Please solve it with Visual Studio
Assignment #1-CIS 130 OU WILL create a TOE chart (Word document) and design a user interface for assignment #1 as well as write e necessary code to make it work correatly. A local coffee shop (make up a fictional company) needs an allow the user to enter the number of eoffees, the number of bagels and the number of donuts ordered by the customer. The interface should display the subtotal of the order, sales tax amount and the total owed by the customer. Since this coffee shop is located in Michigan use the appropriate sales tax rate. Include an appropriate image in the interface using the Google website. Bagels are 99, donuts are 75e, and coffee is S1.20 per cup. GUI Design Guidelines MUST BE FOLLOWED -Chapter 2 notes Hand in: An assessment document sheet. The instructor has a Word document you MUST print and use as a cover sheet. A TOE chart that is edited using Word. You may use the Word document supplied by the Instructor. Your application will be saved in the Handin directory of the K-drive. The instructor will demonstrate how this will be done. 1. 2. 3. Due 2 weeks from today: fantacava -/Zol Assignment #1-CIS 130 OU WILL create a TOE chart (Word document) and design a user interface for assignment #1 as well as write e necessary code to make it work correatly. A local coffee shop (make up a fictional company) needs an allow the user to enter the number of eoffees, the number of bagels and the number of donuts ordered by the customer. The interface should display the subtotal of the order, sales tax amount and the total owed by the customer. Since this coffee shop is located in Michigan use the appropriate sales tax rate. Include an appropriate image in the interface using the Google website. Bagels are 99, donuts are 75e, and coffee is S1.20 per cup. GUI Design Guidelines MUST BE FOLLOWED -Chapter 2 notes Hand in: An assessment document sheet. The instructor has a Word document you MUST print and use as a cover sheet. A TOE chart that is edited using Word. You may use the Word document supplied by the Instructor. Your application will be saved in the Handin directory of the K-drive. The instructor will demonstrate how this will be done. 1. 2. 3. Due 2 weeks from today: fantacava -/Zol