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Please let me know if you can do the assignment. I am suppose to have four different charts and it needs to be done in

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Please let me know if you can do the assignment. I am suppose to have four different charts and it needs to be done in VIsio. Thanks

image text in transcribed AC304: Accounting Information Systems Business Process Modeling Assignment 1 The Narrative: Blazer Communications is a diversified holding company located in the southeastern United States. Its focus is on media distribution, with primary business activities including publishing, broadcasting, internet-based article syndication, private label e-commerce services, and product wholesale distribution. Founded in 2001 by President and CEO Daphne Gerlach, Blazer Communications saw substantial growth after 2003, which is when it dramatically expanded its wholesale print media line of business). The wholesale print media (\"book\") distribution business was created in 2003 and operates as a wholesale distributor for over 100 mainstream book publishers and 250,000 titles. To complement its tangible product business (Blazer Publishing, eBlazer Solutions and the wholesale print media distribution business), Blazer Communications boasts first class warehouse operations with full drop ship services to the end consumer. This capability allows Blazer Communications to provide world class service to its customers and enables diversification into new business lines as opportunities present themselves. Based on the dramatic growth in the wholesale print media distribution division, Blazer Communications purchased and implemented a new procurement software package, which they rebranded as the BlazerSourcing Purchasing System. Implementation efforts began in Q2-2015, with the system going live on October 1, 2015. The BlazerSourcing Purchasing System is an open source software package running on a Windows platform and using an open source MySQL database to handle the underlying transactional processing. The purchasing process is described below: Requesting Books for Purchase When determined that media are needed, a Purchase Request is initiated by an approved Purchase Requestor. Purchase Requestors are located in the Marketing and Sales office, and often initiate Purchase Requests based on anticipated demand for a new title. The Purchase Requestor create a Purchase Request by logging onto the BlazerSourcing Purchasing System (\"System\") with a unique user ID and password. The Purchase Requestor then processes the Purchase Request by supplying the Product ID of the book titles requested (listed in the Inventory MDF), associated quantities needed for each book title, and also the date the books are needed if there is a \"rush\" deadline. Once the Purchase Requestor reviews the Purchase Request, she approves it and submits the Purchase Request to the Purchasing Department for action. Completing Purchase Order Once a Purchase Request is submitted via the System, it is held in queue (ordered by date) until a Purchasing Agent selects it to be worked. Per company policy, all Purchase Requests are to be processed by the Purchasing Department within 3 business days. A Purchasing Agent logs onto the System using a unique user ID and password. Once logged in, the Purchasing Agent select a pending Purchase Request to work. The Purchasing Agent opens the Purchase Request (which, when opened, restricts other Purchasing Agents from acting upon it) and reviews the Purchase Request. AC304: Accounting Information Systems Business Process Modeling Assignment 2 Based on the items requested on the Purchase Request, the Purchasing Agent reviews the available approved vendors (listed in the Vendors MDF) that may supply the books and creates a Purchase Order (or multiple Purchase Orders if books must be sourced from various suppliers) to satisfy the Purchase Request. If it is determined that the Purchasing Agent has a Conflict of Interest with the selected vendor (i.e., if the Purchasing Agent has a close relative employed with the vendor), processing of the Purchase Request and associated Purchase Order(s) is transferred to another Purchasing Agent. The Purchase Order contains the following information: Item ID of book(s) ordered, QTY of book(s) ordered, price, and Blazer Communications' contact info as well as the address/contact info for where the vendor is to ship the books once they fill the Purchase Order. Each Purchase Order is assigned a unique, sequentially number Purchase Order Identifier (POID) by the System. The Purchasing Agent reviews the Purchase Order against the Purchase Request for completeness and accuracy. In the event that the Purchase Order total amount exceeds $50,000, the Purchase Order is placed in queue to be reviewed by the Vice PresidentPurchasing. Once the Vice President-Purchasing has reviewed and approved