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BT 21603 RESEARCH METHOD SEMESTER II, SESI 2015/2016 SECTION 2 SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: LEVEL OF INTEREST IN LEARNING MANDARIN CHINESE LANGUAGE AS A SECOND LANGUAGE AMONG OF STUDENT UMS PREPARED TO Dr. Janice L. H. Nga PREPARED BY GROUP NO 25, 10-11AM FRIDAY TUTORIAL CLASS NAMA MATRIK NO. PROGRAM CHIN YEE TING BB14110155 HE 11 ONG WEI JIE BB14110561 HE 07 LIYANA NATHASHA BINTI BB14110317 HE 07 SHARIDZUAN NUR FARIZMA BINTI CHE GAB BB14110495 HE 07 YANG XINRUI BB14170070 HE 07 1.1 Introduction Chinese as second language is the study of the Chinese by non-native speakers. In the other country like westerners, they began learning different Chinese language in the 16th century. One of the standard Chinese languages is called Mandarin. Mandarin becomes the official language in the early 20th century. Other than that, Cantonese also is the only other variant Chinese language that is widely taught as a foreign language. Nowadays, mandarin as a second language grows so well in popularity especially in our country, Malaysia. Malaysia is a country that consists of many races and the main races is Malay, Chinese and Indian. Therefore, Malaysian cans easily learning mandarin because there were many Chinese primary schools everywhere in Malaysia. So that, other races can learn mandarin from the beginning. By learning Chinese language also can develop Chinese culture among students especially to non-Chinese. The estimated one out of six people are able to speak Chinese. For example from China, Taiwan and Singapore to South East Asia, North America and Europe. Our research is to find out the level of interest in learning mandarin as a second language. After doing research, we should able to know that the communication and confidence factors could influence the level of interest in learning mandarin. Our research contain research based on their daily life as a student for example in doing group assignment with other, are they able to make friends or are they get any advantage in learning Chinese language for nonnative speakers. 1.2 Problem Statement 1.2.1 The using of mandarin become widely As the international trading become more popular, the using of mandarin become widely. While the population of China is the biggest of the world, there is a big chance to be a successful businessman for the huge market at China. Therefore, mandarin will become expected important language in the world, the use of this language in business, economic, education and even political. Briefly, there have a lot people study, travel and work at China, this showing mandarin will become more and more important for the few decades. 1.2.2 The communication problem between foreign student (Chinese) and local student (non-Chinese) With the development of China's reform and opening up, we know that, there have many of China students choose to get a better and higher education abroad for the purpose getting better jobs in future. One of their target universities were in Malaysia. However, it is not an easy process to get a good accommodation in a unfamiliar place for an international student, especially when they have totally different languages and traditions. Chinese students lose their confidence easily because the native languages between Mandarin and English have totally different background and logic. The general trouble is hard to communicate with others, which makes students become more silent and reticent. According to the descriptions of two real Chinese students, \"Although we started to learn English when we were in elementary schools, the way English is taught in China emphasizes more on the written form than the spoken form. English is taught mostly through the traditional grammar-translation method\". In order to easily communicate with Chinese student, local student pay attention to learn mandarin. Nowadays, a lot of local students (non-Chinese) of UMS can speak a good level of Chinese, communicate with Chinese fluency. 1.2.3 The lack of Chinese culture awareness. The study of the Chinese language opens the way to different important fields such as Chinese politics, economy, history or archaeology. But to study Chinese finally means to study a culture, a people. Chinese civilization is its rich heritage of novels, short stories, poetry, drama, and, more recently, film. They reflect the values, the struggles, the sensibility, the joys and the sorrows of this great people and often offer insights even into the most intimate feelings of people in the past or into high-level Beijing politics at the present that cannot be found anywhere else. These works help you understand what is behind the language, what makes it powerful, and how it actually functions in Chinese society. To be at ease and effective in Chinese environment learning the language is half the battle, but knowing about the culture behind the language is the other. So, learning mandarin can understand Chinese culture, can save the lake of Chinese culture awareness. 1.3 Research Objective There was an objectives will be chosen for this research paper. Research objective will going to be the guideline for the research direction. This research is going to research about the factors that affecting the level of interest in learning mandarin Chinese language as a second language. The objective for this research is to identify the interest of non-Chinese student UMS with the beginning of mandarin. 