and Number_of_Charges that contains the five most seen primary charges in the data, as well as how many times each of those primary charges occurred in the data. Question 1.3. Alcohol use seems to be prevelent in many of the five most seen charges. For the arrests with a primary charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI , construct a histogram for the ages of those arrested. Your histogram should begin at the age of 18 , have bins 2 years wide, and range over all possible ages in the data. Question 1.4. What can you learn from this histogram? Specifically describe two features of the histogram. Write your answer here, replacing this text. Question 1.5. Is there a relationship between the average age for arrests depending on the type of arrest and if drugs or alcohol are present in the 27514 Zipcode? To answer this question, make a table. Arrest_types_drugs_or_alcohol, containing types of arrest as the rows, and the presence of drugs or alcohol as the columns, for the 27514 Zipcode. The values in the rows should correspond to the average age of those arrested for each combination of categories. Remove the rows with the Drugs_or_Alcohol_Present values of nan (blank) or U (unknown) as well as the column with the Type_of Arrest value nan (blank). Hint Run the cell below with the table and use this table to construct the required table for this question. In the Arrests table there are many blank values for the age of those arrested. These blanks may lead to issues when attempting this question. Also dropped is the Y column for lattitude, as it may cause confusion for some possible outputs. Note: Depending on how you go about answering this question, you may encounter a red box appearing below your code cell with a warning message. Don't worry too much about the message. Warnings are raised by Python when it encounters an unusual condition in your code, but the condition is not severe enough to warrant throwing an error. Note: Depending on how you go about answering this question, you may encounter a red box appearing below your code cell with a warning message. Don't worly too much about the message. Warnings are raised by Python when it encounters an unusual condition in your code, but the condition is not severe enough to warrant throwing an error