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Please read the direction the direction are in bold please you must follow the direction INSTRUCTIONS six paragraph must include a intro in conclusion talk

Please read the direction the direction are in bold please you must follow the direction

INSTRUCTIONS six paragraph must include a intro in conclusion talk about each story by itself include what in the story like talk about what all include in that story each story name is bold

1.) Identify and analyze each actual or plausible claim that anyone has or may have against any other individual or entitywhether criminal, civil or both; and

2.) For each claim identified and analyzed, assess whether the party is likely to be successful asserting the claim. You must carefully and accurately identify and analyze (i.e., completely yet concisely discuss (explain) and assess (evaluate)), each actual or plausible offense that either is committed or may have been committed. An actual offense is an offense that is committed because each (and every) one of its elements is satisfied based upon the relevant facts provided in the Fact Pattern/Scenario above including any reasonable inferences therefrom whereas a plausible offense is an offense that is arguably a "close call" with respect to whether it is committed yet you ultimately conclude it is not committed because one (or more) of its elements is not satisfied based upon relevant facts provided in the Fact Pattern/Scenario above including any reasonable inferences therefrom. You must utilize all the relevant concepts as presented (1) in the relevant portions of our textbook, and (2) during Class Sessions. For each actual offense, you must accurately, concisely, and clearly:

1.) State and describe the nature and character of each such offense (i.e., whether each such offense gives rise to criminal culpability, civil liability or both);

2.) Identify and explain by whom and against whom each such offense is committed: Each offender (the offending party) and each victim (the offended party); and

3.) Identify each element of each such offense and completely explain how each element is satisfied (i.e., you must identify each element of the offense and state how each element is met by referencing relevant facts that demonstrate how each element is met); in other words, you must carefully and accurately identify and analyze, i.e., completely yet concisely discuss (explain) and assess (evaluate) the character of the offense (i.e., each and every one of the elements of each such offense and how each element is satisfied

For each plausible offense, you must accurately, concisely, and clearly: 1.) State and completely describe the nature and character of each such offense (i.e., whether each such offense gives rise to criminal culpability, civil liability or both);

2.) Identify and completely explain by whom and against whom each such offense is committed: Each "would-be" (i.e., possible/potential) offender (the offending party) and each "would-be" (i.e., possible/potential) victim (the offended party); and

3.) Identify each element of each such offense and completely explain how each element is (or is not) satisfied (i.e., you must identify each element of the offense and state how each element is (or is not) met by referencing relevant facts that demonstrate how each element is (or is not) met); in other words, you must carefully and accurately identify and analyze, i.e., completely yet concisely discuss (explain) and assess (evaluate) the character of the offense (i.e., each and every one of the elements of each such offense and whether and, if so, how each element is (or is not) satisfied)

Note: Be very clear as to whether each offense either actually occurred or is merely plausible by clearly stating and discussing how either each and every one of the particular offense's elements is met or how one or more of the particular offense's elements is not met (i.e., you must identify each and every element of the offense and state how each element is met (or not met) by referencing relevant facts provided in the Fact Pattern/Scenario above including any reasonable inferences therefrom)

ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: SUBSTANCE Note: In addition to the "Instructions" provided above and the "Additional Instructions: Form" provided below as well as those instructions provided (1) in the Course Syllabus, pages titled "Essay Question Project," "Proper Form Required," and "Self-Critique and Peer-Review," and (2) in D2L under the Content tab in the "Project" folder and the Assignments tab, to do well on this Essay Question Project you must strictly adhere to each of the following substance requirements:

Your Essay Question Project must include:

1.) A thoughtful introduction (including an accurate and concise presentation of the distinct purpose(s) and characteristics of each area of law at issue, generally and specifically, as they relate to the Fact Pattern/Scenario above, as well as a thoughtful conclusion;

2.) A stated reason for each one of your conclusions;

3.) Proper spelling and grammar usage; and

4.) Quality sentence and paragraph structure (i.e., topic sentences, appropriate transition, etc.).