1.4 Research Questions Research Questions is one of the important items in the research, which is to guide us throughout the whole topics. It is very important to help us to avoid the research direction won't digress from the scope of research. The research question mentioned below is our main direction throughout the whole research: 1. What is the factors will influence the interest of the non-Chinese student learning mandarin as a second language? 2. The factors will influence the interest of the non-Chinese student learning mandarin as a second language positively or negatively? 1.5 Significant of Study In this study, it is significant to know that the use of mandarin is become widely nowadays. Development of the China, was influenced the whole world, more and more people are entering this huge market and become a businessman. Therefore, the study of the level of interest in learning Mandarin Chinese language as a second language will indirect influenced to the world economic. We need to understand, how important learning a second language can help us in the future, furthermore to improve our communication between other races and build up the personal confidence. This research is expected to answer the question on what actual student like to learn the second language. This finding of the result will show that, the factor to effect level of the interest in learning second language. Lastly, this study will provided reader to know and more understand the problem they will face when learning second language. 1.6 Scope of Study This research is about studying the level of interest in learning Mandarin Chinese language as a second language among of student UMS. This study is focusing for the student in University Malaysia Sabah (UMS). The scope of study is the main direction that going to guide us throughout the whole research. We are main focus in the student who is taking the course Mandarin as a second language. Furthermore, the data have collect from different faculty which is FSSA, FKSW, FKJ, FPP, FPEP, FSMP, FPSK, and FKI. The data collection from this research is the main source that going to guide us throughout the whole research and search the relationship between the dependent and independent variable. 2.0 Literature Review Introduction of literature review The emergence of India and China as the so-called \"new economies\" has led to a growing awareness of the importance for trade purposes of learning such non-European languages as Urdu and Mandarin Chinese (MC). According to the Confederation of British Industry, MC is one of the most sought after languages by British businesses (Moore, 2012). In the USA, the number of learners of Chinese as a second language has increased by over 18% since 2006 (Furman, Goldberg, & Lusin, 2010).Take-up of Chinese in English secondary schools has also increased in recent years following a campaign to \"diversify\" away from the preponderance of French, German and Spanish in a modern multilingual context (see NARIC, 2012). In spite of the fact that learners of learning MC as a second language report considerable difficulty in learning to read and write the language (Bo Hu, 2010; Huang, 2000), the way how they going to learn about the Chinese characters is to memorise them. In this paper was study about the interest in learning MC as second language among student in University Malaysia Sabah (UMS). Second language acquisition (second-language learning, or SLA), is the process by which people learn a second language after a first language is already established to people. Many times this happens when a child who speaks a language other than own language goes to school for the first time. Children have an easier time learning a second language, but anyone can do it at any age. That only takes a lot of time to practice. Therefore, in this paper, the research main focus on the student UMS. This section begins by locating the study within Second Language Acquisition research and more specifically the Language Learning Strategy research tradition, highlighting its pertinence to our concerns. We then turn to actual conceptual issues. The nature of Mandarin Chinese and the challenges it presents to the learner are discussed, for example, Roman alphabets and then those with MC characters are described. Cognitive theory is implicated in each of these areas and will form a common strand across the parts. Author/Year Furman,N., Goldberg, D., & Lusin, N. (2010). Methodology Mixed Method 1. Primary data: electronic interview 2. Secondary data: registration Finding - the number of learners of Mandarin Chinese as a second language in USA has increased by over 18% since 2006. Language Learner Strategies (LLS) Language learner strategies (LLS) research has included the study of MC at last decade. According to Naiman, Frhlich, Stern, & Todesco, (1978), Rubin (1975), the aim of identifying the characteristics of \"good\" language learners; exactly how they go about reading a text, for example, or improving their speaking skills. Whilst the distinction between skills and strategies and indeed the 'unit of analysis' itself and its relationship to success (Cohen & Macaro, 2007: 278) remain under debate, there is an