Please make a systems flowchart for the payroll process
Computer Payroll department Z Start of week start of each week, Prints Employee Timesheets Distribution to relevant employees Employee Timesheets Employee Timesheets End Completed and signed Review and Employee Weekly sign Timesheets timesheets Employee Timesheets Completed timesheet Completed Completed and signed Timsheet timesheet Employee Weekly Timesheets Fill out Employee timesheet cheques Key into current daily and EFT week payroll completes Nofification activity data them at end Payroll advice forms File by gang (A) Completed and signed Employee Weekly Timesheets O- OWeekly payroll detail report Process EFTs (D) from payroll bank account Employee cheques EFT notification Payroll Bank Payroll Activity forms Employee Data Performs Signs cheques Account cheques Reconciliation Weekly payroll detail EFT Process report Nofification Payroll advice Start of weekly Payroll advice forms Employee Master forms File payroll process Weekly Employee payroll detail cheques b b b EFT Nofification Payroll advice forms Weekly payroll detail reportQuestion 1 Tasmanian Road Work Pty Ltd is a company that builds and repairs roads in Tasmania. The following process is used by Tasmanian Road Work to process weekly payroll for casual employees working in road construction and repair gangs throughout Tasmania. At the start of each week, the computer prints time sheets using the employee/payroll master data. After receiving the timesheets om IT, the payroll department distributes them to the various construction and repair gang supervisors, who give them to the casual employees. The employees ll in the timesheets each day and give them to their supervisors at the end of each week. Gang supervisors review and sign the time sheets and return them to the payroll department. Payroll clerks key the time sheets into the current week's payroll activity data on the computer and the le them alphabetically by gang. At the start of the weekly payroll process, the computer creates the current week's pay data using the employee/payroll master data and the current week's payroll activity data. The following items are then printed from the pay data: 0 Cheques (for those employees being paid by cheque) and attached payroll advice forms; 0 EFT notication form (for those employees being paid by EFT) and attached payroll advice forms. 0 A weekly payroll detail report. The weekly payroll detail report, cheques and EFT notication forms (and accompanying payroll advice forms) are sent to the cashier who performs a reconciliation process. When the reconciliation process is completed the cashier signs the payroll cheques and also enters into the computer system to process the EFTs from the payroll bank account. The signed cheques (and accompanying payroll advice forms) and EFT notication forms (and accompanying payroll advice forms) are then sent to the relevant gang supervisor for distribution to relevant employees