You must also clearly and concisely yet completely:

1.) Identify by reference and discuss each relevant (applicable) legal principle you have learned from the reading assignments and Class Sessions;

2.) Quote the precise language of each applicable legal principle with reference to its legal origin (think: "sources of law");

3.) Explain the significance, meaning, and application of each relevant legal principle by striking the appropriate balance in your utilization of technical and non-technical terminologies (i.e., your answer to the Essay Question must be written in a way that your Professor's daughter who is seventeen years old would understand; she is an teenager yet she is more intelligent than most and although she appears to totally ignore her attorney/professor-father's mindnumbing musings regarding the deeper questions of law, which he pontificates to her ad nauseam, she can recite them verbatim using her father's same monotoned cadence; so don't talk down to her or you will most certainly find yourself on the receiving end of one of her notorious (read: entirely disrespectful yet occasionally amusing, almost charming) eye rolls (read: a lower grade);

4.) Relate each applicable legal principle to the relevant facts provided in the Fact Pattern/Scenario above, meaning you must "weave" relevant law and relevant facts throughout your answer to the Essay Question (i.e., do not recite (dump) facts at the beginning, the middle, and/or the end of your response to the Essay Question); and

5.) Provide appropriate examples to analogous scenarios, etc. In attending to each of the enumerated items above, you must demonstrate your complete understanding of each of the applicable legal principles you identify.

Space Requirement/Limitation: No fewer than six paragraphs and no more than eight paragraphs, each paragraph consisting of no fewer than five sentences and no more than seven sentences

INTRODUCTION Ms. Tay-Tay Swizzle, a praised yet controversial individual, is arguably one of the most alluring and infamous pop stars of the modern era: No matter what she does, she always seems to be the trending topic (some observers contend Tanye East assisted somewhere along the lines). In recent news, Tay-Tay's "Errors" tour and newfound relationship with Kavis Telce, a professional in the National Food League and projected winner of the Souper Bowl, has taken the internet by storm. Following her last Errors tour performance in Tokyo, Tay-Tay rushed to her private airplane and jetted directly to Las Vegas, arriving just in time to watch her "boo" perform in the Souper Bowl. Some criticize Tay-Tay for absolutely obliterating the ozone layer on her way over, emitting over 250,000 pounds of CO2 in 12 hours, roughly 14 times what an average person emits in a year. When she touched down in Vegas, Tay-Tay told the press: "What can I say? Sometimes, sacrifices must be made. I'm committed to my relationship, well, until I decide to write a song about it."

THE SOUPER BOWL Tay-Tay was right when she anticipated much of the Souper Bowl would be made about her; however, she was rather disappointed when she didn't see fans collapsing and chanting her name as she entered the arena. Instead, her glorious presence was met with angry fans and climate activists, the majority of whom only attended the Souper Bowl to protest Tay-Tay. Signs reading: "Tay-Tay doesn't care about the planet" and "Tay-Tay is greedy and self-centered" filled the crowd. As Tay-Tay and her entourage of security (basically a small military) took their seats in the private front row section of the stands, a somewhat disturbed fan, like a rabid dog, pushed a security guard to the side, jumped the gate to Tay-Tay's private section and sprinted at her full speed starring her dead in the eyes and pounding on his chest. Tay-Tay, shifting in her seat and clenching her fists (she's always ready), watched as her army of goons chased the fan down, who stopped just short of Tay-Tay's last line of defense, five oversized security guards; the fan had enough time to yell "Everyone knows you cheat on Kavis with half the music industry, you have put on more mileage than a used '02 Honda Civic," before getting brutally laid out by TayTay's security. As the deranged fan was swarmed by security, he hollered, "If you didn't have security, I would slap you silly." Tay-Tay was never more embarrassed in her life as the crowd erupted in laughter. Tay-Tay was relieved when the players entered the arena, somewhat drawing the attention off her. She was eager to watch Kavis destroy the competition. This year, the cuisine was chili, and in preparation Tay-Tay held Kavis to a strict tofu diet consisting of miso soup three times a day. When the competition began, it was already over; Kavis ate double the amount of chili compared to the second-place finisher, Rock Burdy, who walked out of the arena with his head hung really low. As Kavis received his well-deserved trophy, out of pure adrenaline and excitement, he reached for the nearest bowl of half-eaten chili, poured it on his head, and started barking like a dog with rabies. Tay-Tay, who was in awe as to what she just saw, instantly got the "ick." Kavis, covered in chili, acting like an animal, and clearly feeling himself, turned to Tay-Tay, got on one knee, and proposed right there in front of millions. Without a second thought, Tay-Tay screamed, "Awe, heck naw," and darted out of the arena.

