please hep assist with this question not fully understanding how to calculate everything and would like to get this done in the next hour
The following summarized data (amounts in millions) are taken from the September 27. 2014. and September 28. 2013. comparative financial statements of Apple lnc., a manufacturer of mobile communication and media devices, personal computers. portable digital music players. and sellIr of a variety of related software. senrices. accessories. networking solutions. and third-party digital content and applications: (Amount W I1 IlllturI] WmammumWwwdemmw-W: 2014 2013 Net sales is 103,330 $ 65.300 Costs of sales 64,510 39,620 Operating income 33.830 18.480 Net income $ 25,980 $ 14.090 At Year End: Allah Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ I.SEO $ 10.9?0 Shortsterm marketable securities 13.210 14.440 Accounts receivable, let; allowanms of $84 and $99, respectively 5,450 5,600 Inventories 360 1,130 Deferred tax assets 2.100 1.710 Vendor norltrade rece'Nables 3.430 4,490 Other current assets 4,610 3,520 Total current assets 45.220 41.360 Longslerm marketable securitiw 85,700 25,470 Property. plant. and equipment, net 7,360 22,250 Goodwill 990 820 Acquired intangible assets, net 3.620 420 Other assets 3,640 2.340 Total assets $ 147.030 $ 93.160 uablllltea and Shoreholdeu' Equity Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 14,?10 $ 12,090 Accmed expenses I.330 5.300 Deferred revenue 4.180 3.030 Commercial paper 5,443 0 Total current liabilities 34.633 20.950 Defened mvenueirlcncurrenl 1.770 1.220 Longslerm deol 23,557 17,410 OthIr noncunent liabilities 10,190 5,610 Total liabilities 70.130 45.190 Shareholders' Equity: Common stock and additional paldrin capital. $000001 par value, 1,900,000 shares authorized; 929,330 and 916,060 shares i$ued and outstanding. respectively 13,420 10,740 Retained earnings 62,900 37,250 Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) 530 (-20) Total shareholders' equity 73,850 47,970 Total liabilities and shareholders'equily $ 1475030 $ 935150 | At SIptember 29. 2012. total assets were 5547.680 and total shareholders' equity was $31,730. Required: a. Calculate Apple lnc.'s working capital. cunent ratio. and acid-test ratio at September 27. 2014. and SIptember 28. 2013. {Round your ratio answers to 1 decimal place. Enter "Working capital" In million of dollars.) workingcapnan _ At September 29. 2012, total assets were $47,680 and total shareholders' equity was $31,730. Required: a. Calculate Apple |nc.'s working capital, current ratio. and acid-test ratio at September 27, 2014. and September 28. 2013. (Round your ratio answers to 1 decimal place. Enter lWorking capilal' In million of dollars.) Working capital Current ratio Acid-teal ratio b. Calculate Apple's ROE for the years ended September 27, 2014. and September 28. 2013. (Round your answers to 1 decimal place.) 1:. Calculate Apple's ROI. showing margin and lumwer. for the years ended September 27. 2014. and September 25, 2013. (Round \"Turnover' answers to 2 decimal places. Round your percentage answer: to 1 decimal place.)