Please use a different code for plagerism public class Person { private String firstName; private String lastName; private String hometown; private String state; private Height
Please use a different code for plagerism
public class Person {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String hometown;
private String state;
private Height height;
// Constructor with no input parameters
public Person() {
firstName = "No";
lastName = "Name";
hometown = "N/A";
state = "N/A";
height = new Height();
// Constructor with three parameters
public Person(String firstName, String lastName, Height height) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.height = height;
hometown = "N/A";
state = "N/A";
// Constructor with all (five) parameters
public Person(String firstName, String lastName, String hometown, String state, Height height) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.hometown = hometown;
this.state = state;
this.height = height;
// Getters and Setters
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + firstName.substring(1).toLowerCase();
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName.toUpperCase();
public String getHometown() {
return hometown;
public void setHometown(String hometown) {
this.hometown = hometown;
public String getState() {
return state;
public void setState(String state) {
this.state = state;
public Height getHeight() {
return height;
public void setHeight(Height height) {
this.height = height;
// toString method
public String toString() {
String message;
if (state.equals("PA")) {
message = "is from Pennsylvania";
} else {
message = "is from out-of-state";
return firstName + " " + lastName + " " + "from " + hometown + " " + message + " and their height is " + height;
// initials method
public void initials() {
String initial1 = firstName.substring(0, 1) + ".";
String initial2 = lastName.substring(0, 1) + ".";
System.out.println(initial1 + initial2);
// initials method overload
public void initials(int option) {
String result = "";
if (option == 1) {
result = getFirstName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + "." + lastName;
} else if (option == 2) {
result = firstName + " " + getLastName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + ".";
public class Height {
private int feet;
private int inches;
// Constructor with no input parameters
public Height() {
this.feet = 5;
this.inches = 6;
// Constructor with two parameters
public Height(int feet, int inches) {
this.feet = feet;
this.inches = inches;
// Getters and Setters
public int getFeet() {
return feet;
public void setFeet(int feet) {
this.feet = feet;
public int getInches() {
return inches;
public void setInches(int inches) {
this.inches = inches;
public String toString() {
return feet + "'" + inches + "\"";
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person p1 = new Person("jillian", "Jennings", new Height(5, 7), "Montclair", "NJ");
Person p2 = new Person("KEATON", "Ellis", new Height(5, 11));
Person p3 = new Person();
Encapsulation In this lab you will start using enespeubtian in the Person and in the Height classes. Yau will also create a specint get methad and s special set method. Deliverable A zpped NetDesns praject with 3 classes - App - Persan - Height Classes Suggestion: - Use Netbeans to copy your last lab (Lab 04) to a new project called Lab05. - Close Lab04. - Work cn the new Lab05 project then. The Person Class - ises encopsulation - private attributes - get and set methods for each attrilsute 1. Attributes - String firstNarre - String listName - String hametcwn - String state - Height height 2. Constructors? - ane conatructor with no input parameters - since it doesn't receive amy input values, you need to use the default values belaw? - frsthivme - No - EstNarne-Name - hometown- N/A - state-N/S - height-ase the theight class na parameter conatructor - ane constructor with three parameters - firstName asing the input parameter - lastName using the input parameter - beight using the input parameter - tae the default values for - hometown-N/A - state-N/A - ane paratructor with all ifives parameters - cone input parameter for each attribute 3. Methods - Get and Set methods (a requirrement from encopsulatica) - important: - You shculd start generating the defiult get and set methods using NetBeans automatic generator - Then you wit change getFirst Name and setLast Name as specitied. - aetFirstName - returns first Name with the first letter in upper case and the remiaining of the String in lower case - Get methods should not charige the value of strributes - In this case it should not change/updhte the value of firstVame - getlistlvame - sethornetown - zetstate - getheight - setFistName - setlasthame - updater lastNanie to be al caps (all upper case) - remember to use setastName in all constructars so the data (the updated lastName, is stcred parrectly - sethometown - setstate - setheight - public String tostringld - returns this object as a String, ie, make each attribute a Strine concatenate all strigs and returnas one String - tustringll is a special methad, you will learn more about it in the neat lessans - it needs to be public - it needs to hove goverride natatian ian the line above the methad itselff. Netbeans will suggest you da it. - regarding state, the tostring method will have a simibr functicnality as Ape had in the first lab. - if the state attraute is "PA", display the abject's attritute name plus the message "is from Pennsyhania" - if the state attriaute is nat "PA", display the object's attribute name plus the mesoge" "is from out-of-state" - In short, the tastring0 methad returns all the data from exch object as a String - public void initisls[y - this method - gets frast Name and last Name - extract the initisis of each one of them - adds a "- period to each of them - and uses "System. out.printlin" to display them is crie String - public void initials int aption) - this method overloods public void initiobl i. This mesns, it hos the samie name, bat a uifferent rimber of parsmeters. - if the value of "aptian" 11 - gets firstName - extract its initials - adds a "- period to to a String - adds the botName ta this String- - and uses "Systernoutprintin" to display the String - if the value of "aptian" 12 - adds firstlame to a Strirg - getslastName - Extract its initials - addsa "- period to it - adds it to the String - and uses "Spstemout.printh" to displyy the String The Height class - Lses encapsulation - private attribates - get and set methods for each attribute- 1. Attributes - int feet - int inches 2. Constructers - ane panstructor with no input parameters - since it doesn't receive any input values, you need to use the default values belaw: - feet 5 - feet- 6 ane panstrictor with two parameters - feet using the input parameter - inches using the input parameter 3. Methods - public String taStringld - toStringi / overrides the supercloss Object toString[ ? methad - toStringl/ retums irformation about this dass attrbutes as a String - it returns a formatted String with feet and inches - for instance: 52 The Appclass - create a Person object callied p1 using the five-parameter canatructor with the walues - first Varre - jillian (see the different capitalization used to test the get/set methods) - batName-Jennings - height 57 - hemetown-Montelair - state-NJ 2, create a Person abject calked p2 using the three-parameter constructor with the value - firstVarre - KEATON (see the different capitalization used to test the get/set methods) - batharne-Eilis - height 511 3. create a Person abject called p3 using the no-parameter conatructer 4. displayall the dati from each abyect Output The output should be similar to
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