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Please Use R Programming where necessary Please Use R Programming where necessary Please Use R Programming where necessary Please Use R Programming where necessary.
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Exercise 1. The data below are from a case control study to assess the association between MI and coffee drinking. Smoking is known to be associated with coffee drinking and MI and it is a possible confounder. Use the data to fit the following models: 1. The model describing the crude association between MI and coffee drinking; 2. The model describing the association between MI and coffee drinking adjusted by smoking; 3. The model describing the association between MI and coffee drinking that interacts with smoking; 4. Describe monitors of the convergence. 5. Reports measure of the association for each model. 6. Test the null hypothesis that there is no interaction between coffee drinking and smoking versus the alternative hypothesis that there is an interaction. 7. Test the null hypothesis that there is no association between coffee drinking and MI after you adjust for smoking. 8. Which model do you think provides the best result? What are the conclusions from your analysisStep by Step Solution
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