increasing focus on strategies as a key component of \"self-regulated\" learning. This showing \"self-regulated\" learning is the main way to be a good language learner. As Oxford argues (2011: 11) \"strategies help learners regulate or control their own learning, thus making it easier and more effective\". Past twenty years, LLS research has been extended to include studies into Strategy- Based Instruction (SBI). Grenfell and Harris (1999); Rubin (1990) argued that, it cannot be assumed that learners will automatically develop language learner strategy unaided or know how to deploy them in a way that is appropriate to the task in hand, unless they taught explicitly by teacher or lecture. The teacher then models new strategies which are extensively practised, the learners evaluate how useful they are (Harris, et al., 2001; Grenfell and Harris, 1999; Chamot & El-Dinary, 1999; Macaro, 2001). However, as Linnell (2001) argues, such insights from Second Language Acquisition research have only just started to have an impact on the training of MC teachers. Here our research is study about the models new strategy is teaching and monitoring by teacher. Therefore, start to training of Mandarin Chinese teacher. It is extremely important to understand the role of motivation in SLA because investigations (Gardner and Lambert 1972 and Drnyei 2001) show that motivation plays a significant role in achieving SL proficiency and competence. According to Pandey (2005) \"motivation, defined as the impetus to create and sustain intentions and goal-seeking acts, is important because it determines the extent of the learner's active involvement and attitude toward learning\". Gardner and Lambert (1972) state that motivation is extremely influential factor in successful second language acquisition and the term motivation was brilliantly bolstered in 1985 by Gardner who defined motivation as being \"the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favourable attitudes toward learning the language\" Oxford (1990) classified learning strategies into two major types: direct and indirect strategies. Direct strategies feature direct manipulation of target language elements and include memory, cognitive, and compensation strategies. By contrast, indirect strategies assist language learning and include metacognitive, affective, and social strategies. Research on L2 learning strategies was initially inspired from studies aiming to identify the features of successful L2 learners (Naiman, et al., 1975; Rubin, 1975; Stern, 1975). The relationship between the use of learning strategies and L2 performance has become one of the primary issues in the investigation of learning strategies. While successful L2 learners tend to utilize more strategies than less successful learners (Green & Oxford, 1995), the appropriateness and efficiency of strategies in relation to the requirements of language tasks can distinguish successful L2 learners from less successful L2 learners (Chamot & Kupper, 1989; O'Malley & Chamot, 1990; Vandergrift, 2003; Wen & Johnson, 1997). The effective use of strategies is determined by \"whether or not learners are able to orchestrate their strategy employment in such a way that their self-imposed or other imposed language learning/use goals are achieved\" (Manch_on, 2008, p. 239). Successful learners are able to select appropriate strategies and integrate them into language learning to maximize their effectiveness. Tolerance of ambiguity has also been reported to be an influential factor in the choice of language learning strategies (Oxford, 2002). Ely (1989) thus suggested that language instructors take into account students' personality and cognitive factors, which might predispose them to certain language learning strategies, while exposing them to new ways of learning. Moreover, metacognitive strategies were found to positively correlate with Chinese language achievement (Wang et al., 2009). Author/Year Cohen & Macaro, 2007: 278 Methodology - Grenfell and Harris, 1999; Rubin, 1990 - Harris, et al., 2001; Grenfell and Harris, 1999; Chamot & ElDinary, 1999; Macaro, 2001 Oxford, R. L. (1990). Pandey (2005) Finding - The distinction between skills and strategies and indeed the 'unit of analysis' itself and its relationship to success remain under debate, there is an increasing focus on strategies as a key component of \"self-regulated\" learning. -cannot be assumed that learner will automatically develop LLS unaided or know how to deploy them in a way that is appropriate to the task in hand. - The teacher then models new strategies which are extensively practised, the learners evaluate how useful they are -classified learning strategies into two major types: direct and indirect strategies. Direct strategies feature direct manipulation of target language elements and include memory, cognitive, and compensation strategies. By contrast, indirect strategies assist language learning and include metacognitive, affective, and social strategies. \"motivation, defined as the impetus to create and sustain intentions and goalseeking acts, is important because it determines the extent of the learner's active involvement and attitude toward learning\". The challenge of learning Mandarin Chinese In this study, the focus is on learning to read and write Mandarin Chinese characters rather than to