the Purchase Order, it is submitted for transmittal to the vendor(s). Once the Purchase Order has been reviewed and approved (if over $50,000), it is electronically submitted to the Vendor (Publisher) A copy of the Purchase Order is electronically forwarded to the Purchase Requestor for their records so that they know the Purchase Request has been acted upon. Additionally, the Accounts Payable Department also receives an electronic copy of the Purchase Order and Purchase Request to hold for subsequent action. Receipt of Goods Upon receipt of package from the Vendor at the warehouse receiving dock, Receiving Support inspects all packages for signs of physical damage. Any packages that display signs of damage are further inspected and if the condition of the contents is suspect, the package is returned to the Vendor in its entirety, and Purchasing is notified so that they can re-order. If the package is in suitable condition, Receiving Support logs into the System with a unique user ID and password. Upon logging in, a screen for creating a Receiving Report appears. Receiving Support selects the option to create a new Receiving Report and enters the Purchase Order ID from the Packing Slip (supplied by the Vendor in the shipment) into the System. The System then creates a new Receiving Report and automatically assigns it a unique, sequentially numbered Receiving Report Identifier (RRID). The Receiving Report is pre-populated with a list of the open items from the associated Purchase Order, but without the expected quantities (i.e., item number and item name are populated by the System, but quantity ordered is left blank). Receiving Support then proceeds to count the items in the delivery and enter the quantities into the System. Once the Receiving Report is completed, Receiving Support forwards the Packing Slip to the Accounts Payable Department and transfers the received books for stocking by the warehouse staff. AC304: Accounting Information Systems Business Process Modeling Assignment 3 Requirements 1. Based on the business situation, prepare a business process diagram (BPD) using BPMN representing the business process. You should have separate BPDs for the following subprocesses: Requesting Books for Purchase, Completing Purchase Order, Receiving Goods. 2. Note that this is an individual assignment and each student's submission will be graded on its own. However, you can and are encouraged to discuss issues you encounter with your classmates and, to the extent that the work submitted is substantially your own, you can work with others. 11/28/2015 The Purchasing Process 2015 James L Worrell, PhD, CPA, CISA, CIA 2015 Cengage Learning These materials are subject to copyright law. They are intended solely for students enrolled in this course during the current term and may not be further disseminated. Learning Objectives Describe the relationship between the purchasing process and its business environment, including the organization's supply chain. Summarize how enterprise systems, e business and other technologies can improve the effectiveness of the purchasing process. Depict the logical and physical characteristics of a typical purchasing process. 1 11/28/2015 The Purchasing Process The purchasing process is an interacting structure of people, equipment, activities, and controls that is designed to accomplish the following: - Handle the repetitive work routines of the purchasing department and the receiving department. - Support the decision needs of those who manage the purchasing and receiving departments. - Assist in the preparation of internal and external reports. Internal Perspective of the Purchasing Process 2 11/28/2015 The Organizational Players Purchasing - Responsible for securing best price/quality product/services Receiving - Responsible for receiving incoming product, signing bill of lading, preparing receiving report, and transferring goods to warehouse or department Possible Issues in Purchasing: Process Individual managers' goals may not be in congruence with organizational objectives. - Purchasing may buy large quantities to reduce costs leading to increased receiving, inspecting, and carrying costs. Ambiguity often exists in defining goals and success in meeting goals. - Purchasing goal might be to select vendor who provides the best quality and lowest price by the promised delivery date. One vendor may not satisfy all three conditions. Prioritization of goals is necessary in choosing the optimal solution given the various conflicts and constraints placed on the process. - Tradeoffs must be made in prioritizing among goals that conflict. - If the market is sensitive to satisfying customer needs, company may pay higher prices to ensure it can obtain the highest quality goods on a timely basis. 