please use these documents to solve the questions. thank you!
When entering Social Security numbers (SSNs) or Employer Identification Numbers (EINs), replace the Xs as directed, or with any four digits of your choice. Interview Notes - Jeff, age 68 and Claire, age 63 elect to file Married Flling Jointly. Neither taxpayor is blind. - Jeff is retired. He received Social Security benefits and a pension. - Jeff and Claire's daughter Shelby, age 19, is a full-time college student in her second year of study. She is pursuing a degree in foreign studies and does not have a felony drug conviction. She recelved a Form 1098-T for 2022. Box 7 was not checked on her Form 1098-T for the horevious tax year. - Shelby spent the summer at home with her parents but lived in an apartment near campus during the school year. - Shelby received a scholarship and the terms require that it be used to pay tuition. Jeff and Claire paid the cost of Shelby's tuition and course-related books in 2022 not covered by scholarship. They paid $120 for a parking sticker, $5,500 for a meal plan, $750 for textbooks purchased at the college bookstore, and $100 for access to an online textbook. - Jeff and Claire paid more than half the cost of maintaining a home and support for Shelby. - Jeff and Claire do not have enough deductions to itemize on their federal tax return. - Jeff, Claire, and Shelby are U.S. citizens and have valid Social Security numbers. They all lived in the United States for the entire year. - If Jeff and Claire receive a refund, they would like to deposit it into their checking account. Documents from Baldwin Bank show that the routing number is 111000025 . Their checking account number is 11337890 . Check apprepriate box for each quwstion in each sectlen 5. (B) Refund of atatellocal income taxes? (Fom 1099.0) 6. (B) Aimony income or separale maintenance paytnents? 7. (A) Self-Employment income? (Forms 1099-MisC, 1099-NEC. 1094 K, cash, digtal assets, or other peoperty or services) 8. (A) Castvheck.ldigtal assets, or ether property or services for any work pertoemed not reported on Forms W.2 or 100r9 ? 9. (A) lncome (or loss) from the sale or exchange of stocks, bonds diglal assets or teal estate? (including your horte) (Forms 1099-5. 1099-9) 10. (B) Disabidy income? (such as payments from isurance, or wockers compensaten) (Forms 1099 R, W-2) 11. (A) Reticement income or payments from pensions, annuites, and or IFA? (Fom 108A-R) 12. (B) Unemployment Compensation? (Fom 1099-G) 13. (B) Social Secunty of Ralroad Retirement Benefat? (Forms 55A-1002, RPE-1099) 14. (M) leveme (or loss) from rental peoperty? 15. (B) Other keome? (gambing. iotlery, prizes, awards, jury dufy, dig tal assets, Sch K-1, royalies, foreiga income, etc.) 3. (B) College or post secondsy educational expecses for yoursel, spouse or dependents? (form 100g-t) 4. Any of the foliowing? (A) Medical s Dental (including insurance premiums) (A) Morlgage interest (Form 100t) 5. (B) Crild or dependent care expenses such as daycare? 6. (iD) For supples used as an elgile educatse such as a teacher, teachar's ade, counselor, ele.? 7. (A) Engenses relaled is sel-empleyment income or any other income you secehved? 8. (B) Etudent loan interest? (form 1008-C) 2. (A) Have credit card, student loan or mortgage debt canseledioryiven by a lender or have a home foreclosure? (Ferms 100 -C, 10%3-A) 3. (A) Adopt a child? 5. (A) Purchase and instal energy effelent home dems? (such as windows, Ampse, insulason, ete) 6. (A) Receive the Firs Tere Homebuyers Cred in 2064 ? 7. (B) Make estmaled tax payments or acply tast years redind to this years lax? if so how much? 8. (A) Fie a federal retum last year contaning a "capital loss camyover on Ferm 1060 schedule D? 9. (A) Have hwalt coverage troogh the Marketplace (E achange)? (Provide Ferm 1095A ) Cutalog Number savate. aningor Fan 13614-C flim. 1096an Additlonal information and Cuestions Related to the Preparation of Your Roturn 1. Would you like lo recelve writen communications from the iRs in a language other than English? 2. Pretidential Dection Campaign Fund (If you check a box, your tax or refund will not thange) Check here if you, or your spouse if filing joinfy, want $3 to go to this fund 3. If you are tue a resund; would you the (i) You Spouse this she to apply for these grants or to support continued recelpt of financial funding. Yeur answer will be iused only for atatisticar purposes. These questions are optlonal. 8. Would you say you can cary on a conversation in English, both understanding a speaking? (-) Very woll Well Not well Not at alf Drefor not to antwer 10. Do you or any member of your household have a disabilly? 11. Are you or your spouse a Veteran from the U.S: Armed Forces? 12. Your race? D. American indan or Alaska Native Aaian Black or African American Native Hawailan or other Pacife ialander Whate Gefer not to answer 13. Your spouse's race? American in No spoush Asian Black er African American Nabve Hawailan or ocher Pacific tilander White 1. Prefer not to answer. 14. Your ethricity? Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanie or Lasine (a) Prefee not to answer 15.Yourspousesethnicty?HiepanicorLatioo (*) Prefer not to answer No speuse Frlvary Act and Paperwerk Aeductien Act Natice Form W2 Copy B-To Be Filed With Employee's FEDERAL Tax Return. This information is being fumished to the internal Revenue Service. Forms 1099-DiV \& 1098-T COARECTED if checked) Baldwin University 3700 Baldwin Avenue Thank you for your business! 14. Jeff and Claire's standard deduction amount is $27,300. a. True b. False 15. Jeff and Claire's total qualified education expenses used to calculate the American Opportunity Credit is $ 16. Jeff and Claire Pickens can claim the Credit for Other Dependents. a. True b. False 17. What is the total amount of the Pickens's federal income tax withholding. a. $4,630 b. $7,000 c. $8,200 d. $8,530 18. The taxable amount of Jeff's Social Security is $12,000.00. a. True b. False 19. Which of the following statements are true? a. Qualified dividends are part of the total ordinary dividends. b. Qualified dividends qualify for lower, long-term capital gains tax rates. c. Qualified dividends are reported on Form 1099-DIV. d. All of the above