speak and understand it. Hence, little reference is made to Pinyin, the system used to transcribe the characters into the Roman script as a stepping stone to help pronunciation, since there is no obvious sound script correspondence in MC. Because of the characters is make up of single radicals ( integral) or two or more (compound). Therefore, Taft and Chung (1999) argue strongly that radicals should be explicitly taught even to beginners. It is clearly one thing to learn to read and write in one's native language, or in a foreign language sharing an alphabet-based script. Huang (2000) reported that learners of Chinese found writing the most difficult. However, Bo Hu (2010) in her study of 164 learners in the higher education sector in the UK, found that recalling how to write words and how to recognise them was a significant difficulty factor and one that did not vary according to proficiency level. Scrimgeour (2012) argues against the tendency for students to perceive characters simply as an assemblage of strokes, which they learn simply by repetitive practice. Shen and Ke (2007), he stresses the importance of developing students\" metalinguistic awareness: their ability to analyse the characters, to understand the component forms and to study radical functions. Author/Year Hu, B. (2010) Scrimgeour (2012) Methodology Finding -164 learners in the higher education sector in the UK, found that recalling how to write words and how to recognise them was a significant difficulty factor and one that did not vary according to proficiency level. -argues against the tendency for students to perceive characters simply as an assemblage of strokes, which they learn simply by repetitive practice. Shen, H., & Ke, C. (2007) -he stresses the importance of developing students\" metalinguistic awareness: their ability to analyse the characters, to understand the component forms and to study radical functions. Conclusion of literature review The results of examining the relationship among ambiguity tolerance, language learning strategies, and language proficiency in Chinese second language reveal two critical characteristics of Chinese second language learners. Firstly, high ambiguity tolerance does not necessarily entail indiscriminate acceptance, but indicates that a Chinese second language learner is not daunted by the uncertainty associated with L2 learning and is thus more willing to cope with the challenge of ambiguity confronting him/her in the learning process. This finding suggests that El-Koumy's (2000) and Ely's (1995) contention that high ambiguity tolerance might have a negative impact on language learning does not apply to Chinese second language students. Secondly, despite its positive correlation with less reliance on L1, ambiguity tolerance does not appear to have a tangible impact on a Chinese second language learner's use of strategies involving individual language elements and those focusing on understanding of overall meaning. Author/Year El-Koumy's (2000) and Ely's (1995) Methodology Finding - contention that high ambiguity tolerance might have a negative impact on language learning does not apply to Chinese second language students Issues of Research Ethic faced during The Research. Ethics are the standards of behavior to be adopted while interacting to other people during making the research. Ethic in making research is significant that focus the role of values in the research process. Ethical issues involve and concern about how to treat the people on whom the research will be conducted and either there are activities that should or should not engage with them. The aim of discussing research ethics is to encourage integrity in the conduct of research. For our research the main participate are UMS student. 1. Lack of informed consent The principle of informed consent entails the implication that even when students know they are being asked to participate in research, they have the right to know and informed about the research process. We will tell them the detail about our research title that makes them easier make decision and answering the question that will be ask. This means the involved research participant must be fully informed about the procedures and risks involved in research and must ask the student for consent. The potential of human subject must authorize their participant in research study, preferably in writing. 2. Invasion of privacy The researchers must protect some privacy and confidentiality. Privacy is very much linked to the notion of informed consent because to the degree that informed consent is given on the basis of a detailed understanding of what the research participant's involvement. When we makes a promises and agreement, we must keep it as a secretly. For example, the situation when we take their personal information to make it as finding. When conducting research on human subjects, minimize harms and risks and maximize benefits; respect human dignity, privacy and autonomy. We must keep their personal detail as a secret if the students do not want to publish their personal detail. We also will make some agreement with the student that we will not publish their personal detail without their permission. Sampling Method For our study, the target population would consist of the students of University Malaysia Sabah. Target population represent