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Please provide a comprehensive Bill Analysis for AB 839, as introduced, Addis. Residential care facilities for the elderly: financing. Here is the Link for the

Please provide a comprehensive Bill Analysis for AB 839, as introduced, Addis. Residential care facilities for the elderly: financing.

Here is the Link for the AB 839:

CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE 2023-2024 REGULAR SESSION- ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 839- Introduced by Assembly Member Addis- February14,2023 - An act to amend Section 15432 of the Government Code, and to amend Section 129010 of the Health and Safety Code, relating to residential care facilities for the elderly, and making an appropriation therefor.

Throughout your analysis of each part of the process please explain how this bill relates to and impacts the Community Care Expanantion Program (CCE) of the Housing and Homeless Division (HHD), of the California Department of Social Service (CDSS). As well as other entities. please use in-text citations for references and resources used in the analysis.

Here are the links for the CCE, and HHD. and CDSS:

  • Community Care Expanantion Program (CCE):
  • Housing and Homeless Division (HHD):
  • California Department of Social Service (CDSS):

In the analysis, consider the following and provide your response for each section and subsection;

  • ExecutiveSummary

Section 1 - General Analysis


This is the central part of our analysis. It helps OOL piece together what the bill will change, who those changes impact, what the consequences might be, and what stance or amendments we should present as a result.

HHD is tasked with analyzing many different types of bills. Use the framework below as a starting point, but if another format is needed to best communicate the analysis, there is flexibility. For example, if the main concern around a bill is negative implications to equity, it may make sense to combine questions #2 and #3.

A strong analysis will pull upon your knowledge of HHD programs and the housing and homelessness sphere but also combine data or examples that illustrate the case beyond anecdotal evidence.

If applicable to a question, analysts should feel free to draw on ACWDL language or guidance that has already been published.

Please explain the problem the bill is trying to solve. Provide data or information to support OR challenge the notion there is a problem. (Provide citations for information and data being included)

Prompts to consider when answering this question:

Does CDSS understand this to be a significant and/or urgent problem that needs to be solved? Why or why not?

It is helpful to start with broad goals and narrow in further. A bill might aim to end homelessness, but how? By creating a new program that fills a service gap? By improving coordination to use resources more strategically?

Would the bill support CDSS' objectives? If so, how? If not, why?


se what you know of our program goals and objectives (such as supporting housing stability for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness) or pull on broader goals such as the strategic priorities of the CA Health and Human Services Agency

Would the bill help CDSS meet federal or state requirements, or fulfill Executive Orders? (e.g., CalWORKs federal work participation requirements, CalFresh federal rules and regulations, etc.)

Is CDSS aware of media, advocates, stakeholders, etc. raising this issue? How has CDSS addressed any concerns regarding this issue/bill?

Describe how this bill, if passed as currently written, would change program operations at both the state and local operators' level, including county, as well as broader potential outcomes and program/policy implications. Use data, examples, scenarios or other supporting evidence.

Prompts to consider when answering this question:

Would this bill solve the problem(s) identified in question #1, and if so how?

What is current practice?

What past and current actions has CDSS taken to solve the problem (such as issuing policy directives, All County Letters [ACL], All County Information Notices [ACIN], or other guidance to counties; training in the field; etc.)? If no action has been taken, explain why. (e.g., insufficient resources or no legal authority/constrained by current law).

Would the bill change current practice? How? If not, does the bill codify current practice?

How would this bill directly affect the clients CDSS serves or how services are provided (e.g., caseload, benefits and/or services)?

If proposing new benefits or services, are similar benefits or services already available from HHD programs or elsewhere? If so, are they sufficient? To what extent currently are these benefits/services being utilized? Use data if available.

Does the bill increase or decrease state and/or local operators, including counties flexibility or discretion? If so, how?

Is this bill necessary or can it be solved administratively? Explain.

Would there be any unintended consequences, positive or negative, as a result of the bill? Explain.

Could negative consequences be avoided with amendments to the text of the bill?

Describe the potential equity implications of this bill. Specifically, describe whether the bill would harm or benefit vulnerable populations including, but not limited to, specific racial or ethnic groups, women, people with disabilities, immigrants and refugees, people with limited English proficiency (LEP), LGBTQ+ individuals, and Tribal communities or governments.

Prompts to consider when answering this question:

Briefly describe the demographics and characteristics of the population served and/or of the target population. If there are changes to eligibility or who receives services, specify who will be affected by those changes and how.

Briefly describe any identified disproportionalities in program access or outcomes. (Consider, for example, people with disabilities or LEP, people with criminal histories, tribal members, etc.)

Would the bill make access to or participation in CDSS programs or services easier or more difficult for any of these populations?

Would the bill impact the benefits or services CDSS programs provide, or the outcomes programs have for any of these populations?

Does the bill offer targeted solutions to address the specific needs of any of these populations?

Please address both intended and unintended consequences of the bill.

Use available program data and external research on similar or related policies to support your conclusions.

Describe how CDSS would implement the bill if signed into law in its current version.

Prompts to consider when answering this question:

Would the bill require CDSS to issue regulations and/or directions to counties? (e.g., via ACL or ACIN)?

