please provide the stata codes for these questions.
1. Using the summarize command, compute the 112Wl and 1'5'h percentiles, the median, mean and standard deviation of the Fall reading score. Interpret each value. 2. Manually compute the t-statistic for testing the null hypothesis that the Fall reading score is 50.5, against the altemative that it does not equal 50.5. Hint: use the scalar command. 3. Using a significant level of 5%, use the display function combined with the invftail function to compute the critical value for the hypothesis test. Do you accept or reiect the null hypothesis? Explain why. Ftecall that the degrees of freedom are n-1. 4. Using the of command, compute the 95% confidence interval for the mean Fall reading score. What is the set of null hypotheses that we would accept at the 5% level. 5. Using the cicommand, constmct the 99% confidence interval for the mean Fall reading score. Explain why this interval is narrower than the 95% interval. 5. Using the Host command, perform a one-sided test where the null hypothesis is that the mean Fall reading score is 51.5, against the null hypothesis that mean is less that 51.5. Based on the p-value for this test, what is the range of signicance levels that would lead you to reject the null hypothesis? T. Using the graph bar command, plot the mean Fall reading score of children who had a low birthweight, versus those who did not. Label the bars with the mean test score for each group (Hint: this is the her "height'). You will need to add an option to do the latter. 8. Use the tabulate command to generate the joint probability distribution between "Student took pre-k" and "Low birth weight". To generate this table, you will need to add an option to the tabulate command. While it will not provide you exactly the answer you are looking for, watching Dr. Smith's video "Intro to Stata: Summarizing Data" will be helpful. 9. Use the tabulate command to generate the probability distribution for "Low birth weight". Then use the tabulate command to produce the probability distribution for "Low birthweight" conditional on the student having taken pre-k. How does the probability that the student had a low birth weight change when you look only at students who took pre-k? Based on this, is the having a low birth weight independent of having taken pre-k?10. Using the correlate command, compute the covariance between Fall reading scores and parental income. Now use the generate command and create a new variable called income2, which divides parental income by 1000. Compare the two covariances and explain any differences. 11. Using the correlate command, compute the correlation between Fall reading scores and parental income. Now compute the correlation between income2 and Fall reading scores. Compare the two correlations and explain why these values differ, or why they do not. 12. Obtain the mean Fall reading score by the number of years of teaching experience by typing egen meanread1=mean(readtc1), by(totyrstchkp) Using the twoway scatter command, draw a scatterplot of average Fall reading scores, and teacher experience. Based on this graph, do reading scores and teacher experience seem independent? 13. Create a variable of the mean Spring reading scores by the number of years of teaching experience. Using the twoway scatter command, draw a scatterplot of average Spring reading scores, and teacher experience. Based on this graph, do reading scores and teacher experience seem independent? Comparing this scatter plot with the one in (12), can we say anything about the effect of teaching experience on reading scores? 14. Suppose we wanted to model the relationship between Fall reading scores and parental income using the following linear regression model: reading score = Bo + B,income + u Interpret Bo, B1, and u