3 11/28/2015 Possible Issues in Purchasing: Fraud End of the purchasetopay process is the payment of cash, which has high potential for fraud and embezzlement. Typical cases include: - Employees orders from a particular vendor in exchange for a kickback, commission, or other inducement from the vendor. - Employee has a conflict of interest between responsibilities to his employer and his financial interestdirect or indirectin a company with whom the employer does business. - Employer diverts purchased business goods for personal use. - Employer purchases from a fictitious vendor (pass through, ghost vendor) Supply Chain and SCM Supply chain: The connections from the suppliers of merchandise and raw materials through to an organization's customers. Connections include the flow of information, materials, and services. - Organizations manage supply chain links to get the right goods, in the right amount, at the right time, and at minimal cost (efficiency) to create maximum value for their customers (effectiveness). Supply chain management (SCM) is the combination of processes and procedures used to ensure delivery of goods and services to customers at the lowest cost while providing the highest value. SCM software helps an execute steps in the supply chain. - Misread demand can lead to the multiplication of orders up the supply chain causing wild demand and supply fluctuations known as the bullwhip effect. 4 11/28/2015 Key Source Documents Purchase Requisition: Internal document request to acquire goods and services Purchase Order: Document prepared by Purchasing to Vendor ordering product or service Vendor Packing Slip: document that identifies shipment and triggers receiving process - Lists items in \"box\" Bill of Lading: document signifying contract between shipper and carrier to transport goods to recipient Receiving Report: document used to record merchandise receipts - Blind or Prepopulated Master and Transactional Data Stores Vendor master data: Contains a record of each vendor approved for use by the organization. Purchase requisition data store: Compiles data on all purchase requisitions. Purchase order master data: Compilation of open POs, including status of items on order. Purchase receipts data: Event store with each record reflecting a receipt of goods and services. 5 11/28/2015 Various Depts Purchasing Process: Overview Determine Requirements Manage Inventory Purchasing Payables Process Purchase Req Notification Notification Remit Advice + $$$ Invento ry / Vendor / PO MDF Order Goods / Services Purchase Order Receiving Customer Invento ry MDF / Purchase Req Data Manage Supplies / Service Needs Vendor MDF / Invento r MDF / PO MDF / PurchRecpts File Receive Goods Receiving report & Shipping Docs Whse Stock Inventory Vendor Stock Notification Fulfill Order B/AR/CR Process Packing Slip Invoice Bill of Lading Various Depts Purchasing Customer Purchasing Process: Determine Requirements Identify Inventory/ Supplies/ Services Needs Accumulate Requests Purchase Requisition Calculate Requirements Accumulated PurReqs + Requirements Order Goods / Services 6 11/28/2015 Various Depts Purchasing Process: Order Goods/Services Determine Requirements Accumulat ed PurchR eqs + Requirements Prepa re PO Vendor MD F Invento ry M DF PO MDF Purchasing Select vendor Receiving Paya bles Proces s Vendor Receive Goods A/P Title Purcha se Order Fulfill Order Vendor Purchasing Process: Receive Goods Fulfill Order Manage Account Packing Sl ip / Bill of Lading RMA / RGA Vendor MD F / Invento ry MDF / PO MDF / PurRcpts MDF Receiving Return Goods to Vendor Reject Suitable Warehouse Stock Noti ce + Goods Sock Shelves Accts Payable Customer Inspect and Count Goods Payables Process Compare PO to RR Receiving Report PS / BoL 7 11/28/2015 Technology Trends in Purchasing Eprocurement is the use of information technology to automate significant portions of the procurement process. - Improves SCM by reducing costs, the number of people and amount of time required for the procurement process. - Purchasing organization can use intelligent agents, Web Services, and B2B exchanges to find vendors and complete the purchase process electronically which can reduce errors. Paperless systems eliminate documents and forms as the medium for conducting business. B2B marketplaces are particular Web sites or portals that may be used as sources of supply in the procurement process. Radiofrequency identification (RFID) is a system for sending and receiving data, using wireless technology, between an RFID tag and an RFID transceiver. RFID tags are computer chips containing information about the object to which the tag is attached and an antenna that sends and receives data. Recommended Control Plans for the Purchasing Cycle Approve purchase requisition: Authorized individual(s) should approve purchase requisitions. Use authorized vendor data: Vendors should be vetted to determine suitability to provide goods and services. Independent vendor master data maintenance: Separation of duties between personnel who create vendor records (authorize purchases and payments) and those that create and approve POs, record accounts payable, and approve payments. Compare vendors for favorable prices, terms, quality, and product availability: Before purchasing, prospective vendors should be compared to determine the optimal choice for the purchase. 