Would the bill require CDSS, counties, or stakeholders to provide training or outreach?

Would the bill require a new workgroup or increased workload of a current workgroup? If not, consider whether a workgroup would be necessary and explain.

If applicable, describe any other implementation actions that would be necessary for CDSS, counties, or stakeholders.

Would this bill increase CDSS workload, if so, how?

Would this bill require CDSS to hire more staff or need additional fiscal resources to implement?

If applicable, identify other CDSS bureaus/branches/divisions and/or other state departments (s) that this bill would impact.

Note: If you think the bill may have an IT impact, please email your legislative consultant as soon as possible. The consultant will assign ISD an analysis through LAS. After ISD has the analysis assigned, please collaborate with them as needed to ensure their input is included in the program analysis.


Section 2 - State Operations Impact - Budgets for Staff/Contracts

This section analyzes the resources needed for CDSS to implement the bill. If CDSS has any part in bill implementation, this should be filled out. If not relevant at all to CDSS housing programs, answer "No" in Question 1.

HHD management and leadership will review and support the initial analysis given; analysts should make a first attempt to estimate this impact. If this bill impacts state operations, the fiscal team should review the below as well.


Staff positions and staff time needed to implement the bill are common examples of impacts to state operations.

HHD provides a framework for fiscal counter parts to then do further estimates and calculation.

To answer the questions below, consider how this bill will need to be implemented within CDSS, including who will need to carry out that work, how much time it will take to deliver on the requirements, any changes to ISD or systems, how much time will be required for coordination with others, what type of position or skills staff need to have to carry out the work, and for how long these activities would need to be carried out.

Would this bill result in a State Operations impact, either new costs or savings, to CDSS? If YES, proceed to question 2; if NO, proceed to Section 3.

Are resources saved or needed?

If identified in #4 in the General Analysis Section above, explain needed resources.

If the resources are NEEDED, are they absorbable? Resource needs are absorbable when implementation can be carried out by the current team as is. If NO, answer question #4 below; if YES, proceed to Section 3.

If staff is needed, please detail:

Number of positions by classification

When would positions be needed (indicate start date for the positions)? Note: Resources can only start in the next State Fiscal Year (July).


ndicate if the positions are permanent or limited term. If limited term - when will they expire? Are the positions full or part-time?

How will the positions be funded: indicate a single source or a combination of federal, special, or State General Fund.

If the resources are SAVED (increased revenues - e.g., due to new penalties or fees), describe how the population served by your program would be affected.

Note: These are rarely applicable to HHD programs.

Would the bill result in any new state-administered contracts, require the collection of new fees or require a new payment process (i.e., pilot projects with counties or payments to a new group of providers/beneficiaries)? If YES, explain. (Reach out to your Budget Analyst to discuss if you have questions).

Recommendation: Reach out to your Budget Analyst with questions to discuss if you have questions.

What are the contract amount(s) (if applicable)? Note: Positions/contract amounts attributable to the Office of Systems Integration (OSI) should be reflected in Section 3: Local Assistance.

Section 3 - Local Assistance Impact - Local Operators/County Resources

This section analyzes the changes that will need to be made at the local operator level, including the counties, to implement the bill. This section only needs to be filled out if the bill changes an HHD program, or proposes a new program that CDSS will oversee. If not related to our programs, write "N/A" below.

If the bill will require significant changes to local program operations, fiscal estimates should be contacted. If automation changes are expected, then SAWS policy or respective automation system team should be contacted in order to provide the relevant information.


One emphasis is of this section is understanding any impacts to automated systems. Automation needs are most common for CalWORKs HA and occasionally HSP.

HHD provides a framework for fiscal counter parts to then do further estimates and calculation.

To answer the questions below, consider how this bill will need to be implemented at the local level, including who will need to carry out that work, how much time it will take to deliver on the requirements, any changes to automation, what type of position or skills staff need to have to carry out the work, and for how long these activities would need to be carried out. This is the analysts best guess so that fiscal can provide an estimate.

Will this bill increase the tasks local operator/county workers must perform, or increase/decrease the administrative time required to perform a task?

If NO, explain why not.

If YES, describe the change in local operator/county process.

If YES, coordinate with fiscal estimates to answer:

How much time would a local operator worker/county worker be required to spend on these new activities? (increments of 15 minutes should be used)

Will this require a new position for the local operator/county? If so, how many Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) will be required to perform these activities?

Will this bill require one-time, limited-term, or ongoing funding at the local operator/county level?

If yes/no Please provide brief explanation

Are there any anticipated automation costs associated with the bill?

If YES, please describe which automation system would need to be altered (SAWS, EBT, CWS-CARES, CMIPS II, etc.)?

If YES, coordinate with automation policy unit to determine what functionalities would need to be incorporated into the system? (Will this bill require a new aid code to track cases, new benefit type, notices of actions, etc.?)

If YES, coordinate with automation policy unit to determine whether there are programming changes similar to those implemented for other policies able to be leveraged (WINS, AB 12, ARC, MAP Increases, Benefit Table Changes, New Data Fields, etc.)?

  • Programmatic considerations
  • Technical considerations
  • Accountability Metrics
  • Pros considerations
  • Cons considerations
  • Costs considerations

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