specific segment within wider population that are best positioned to serve as a primary data source for the research. There will be a list of people within the target population who can contribute to the research. The number of individuals from the sampling frame who will participate in the primary data collection process. For the research of \"Second language acquisition: level of interest in learning mandarin language as a second language among student UMS,\" sample size could be determined to include 100 respondents. To continue the study, we choose non-probability sampling and quota sampling to investigate the research. In non-probability sampling, on the other hand, sampling group members are selected on non-random manner, therefore not each population member has a chance to participate in the study. Non-probability sampling methods include judgement, quota, convenience and extensive sampling methods. Convenience sampling is one that is simply available to researcher by virtue of its accessibility. In the study that looked to identify the \"Second language acquisition: level of interest in learning mandarin language as a second language among student ums,\" researcher will choose only random number of participants from targeted people which is the student who had took the course with mandarin as a second language. Researcher will use an interview and the questionnaire methods to collect the sampling answer form the target respondent. All the respondents within the nearby with researcher will be meet face to face by researcher in order to collect the outcomes. All the sampling question about the factor that will affect the level of interest in learning mandarin language. This sampling was choose by researcher might not be really represent the whole population. The sample only concerns the students who taking course of Mandarin. This method is using by the researcher due to the accessibility sampling advantage, short time period consuming, save cost and able to get the respond from participant on the spot. In addition, quota sampling is normally used in commercial research, such as market research and political pooling. This sampling method is to ensure the sampling produce is meeting the requirement for the good sampling result from that property issue that discuss by researcher. The purpose for this sampling is to produce the sample that reflects a population in term of the relative proportions of people in different categories, such as gender, races, age group, and faculty. There was 2 genders which is male and female who was study in UMS. Furthermore, the age group that researcher has been choosing are, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25. All this group age is the student age that will study as a student undergraduate. The ethnicity group that researcher has chosen in targeted group is Malay, Indian, and other races. Faculty-faculty will also have been chosen when doing the research. There was 8 faculties which is FSSA, FKSW, FKJ, FPP, FPEP, FSMP,FPSK and FKI. This chosen will have small related with the sector of student will more interest in mandarin. Besides that, researcher will make sure the participant who convenient with the sampling collection in term of time. The researcher will be asked availability for people that potentially group under our target group. This is important to ensure the sampling quality since the convenient for respondent is important to ensure participant can able to give the real answer that desire by researcher. For example, researcher should not pick the time period when respondent is very rush on that time since if researcher still want interview collect respond from them then the answer that given by participant might not really represent the real situation. This is because; participant might be simply answering the question only if they are rushing with the time. Researcher will make sure all the sampling that collected to be make is totally meet the participant requirement that set by the researcher. All the rejected sampling due to requirement participant is not fully required will be discard and researcher will be find the other new sampling. This is important to ensure the quality of sampling since the sampling quality is potentially to the real outcome and also the research paper result. Sample Framework independent variable: communication factors. independent variable: confidence factor. dependent variable: Level of interest in learning mandarin. In this research, we are using the multiple regression analysis because the regression analysis allows us to predict the value of the dependent and independent variable. In the research, the dependent variable is the level of interest in learning mandarin as a second language and the dependent variables is communication factor, and confidence factor. Furthermore, the t-test will utilize to do the hypothesis testing. In the hypothesis, we will compare the final result and the t-value whether we have to reject the null hypothesis or we have to accept it. In other hand, the t-value also showed the result whether we have to reject or accept the alternative hypothesis. For example, if the value that we already calculated is less than the t-value, then we have to accept the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis. In this research, all the data