THE DRIVE As Kavis was absolutely humiliated after Tay-Tay rejected him (like his post win celebration wasn't even more humiliating), he ran as fast as he could to get the heck out of there. Kavis stumbled teary eyed right past the security guards blocking the locker room and grabbed the first pair of keys he could find and went on the hunt to find whichever car those keys belonged to. After a little bit (okay, a lot of bit) of champagne (that was meant for celebration purposes) and a long search for the mystery car, Kavis finally came across his sweet ride. He happened to come across the Toyota Sequoia owned by no other than the one and only Rock Burdy. Kavis was too utterly embarrassed and slightly inebriated to even realize how lame this car was for one of the best NFL (National Food League) athletes, but he was of course coherent enough to figure out how to hook his phone up to bluetooth. Not to mention, Kavis did his own sobriety test before he got into the car, which consisted of walking on the parking space line so well (he could not walk in a straight line.) Once Kavis was linked to bluetooth, he turned on his favorite "cry in the car" playlist, which happened to mainly consist of the saddest songs Tay-Tay Swizzle has ever written. As Kavis began his brave journey "home" to his humble abode (the AirBnB his agent reserved for him) with the windows down and listening to one of Tay-Tay's saddest and most iconic songs "All Too Well"the ten-minute version, of course. No one would ever expect what would happen in the next ten minutes to happen. Once Kavis left the arena, he merged onto I-15 and booked it. Toyota Sequoias are not known for their zero to sixty, but boy was that car movin'! Before he knew it, Kavis was going 94 mph down the highway, drifting in and out of lanes between cars, screaming at the top of his lungs "AND MAYBE WE GOT LOST IN TRANSLATION," and then cutting a hard right across three lanes of traffic. Before he could even get to the next part of the bridge, between his tear-filled eyes and the blurred vision from all the bubbly, Kavis saw a billboard with no one other than TayTay's big blue eyes and her bright blonde hair promoting yet another concert of her "Errors'' tour. Kavis, inconsolable at this point, swerves through another three lanes of cars and picks it up to 113 mph before being able to scream the next line: "MAYBE I ASKED FOR TOO MUCH" Well, during Kavis's "sad boy hours," he managed to cut off a sleepy truck driver who happened to be carrying the clothing line of Tay-Tay's arch nemesis Kimmy K. The truck driver, being severely underpaid by Kimmy and highly overworked to keep up with the demand of her booming shapewear brand, Skums, was so tired after working the past 36 hours and probably didn't latch the back properly. As a result, when Kavis saw Tay-Tay's big blues on that billboard, he cut off the Skums truck driver who lost control. Kavis, able to book it to get home sweet home, came out with no scratches and was able to sleep like a baby that night. The truck driver on the other hand, lost control of the wheel causing the back to unlatch and Skums's shapewear to be flung all over the cars behind the truck on the freeway. Not to mention, they were in the "Spaghetti Bowl," so shapewear was flung to the drivers down below, to the back, and to the sides causing the drivers to lose their vision and caused four different three-car pileups. One of the pileups destroys the shoulder of the highway, causing the three cars to sail off the highway and slide across a smaller residential road, stopping just before crushing a poor old man walking down the sidewalk while smoking his evening cigarette. The man, whose reaction time is equivalent to that of a giant sea turtle, took a single step back before tripping over a large flowerpot sitting on the sidewalk, causing him to luckily fall away from where the three cars came to their stopping points. The man is less upset about busting his kneecap (which is his third one in the past year; you might say it's routine at this point) than he is about his losing his evening cigarette in all the commotion. While the Skums driver had to deal with the aftermath, Kavis got to drive off into the sunset singing, "Well maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up," not even looking into the rearview mirror to see what he had tore up.

