Please only Atempt Question 1&2 which include 10 questions, april 2- april 30.
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On Apnil 1, Jiro Nozomi created a new travel agency. Adventure Travel. The following transactions occurred during the companys first month Apri1 2 Wotoni lavested 833,000 cash and conputer equiptent worth 530 , 000 in the company in exchange for tts comon stock. Apri1 3 the company rented furnished orfice space by payling 52 , 400 cosh for the first wonth's (Apri1) rent. April 4 The coppany purchased s1,sea of office supplies for cash. apr11 10 The compeny pald 52,700 cash for a 12 -nonth insurance pollicy. caverage begins an Apri1 11. App11 14 The compsny paid 31,700 cash for two weeks' salarles earned by caployees. Aphil 24 the company collected $14,000 cosh for comissions revenue. Apri1 in The coopany paid 51,700 cash for two weeks" salaries earned by eoployee1. Apri1 29 the conpany paid 5400 cosh for minor repolrs to computer equlpeent. Apri1 30 the coepeny paid $1,500 cesh fon this ponth's telephone bill. Apr11 30 the conpory pold $1,560 cash in dividends. The company's chart of accounts follows Use the following information to prepare adusting entres: a. Piepold insurance of 5150 expired this month. b. At the end of themionth. 5400 of office supplies are stir avaliable. c. This month's deprechation on computer equipment is $600 d. Employees earned 5360 of unpaid and uniecorded salaries as of monthend e. The compony earned 51.600 of commissions revenue that is not yet iecorded at monthiend Recuired: 1.5. 2. Prepert journal entries to resord the trancoctions for Abill and pout them to ledper sccounts in Requitemeat ceg aL poo. The compony records prepoid and uneagntd tems in belance theet accounts the die 5b. Prepare the income statement for the month of April 30 . 5c. Prepare the statement of retained earnings for the month of April 30 5d. Prepare the balance sheet at Aprit 30 . 6o. Prepare joumal entries to close the temporary accounts and then post to Requirement 68GL tab. using April 30 Close as the date 6b. Post the journal entries to the ledget. 7. Prepare a post-dosing trial belance Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Prepare foumal enties to record the transactions for April and post them to ledger accounts in Requirement 68GL tab. The company records prepaid and uneamed items in balance sbeet accounts Journal entry worksheet Notomi invested 533,000 cath and compoter equprment worth $30,000 in the company in exchange for its common stock Witeit Enher derbuts behine oredibi