that we had collected from the questionnaires will be analysis by using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). By key in all the data that we collected in the SPSS system we can simply get the result for our research. HYPOTHESIS The related hypothesis below is form to study the relationship between the dependent and independent variables, which is the level of the interest in learning mandarin as a second language and the communication factors and the confidence factors. With respect to the preceding hypothesis about the communication factor and the level of interest in learning mandarin. H0: The communication factor is not affecting the level of interest in learning mandarin. H1: The communication factor is affecting the level of interest in learning mandarin. With respect to the preceding hypothesis about the confidence factor and the level of interest in learning mandarin. H0: The confidence factor is not affecting the level of interest in learning mandarin. H1: The confidence factor is affecting the level of interest in learning mandarin. Research use hypothesis testing to test the relationship of explanatory variable and the level of interest in learning mandarin as a second language among the student UMS. The H1 is the null hypothesis and H2 is the alternative hypothesis. The only one hypothesis either H1 or H2 will be chosen based on the sample evidence. Questionnaire This research is dedicated to study the relationship of communication factor, confidence factor and toward the interest of University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) learning mandarin as a second language. Through this brief survey, the answer will be helpful in determining whether the communication problem with affecting the interest of the UMS learning mandarin as a second language. Part A: Background History 1. Gender Men ( 2. Age ) Women( 20 ( ) 3. Races 21( Malay ( 4. Faculty ) ) ) 22( ) 23( ) India ( ) Other ( 24( ) 25( ) ) FSSA ( ) FKSW ( ) FKJ ( ) FSMP ( ) FPSK ( ) FKI ( ) FPP ( ) FPEP ( ) Part B: Communication Problem This part of the quantity survey questionnaire was adopted the questionnaire by Wo-Hsin Chu, Dong-Yi Lin, Tsung-Ying Chen, Pei-Shu Tsai, Chao-Hua Wang,2014: The relationships between ambiguity tolerance, learning strategies, and learning Chinese as a second language. System49 (2015)1-16. Wo-Hsin Chu was using Likert scale with 4 numerical response formats. In this part of the questionnaire, we were using the question 1,2,6,7,8,9,10,13 and 16. But question 16 were slightly changed due to this question only can use at the Taiwan. The following item describe the communication problem towards University Malaysia Sabah when learning the mandarin as a second language. Please answer the following question by using the (). 1-Very Satisfied No . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2-Satisfied 3-Dissatisfied 4-Very Dissatisfied Questions When I'm reading something in Chinese, I feel impatient if I don't understand the meaning completely. It bothers me when I don't understand everything the teacher says in Chinese. I don't enjoy reading something in Chinese if it takes a long time to figure it out completely. It bothers me that even though I've studied Chinese grammar, I still find some of it very hard to use when speaking or writing. When writing in Chinese (homework, email, text messages, etc.), I don't like the fact that I can't say exactly what I want. It bothers me when the teacher uses a Chinese word I don't know. When speaking Chinese, I feel uncomfortable if I can't communicate my ideas clearly. I feel disappointed when I realize I've used incorrect tones when speaking Chinese. I feel bothered when I hear a Chinese person pronounced mandarin with the tongue curled. 1 2 3 4 Part C: Confidence Problem This part of the quantity survey questionnaire was adopted the questionnaire by Wo-Hsin Chu, Dong-Yi Lin, Tsung-Ying Chen, Pei-Shu Tsai, Chao-Hua Wang,2014: The relationships between ambiguity tolerance, learning strategies, and learning Chinese as a second language. System49 (2015)1-16. Wo-Hsin Chu was using Likert scale with 4 numerical response formats. In this part of the questionnaire, we were using the question 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, and 14. But question 7 were slightly changed due to this question have a little related with the problem of confidence. The following item describe the confidence problem towards University Malaysia Sabah when learning the mandarin as a second language. Please answer the following question by using the (). 1-Very Satisfied No . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2-Satisfied 3-Dissatisfied 4-Very Dissatisfied Questions When I write Chinese compositions, I don't like it when I can't express my ideas exactly. Sometimes I don't completely understand some Chinese grammar and I find this frustrating and disappointing. I don't like the feeling that my Chinese pronunciation is not quite correct. One thing I don't like about reading in Chinese is having to guess at the meaning. I am quite bothered by the fact the Chinese characters writing system is completely different form my native alphabet. It is less confident that even though I've studied Chinese grammar, I still find some of it very hard to use when speaking or writing Do and Don't 1 2 3 4 There will have so do and don't during doing the research. For the do part in the research, the question should be constructed for a specific period time. They are time for-consuming for interviewers to admitter. Interviewee must prepare the best time for interview. Example, UMS's students have free time around 12pm until 1pm and most of them like to stay at library during time break. Besides that, the question should be short and simple. Most of the respondents do not like to read a long question. They like the direct questions because it is easier to understand and not take a long time to answer. Furthermore, the question should be relative to the problem. The questions that we will ask in questionnaire should always be geared to answering our research questions. Ensure that the questionnaire questions you ask will allow your research questions to be addressed. The question that is not related with your research will waste your respondent time answering the question. Next is preparing symmetry between a question and its answers. A common mistake is for a question and its answers to be out of phase with each other. Tips and skills 'Matching question and answers in closed questions' describe such an instance. For the do not part, double-barrelled questions should no happen in the research. Double-barrelled question are ones that in fact ask about two things. This problem with this kind of question is that it leaves respondent unsure about how best to respond. Moreover, ambiguous terms in questions also should no happen during doing the research. Researcher must avoid term such as 'often' and 'regularly' as a measure of frequency. They are very ambiguous, because respondent will operate with different frames of reference when employing them. Next one is about the questions that include negatives. The problem with questions with 'not' or similar formulations in them is that it is easy for the respondent to miss the word out when completing a self-completion. Question with double negatives should be totally avoided, because it is difficult to know how to respond to them. In an addition, researcher should use technical terms for the respondent. Researcher can use simple, plain language and avoid jargon. Many respondents will not know the certain word, and furthermore they are likely to have different views of what it means. Advantages of qualitative data The one of the advantage of qualitative data is researcher will receive more detail and data will the correspond of sampling during in the form of comprehensive written descriptions or visual evidence, and also through face-to face which is an interview. Researcher can get the quick answer from the respondent and any exchange view or suggestion can be make it on that time. Researcher can know any kind of problems that related to their research immediately and solutions can be taken to solve it. This might bring more advantage for researcher to realize the current problem that faced by and to avoid mistake being to get worse or too late to make adjustment. This might affect the progress for the researcher to complete the research and cause the loose in term of money and time. For example, if the researcher get to know the mistake that done by them late then they need re-do the overall process again and waste more money and time if compare with the situation that might give them know early. Besides that, research can create openness among respondent. During the interview, researcher may ask many of questions regarding to the researcher research topics. Respondent can answer the questions based on open minded regarding the topics and answer is not restricted with the general view. By this, the answer provided by the respondent can be open minded and more accurate. They will answer the questions with particular answer and can argue with particular points. This will encouraging people to expand on their responses can open up new topic areas and views. The data in qualitative research depends on human experience and this is more compelling and powerful than data gathered through quantitative research. The qualitative data such as an interview, which is answered by a responded by verbally is fully depends on their experiences. The data obtained based on a people's experiences are more strong enough and powerful to make an analysis of research. The respondent will answer the exact and current issue of the topics and it will helps the researcher to obtain more accurate information through respondent past experiences. The data or information obtained from those respondents will strongly support the researcher's research. Disadvantages of qualitative data One of the disadvantages of qualitative data is researcher difficult to make systematic comparisons. The process of set the right question that really can fully represent the research problem question is very hard to get it true 100%. Question is very important to figure out the actual outcome if not the study scope of the problem statement will definitely might mislead researcher. If compare with the quantitative method, research is not need go through many complicated selection process and it can make comparison with one year to another year or other variables with one another very easily with financial tool such as SPSS. Besides that, the skills of the researcher how conduct the research. All