8 11/28/2015 Recommended Control Plans for the Purchasing Cycle Approve purchase order: Appropriate personnel should approve POs to ensure an appropriate supplier was selected and correct goods and services, for the correct amounts, are being purchased. Confirm purchase order to requesting department: Requesting department should be informed when a PO has been issued in response to a purchase requisition. Independent authorization to record receipt: Before a receipt is accepted and recorded, the receipt data should be compared with the PO master data to determine that an approved PO, prepared by someone other than receiving personnel, is on file. Recommended Control Plans for the Purchasing Cycle Compare input receipt data to PO data: Before a receipt can be accepted and recorded, the receipt data should be compared with the PO master data to determine that the correct goods have been received. Inspect goods: To ensure that the correct goods are received in acceptable condition. 9 11/28/2015 The Purchasing Process 2015 James L Worrell, PhD, CPA, CISA, CIA 2015 Cengage Learning These materials are subject to copyright law. They are intended solely for students enrolled in this course during the current term and may not be further disseminated. Learning Objectives Describe the relationship between the purchasing process and its business environment, including the organization's supply chain. Summarize how enterprise systems, e business and other technologies can improve the effectiveness of the purchasing process. Depict the logical and physical characteristics of a typical purchasing process. 1 11/28/2015 The Purchasing Process The purchasing process is an interacting structure of people, equipment, activities, and controls that is designed to accomplish the following: - Handle the repetitive work routines of the purchasing department and the receiving department. - Support the decision needs of those who manage the purchasing and receiving departments. - Assist in the preparation of internal and external reports. Internal Perspective of the Purchasing Process 2 11/28/2015 The Organizational Players Purchasing - Responsible for securing best price/quality product/services Receiving - Responsible for receiving incoming product, signing bill of lading, preparing receiving report, and transferring goods to warehouse or department Possible Issues in Purchasing: Process Individual managers' goals may not be in congruence with organizational objectives. - Purchasing may buy large quantities to reduce costs leading to increased receiving, inspecting, and carrying costs. Ambiguity often exists in defining goals and success in meeting goals. - Purchasing goal might be to select vendor who provides the best quality and lowest price by the promised delivery date. One vendor may not satisfy all three conditions. Prioritization of goals is necessary in choosing the optimal solution given the various conflicts and constraints placed on the process. - Tradeoffs must be made in prioritizing among goals that conflict. - If the market is sensitive to satisfying customer needs, company may pay higher prices to ensure it can obtain the highest quality goods on a timely basis. 3 11/28/2015 Possible Issues in Purchasing: Fraud End of the purchasetopay process is the payment of cash, which has high potential for fraud and embezzlement. Typical cases include: - Employees orders from a particular vendor in exchange for a kickback, commission, or other inducement from the vendor. - Employee has a conflict of interest between responsibilities to his employer and his financial interestdirect or indirectin a company with whom the employer does business. - Employer diverts purchased business goods for personal use. - Employer purchases from a fictitious vendor (pass through, ghost vendor) Supply Chain and SCM Supply chain: The connections from the suppliers of merchandise and raw materials through to an organization's customers. Connections include the flow of information, materials, and services. - Organizations manage supply chain links to get the right goods, in the right amount, at the right time, and at minimal cost (efficiency) to create maximum value for their customers (effectiveness). Supply chain management (SCM) is the combination of processes and procedures used to ensure delivery of goods and services to customers at the lowest cost while providing the highest value. SCM software helps an execute steps in the supply chain. - Misread demand can lead to the multiplication of orders up the supply chain causing wild demand and supply fluctuations known as the bullwhip effect. 