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Brian's Featsurant Supply is preparing its cash bodgets for the firt wo mochs of the upcoming year. Here is the information about the compamys upcoming cash teceipts and caak oiabursements (1) (Cick the icon te view the intomistion) Requirements 1. Prepare schedules of (a) budpetid cash colections, (b) budgetod caeh payments for purchases, and (c) budpoled canh payments for operating expentes show totais for nach month and toedals for January and Fobruary combined. 2. Propose a combined caat bodget. If po financing activily takes place, what is the budgeted cash batunce on Fobruary 2 ti? More info 5. 1otals for January and February combined. a. Sales are 70% cash and 30% credi. Crebt sales are colected 30% in the month of awi and the remainder in the month atfer sale. Actual sales in Decembor were $57,000 schediles of budgeled sales for the two months of the upcoming yoar are an follows: b. Actual purchases of direct materia/s in December were $25,400. The companys purchases of drect materials in Jacuary are budgeled to be $21,000 and $26.000 in February. All purchases are paid 25% in the monet of purchase and 75% the folowing morth. c. Salaries and sales commissions are also paid hay in the morth eamed and hat the next month. Actuat salares were 57.600 in December Budgoted salaries in January are $8,500 and Febrrary budgeied salaries are 510,000 : Salos commistions each menth are 0% of that menthis sales d. Fent expente is $3,200 per menth. e. Depreclation is 12,200 per month t. Eatmated income tax payments are made at the end of January. The estimaled lax payment ia piolected to be 114,000 9. The cash balance at the end of the prior year was $21,000. fi) Cilick the ican to wiew the intomabion) Requiremants 1. Prepore schedules of (a) bubpeted cath colections, (b) budgeted cash payment for purchases, and (c) buspobed cash payments for operatng expenses shos leWis tor each mionth and totale fot January and Februmy combined. 2. Prepare a combinve cash budget, if rio binancing ativity takes plice, what is the budgoted cash bataree on Febriary 29