SOLITUDE Kavis, still crying, let off a sigh of relief when he pulled into the neighborhood of his AirBnB. All he wanted to do was sit in complete solitude in his room, away from everyone and everything, and bawl his eyes out for hours. When Kavis made it to his bedroom, he wept for at least another hour when he was unpleasantly surprised with the rose petals and romantic set up for his now ex-girlfriend. Once he ate all the chocolates and cried all he could, he collapsed in his bed and sulked as much as humanly possible. After about six hours, Kavis was willing to do anything and everything to escape the pain he felt in his soul. Out of desperation, he turned on the television and was greeted by Bear Blitzer on the Commodities News Network; "Clearly, Kavis lacked a sober and rational mind driving home from the Souper Bowl. I don't think I could drive that recklessly if I tried. Without question, Kavis drank too much before getting behind the wheel because, WOW! That was a lot of tears. Check out these videos:" Kavis was shocked at what he saw: It was a montage of him crying. He was so heartbroken and out of his mind he didn't notice the paparazzi taking pictures of him through his car windows, filming him in his garage, backyard, and even through his windows. Kavis rolled over in his bed and looked out the sliding glass doors in his bedroom. His mouth dropped open at the sight of two black SUVs parked directly across the street from his house. He flew out of bed and ran downstairs, and they were gone just as he made it out his front doors. Kavis stumbled back up the spiral staircase to his bedroom and instantly changed the television channel. He always hated the Commodities News Network anyway. The Food News Network was more his speed. Kavis was relieved to see "The Eight" discussing something other than himself. Instead, they were interviewing the leaders of a new, up-and-coming non-profit charity organization focusing on fighting climate change. "That's weird for the Food News Network to be promoting a non-profit charity for..." At a closer look, Kavis's mouth dropped to the floor. All interviewees had matching shirts with a big red cross over a cartoon image of a blonde-haired woman with a microphone in one hand and guitar in the other, sitting on top of a plane spewing out huge plumes of black smoke. Kavis picked up his phone and donated to the charity with tears flowing at full speed, again.

DRAMA, DRAMA, AND DRAMA Tay-Tay's ex-best friend and current enemy Kidney Speers would do anything to see Tay-Tay "crash and burn." Kidney was shocked when she saw that Tay-Tay publicly rejected Kavis in front of the whole wide world and was filled with rage (their friendship ended when Tay-Tay saw Kidney look at Kavis in a particular way). Kidney, who happened to have an interview with ZMT scheduled for the next day, decided she would inform the people about who Tay-Tay really was behind closed doors and "let the whole truth be known." The ZMT crew stared at Kidney in awe as she let it all out. "Tay-Tay really did make Kavis pay for everything in the relationship. One day, all she did was talk my ear off about Kavis's financial situation. She even showed me a picture of his bank statement, which was running pretty low." Tay-Tay, who was 30,000 feet in the air at the time of the interview, noticed her manager and public relations team blowing up her phone, telling her to tune into ZMT, and fast. Tay-Tay turned on the interview just in time to hear Kidney cross the line: "Tay-Tay would even sometimes force Kavis to shave off all of her back hair; after Kavis told her he would prefer not to, she told him it made her back acne so painful and if he didn't do it she would leave him for a man who would. Here, look at this video." Kidney pulled out her phone, turned away from the camera, and, at maximum volume, showed the ZMT crew. When Tay-Tay heard her voice on Kidney's phone through the television, she launched the remote so hard at the television that the screen completely shattered. Tay-Tay jumped around between each of her five houses the following week, trying to avoid the press. With ticket sales plummeting, worsening back acne, and lack of attention, Tay-Tay called her army of lawyers. "I want to see Kidney in a district court this month. Make it happen, or you're fired!" Kidney, who anticipated Tay-Tay would file a barrage of lawsuits, did anything and everything to avoid getting served, including putting her house in California up for sale and moving all the way out to the deep wilderness in Maine. She refused to crash and burn with Tay-Tay. Two days after she initiated her legal onslaught, Tay-Tay, who was visiting yet another vacation home in Belair (her least favorite one; she thought the area was cheap and dirty), passed by Kidney's house and noticed a for-sale and open-house signs on the front lawn. Out of a heated rage, she jumped out of the car, ran inside, and demanded to see the homeowner. The realtor told Tay-Tay it was no longer forsale, and if she wanted to purchase it, she would have to reach out to a Mr. Telce. Disclaimer: Any similarities in names or characteristics of actual personsnatural or legalis entirely coincidental as what is presented here is intended to be purely fictional. Nothing contained herein is stated with reference to a particular individual or entity and, therefore, cannot be construed as defamation or disparagement.

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