4 11/28/2015 Key Source Documents Purchase Requisition: Internal document request to acquire goods and services Purchase Order: Document prepared by Purchasing to Vendor ordering product or service Vendor Packing Slip: document that identifies shipment and triggers receiving process - Lists items in \"box\" Bill of Lading: document signifying contract between shipper and carrier to transport goods to recipient Receiving Report: document used to record merchandise receipts - Blind or Prepopulated Master and Transactional Data Stores Vendor master data: Contains a record of each vendor approved for use by the organization. Purchase requisition data store: Compiles data on all purchase requisitions. Purchase order master data: Compilation of open POs, including status of items on order. Purchase receipts data: Event store with each record reflecting a receipt of goods and services. 5 11/28/2015 Various Depts Purchasing Process: Overview Determine Requirements Manage Inventory Purchasing Payables Process Purchase Req Notification Notification Remit Advice + $$$ Invento ry / Vendor / PO MDF Order Goods / Services Purchase Order Receiving Customer Invento ry MDF / Purchase Req Data Manage Supplies / Service Needs Vendor MDF / Invento r MDF / PO MDF / PurchRecpts File Receive Goods Receiving report & Shipping Docs Whse Stock Inventory Vendor Stock Notification Fulfill Order B/AR/CR Process Packing Slip Invoice Bill of Lading Various Depts Purchasing Customer Purchasing Process: Determine Requirements Identify Inventory/ Supplies/ Services Needs Accumulate Requests Purchase Requisition Calculate Requirements Accumulated PurReqs + Requirements Order Goods / Services 6 11/28/2015 Various Depts Purchasing Process: Order Goods/Services Determine Requirements Accumulat ed PurchR eqs + Requirements Prepa re PO Vendor MD F Invento ry M DF PO MDF Purchasing Select vendor Receiving Paya bles Proces s Vendor Receive Goods A/P Title Purcha se Order Fulfill Order Vendor Purchasing Process: Receive Goods Fulfill Order Manage Account Packing Sl ip / Bill of Lading RMA / RGA Vendor MD F / Invento ry MDF / PO MDF / PurRcpts MDF Receiving Return Goods to Vendor Reject Suitable Warehouse Stock Noti ce + Goods Sock Shelves Accts Payable Customer Inspect and Count Goods Payables Process Compare PO to RR Receiving Report PS / BoL 7 11/28/2015 Technology Trends in Purchasing Eprocurement is the use of information technology to automate significant portions of the procurement process. - Improves SCM by reducing costs, the number of people and amount of time required for the procurement process. - Purchasing organization can use intelligent agents, Web Services, and B2B exchanges to find vendors and complete the purchase process electronically which can reduce errors. Paperless systems eliminate documents and forms as the medium for conducting business. B2B marketplaces are particular Web sites or portals that may be used as sources of supply in the procurement process. Radiofrequency identification (RFID) is a system for sending and receiving data, using wireless technology, between an RFID tag and an RFID transceiver. RFID tags are computer chips containing information about the object to which the tag is attached and an antenna that sends and receives data. Recommended Control Plans for the Purchasing Cycle Approve purchase requisition: Authorized individual(s) should approve purchase requisitions. Use authorized vendor data: Vendors should be vetted to determine suitability to provide goods and services. Independent vendor master data maintenance: Separation of duties between personnel who create vendor records (authorize purchases and payments) and those that create and approve POs, record accounts payable, and approve payments. Compare vendors for favorable prices, terms, quality, and product availability: Before purchasing, prospective vendors should be compared to determine the optimal choice for the purchase. 8 11/28/2015 Recommended Control Plans for the Purchasing Cycle Approve purchase order: Appropriate personnel should approve POs to ensure an appropriate supplier was selected and correct goods and services, for the correct amounts, are being purchased. Confirm purchase order to requesting department: Requesting department should be informed when a PO has been issued in response to a purchase requisition. Independent authorization to record receipt: Before a receipt is accepted and recorded, the receipt data should be compared with the PO master data to determine that an approved PO, prepared by someone other than receiving personnel, is on file. Recommended Control Plans for the Purchasing Cycle Compare input receipt data to PO data: Before a receipt can be accepted and recorded, the receipt data should be compared with the PO master data to determine that the correct goods have been received. Inspect goods: To ensure that the correct goods are received in acceptable condition. 9

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