please show formuals on excel spread sheet and answer all parts of the question . Thanks !
Chapter 10-11 Test Summer 2020 Draw Insert Page Layout Formulas Review Data View Cut Arial General A- A+ 10 Wrap Text Merge & Center Copy $ % ) .00 00 0 B I Conditiona Formatting Format fx D . question 2: ABC bookstore purchases Bibles for 35 dollars each, and it cost $40 dollars to process an order. This bookstore sells 30000 Bibles at a uniform rate. ABC bookstore is open 5 days a week for 52 weeks per year with the excpetion of 10 holidays a year. The order load time is 4 days and the bookstore wants to have an average of 3 days' sales on hand as safety stock when a new order is scheduled to arrive. The holding cost is estimated to be 25% of the item cost per year. Please fill out the blank with your calculation, Annual Demand daly demand De d working days Setup/Processo Holding Cost Economical Order Quantity 0 Times to Order -1 Every 5.6 days you need to order 2 EOQ+88 43 Samy Stock 44 Max Miny2 45 Invetory Cost 46 Ordering Com 47 To Cost 48 Lead Time for the Truck to come in 49 Safiey Stock 50 dxLT 35 51 Material Cost Unit Cost xD) 52 He Unit cost EOQ-(205/5 Times Dia Days Working Day/Times Maximum in Minimum in Average In Q/2" DIO'S TotalCost LT SS- RL Unit cost Question 2: ABC bookstore purchases Bibles for 35 dollars each, and it cost $40 dollars to process an order. This bookstore sells 30000 Bibles at a uniform rate. ABC bookstore is open 5 days a week for 2 weeks per year with the excpetion of 10 holidays a year. The order lead time is 4 days and the bookstore wants to have an average of 3 days' sales on hand as safety stock when a new order is scheduled to arrive. The holding cost is estimated to be 25% of the item cost per year. Please fill out the blank with your calculation Anrwal Demand daly demand De d working days 6 Setup/Processos 7 Holding Cost 18 39 Economical Order Quantity 40 Times to Order 41 Every 5.6 days you need to order 42 EOQESS 43 Satty Stock 44 (Max Minya 45 Invetory Cost 46 Ordering Cost 47 Total Cost 48 Lead Time for the Truck to come in 49 Saftey Stock 50 dxLT 35 51 Material Cost (Unit Cost x D) 52 then He Unit cost EOQ-(2DSTMAS Times DIO Days Working Day/Times Maximum In Minimum Inv Average In Q/2H DIQ'S TotalCoste LT- Unit costxD