the matter of collecting data method is conduct freely by the researcher. This might leave the bias situation for selected target respondent and also the data collection method. Those methods that prefer by the researcher wont necessary represent the best method that should be using to collect the data. (Especially in the case of conducting interviews, focus groups and observation.) Limit sample size also one of the disadvantages of qualitative data. The selected sampling by research may be not very accurate to represent the whole house property situation in Malaysia. This is because of the bias of the collector or distributor on certain period. For example, researcher might choose the own race, ethnic, age of respondent based not on the criteria that set before. This situation might be significant occurring when the situation of collection questionnaire data is not convenient or out of the expectation for researcher then the probability for them to unrepresentative data collection may occurred. The limited resource such as funding for conducting the research by researcher will make their scope of data collection is limited or insufficient data to study the case study. This might end with the result of research is unable to represent the actual situation of the problem. The result might mislead or make the reader confusing about the outcome. Advantages of quantitative data. Research data is collated because it's simply based on numbers and easier to collate and place together into a form of chart. The calculation tool on market have many type such as SPSS, e-view, excel words and so on make the calculation for the data is very easy to compute and get the answer within the short time period. On the other hand, all the data obtained from SPSS, excel word and so on can be transformed into graph, bar chart and pie chart to make an better analysis. Quantitative research allows the researcher to measure and analyse data. Quantitative research consists of numbers and researcher will measure the numerical data by using related formulas. Every data value has its own measurement or formula to measure. Researcher will use those formulas to measure the data value and will make an analysis based on the research topics. Researcher will make an analysis of measurement wheatear the data has obtained strong enough to support the research. Quantitative research can be used to test hypotheses in experiments because of its ability to measure data using statistics. Qualitative research can be used to test the hypothesis of research which is to reject null hypothesis or make an alternative hypothesis. To test those hypotheses, researchers need statistic knowledge to calculate the statistical values such as regression model. Researcher will use either excel or SPSS to calculate the statistical value. From the obtained value, researcher will make an analysis to test the hypothesis. Will obtain the accuracy of result (quantitative methods are designed to provide summaries of data that support research). Quantitative data or research will always obtain accurate result because its consist of numerical value and measurement tools. For example, if researcher wanted to calculate t-value, p-value, and ratio of the research topics the researcher either can use SPSS or excel word to calculate those values. By using SPSS and excel word, it will obtain an accurate value of measurement and it will helps the researcher to make an analysis of research. Disadvantages of quantitative data The one of the disadvantages of quantitative data is large sample of the population must be collected. Quantitative data must be needed to study the large amount of population or large amount of real time data to make an analysis. For example, if a researcher to analysis the potential of a financial status of a company, the researcher must take at least 30 years real time data to make an analysis to get an accurate result. It is consume more time to measure and make an analysis of the data. Sometimes, making a large amount of population to measure, will not obtain an accurate data and the data might not support the research topic. Besides that, the research is not always up to date. The year changes from year to year, therefore the data that researcher collected also changes from year to years. The quantitative data is not up to date to every year. The data will change as the year's changes. Previous researcher makes an analysis and obtains the data based on the current year. As the year past, the data will not same as another year. For example, interest rate of year 2004 is much more different to the interest rate of year 2016. Sometimes they don't update the data frequently. When the researcher uses those data for their research, it will not obtain accurate result for their research. The results are limited as they provide a numerical description (which is showed only N/A in financial data). In quantitative data, some numerical data is not provided. For example, to make an analysis of financial data of a company, that company not provided all the financial data in particular year. It has stated as N/A (not available) in financial data. All these problems make a researcher to face hardship to overcome their research and obtain an accurate data. REFERENCES Cohen, A. 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