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Please show work as well. Thanks! Anderson Manufacturing produces self-watering planters for use in upscale retail establishments. Sales projections for the first five months of

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Anderson Manufacturing produces self-watering planters for use in upscale retail establishments. Sales projections for the first five months of the upcoming year show the estimated unit sales of the planters each month to be as follows: 5 (Click the icon to view additional information.) Inventory at the start of the year was 640 planters. The desired inventory of planters at the end of each month should be equal to 20% of the following month's budgeted sales. Each planter requires four pounds of polypropylene (a type of plastic). The company wants to have 10% of the polypropylene required for next month's production on hand at the end of each month. The polypropylene costs $0.25 per pound. Read the requirements. Requirement 1. Prepare a production budget for each month in the first quarter of the year, including production in units for each month and for the quarter. March Quarter Anderson Manufacturing Production Budget For the Months of January through March January February Unit sales 3,200 3,600 720 620 Plus: Desired ending inventory Total needed 3,920 4,220 640 720 Less: Beginning inventory 3,280 3,500 Units to produce 9,900 3,100 900 2240 4,000 12140 620 1980 3,380 10,160 r - Data Table bg month's budgeted sales $0.25 per pound. n Number of planters to be sold 3,200 January February 3,600 buarter. March 3,100 4,500 April.. May 4,700 a Print Done 5,500 3,380 10,160 Requirements 1. Prepare a production budget for each month in the first quarter of the year, including production in units for each month and for the quarter. 2. Prepare a direct materials budget for the polypropylene for each month in the first quarter of the year, including the pounds of polypropylene required and the total cost of the polypropylene to be purchased. Print Done

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